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<更新日時> 03月19日(火) 09:41
Чтобы не ошибиться, Sima Blythe нужно знать определенные правила. И она также усиливает определенные аспекты персонажа и помогает преодолевать определенные трудности по мере прохождения игры. Еще во времена Египетских фараонов уникальными свойствами меда восхищались, их изучали им посвящали трактаты, их исследовали, и создавали культы. Его часто подают к праздничному столу, он сытный и приятный на вкус, [Redirect-Meta-0] желатиновая масса приятно тает во рту. Качественную древесину можно получить во время рубки деревьев - березы и дуба, Www.fvrc.ru/forums/index.php/topic,250323.new.html а смола выпадает с грейлингов и грейдворфов с определенным шансом. На 3 л хмельного меда хватит одной чайной ложки корицы. На этом этапе развития патологии больной практически не может обходиться без опоры при ходьбе и вынужден использовать трость. На рентгеновском снимке будут видны отчетливые нарушения строения суставов и уплотнение костной ткани. Для придания медовухе из меда специфического вкуса и аромата часто используют добавки из специй, приправ, Spearboard.com/member.php?u=805661 ягод и фруктов. Для начала вам потребуется найти мед и матку пчелы. 2. Когда он остынет до 60°С, 24Tov.Com.ua/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=415673 в него добавляют мед.
This post has been w ritt en with GSA Content G enerator DEMO.
Когда найдете мед и матку пчелы, Www.fvrc.ru/forums/index.php/topic,250316.new.html у вас откроется чертеж улья. После того, как вы построите Улей подождите 1-2 внутриигровых дня, чтобы можно было собрать мед. Для того, чтобы извлечь руду (silver ore) из месторождения (silver vein), Forum.d-dub.com/member.php?839210-Svetlanawre вам потребует кирка (pickage). Для начального процесса брожения медовухи необходимы дрожжи. Стандартный рецепт: https://www.galgo.com/blog/autos/revision-tecnica-de-tu-vehiculo вода (1 л), мед (40 г), Himeuta.org/member.php?1530972-Svetlanabqh сухие дрожжи (20 г). Вы можете нафармить мед из сот в дикой природе, но это длительный процесс, Blender.fi/foorumi/viewtopic.php?t=15216 и есть шанс умереть от яда. Естественно, pretty4u.co.kr проще всего будет попросту бросить его в кастрюльку и перемешать, Mail.spearboard.com/member.php?u=804989 но есть и лучший метод. Благодаря этому появляется возможность получить небольшое количество меда, Да пойдём, посмотрим но это все же не главное. Перга же наполнит всеми возможными витаминами, Alejandra Moats минералами, [http://forum.d-dub.com/member.php?840311-Svetlanajtg] микро и макро элементами. В зависимости от них игроки могут предпринимать меры по улучшению производства меда. Мы опубликовали гайд, в котором расскажет как приготовить медовуху и создать улей, Forofjcruiser.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=25449 необходимый для производства меда. В определенном улье может производиться до 4 единиц меда. Теперь добавьте немного меда и все, Forum-Gsmlab.com/member.php?u=25411 что требуется по рецепту для создания основы для медовухи. Это все, Www.ts-gaminggroup.com/showthread.php?141156-%D0%A0%D1%9A%D0%A0%C2%B5%D0%A0%D2%91-%D0%A0%D1%9F%D0%A1%E2%80%B9%D0%A0%C2%BB%D0%A1%D0%8A%D0%A1%E2%80%A0%D0%A0%C2%B0-%D0%A0%D1%9F%D0%A0%C2%B5%D0%A1%D0%82%D0%A0%D1%96%D0%A0%C2%B0&p=823664 что вам нужно было знать о приготовлении медовухи в Valheim.
Вам также понадобится бродильная бочка, 24Tov.Com.ua/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=415667 для которой вам понадобится бронза. После того, как вы создадите медовуху, 24TOV.Com.ua/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=415684 вам понадобится скрафтить еще одну вещь, чтобы можно было перебродить полученный напиток. Почти в каждой норвежской игре есть какая-то отсылка на медовуху, Forum.d-dub.com/member.php?840311-Svetlanajtg и Valheim не изменяет этой тенденции. Зелья Valheim и Mead могут существенно изменить правила игры в этой очень сложной игре на выживание. Зелья и медовуха позволяют предотвратить негативные статусные эффекты и получить полезные. За счет этого полезные свойства компонентов не разрушаются. Польза готового продукта усиливается за счет использования особого способа приготовления, не подразумевающего кипячение. В игре предусмотрено три способа согреться - использование тёплой одежды, Forum.Gokickoff.com/index.php?topic=32637.new разведение костров и употребление морозоустойчивой медовухи (frost resistance mead). В качестве тёплой одежды подойдет волчья броня (wolf armor). Но можно для решения задачи поставить несколько контейнеров. Но если вы поймаете пчелиную матку из улья, вы сможете создать свой собственный улей. Но это уже при помощи добавки в нее крепкого алкоголя - спирта или самогона. Втирать массирующими движениями в больной сустав 2-3 раза в день. Th is art ic le has been generated by GSA C ontent Generator DEMO.
Ректально по 1 свече 2-3 раза в день. 5. Делать аппликации голубой глиной 2-3 раза в неделю. Пчелы получают пергу из зерен пыльцы, которые медом запечатываются в сотах. Она совершенно безопасна и гарантированно натуральна, Forum.bratsk.org/member.php?u=101443 поскольку пергу практически невозможно подделать. Она обладает уникальнейшим ферментом - церраза. Рецептов приготовления существует большое множество, потому и сам напиток получается немного разным. В его составе очень большое количество органических и углеводных веществ. Если вы видите, что изначально запланированное количество дрожжей (в нашем случае, одна чайная ложка на 10 литров будущей медовухи), не работает так, Dev-forum.vmssoftware.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=113968 как нужно, добавьте еще немного. Если мед не настоящий, Forofjcruiser.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=25453 запаха у него нет, Apelacia.ru/member.php?u=156006 потому что процесс его приготовления подразумевает добавление обычного сахара. Перед тем как приготовить алкогольную медовуху в домашних условиях, http://www.baio.co.kr следует правильно выбрать мед. Рассуждая на тему того, Forum.D-Dub.com/member.php?839468-Svetlanaosp как сделать медовуху в домашних условиях, используемые рецепты, сразу хотелось бы сказать, что одним из главных моментов здесь является правильный подбор компонентов. После того, как все будет готово, Continue... подойдите к котлу, и вы найдете кучу рецептов, готовых к использованию. Th is art ic le has been done with GSA C on tent Gener ator Demoversion.
If you have any concerns relating to wherever and Forums.outdoorreview.com/member.php?312824-Svetlananfh how to use http://forum.ll2.ru/member.php?744469-Svetlanachz, you can call us at our web site.
<更新日時> 07月01日(土) 01:41
Timo Meier scored on a feed from Erik Karlsson in overtime as the San Jose Sharks rallied past Tampa Bay 4-3 on Tuesday night, snapping the Lightning's franchise-record, 12-game home winning streak.
The Sharks controlled play for most of the three-on-three session, and Karlsson helped the visitors post their second straight win with a slick diagonal pass that Meier easily netted at 2:19.
Meier finished with two goals and an assist while Karlsson notched a goal and two helpers.Jonah Gadjovich also tallied for EVdeN EVE NAKliYat the San Jose, which won for just the second time in its past 10 matchups (2-7-1) against the Lightning.
Brayden Point scored twice in Tampa Bay's three-goal first period, and evden eVe NAkLiYAt Ross Colton also tallied.Nikita Kucherov had two assists, and Brian Elliott made 18 saves. The Lightning lost for the first time in six overtime decisions.
Penguins 2, Avalanche 1 (OT)
Kris Letang scored at 3:36 of overtime to give Pittsburgh a win over visiting Colorado in the first game following the All-Star break for EVDEn EvE nAkliYaT both teams.
The Penguins killed off a penalty in overtime, then scored during a delayed penalty call.Letang, from the left dot, took a feed from Sidney Crosby, who was behind the net, and wristed it off the pads of Colorado goaltender Pavel Francouz.
Bryan Rust also scored, and Evgeni Malkin had two assists for the Penguins, who had lost two straight (0-1-1) and six of nine (3-3-3).Pittsburgh goaltender Casey DeSmith, making his fourth straight start as he fills in for injured No. 1 goalie Tristan Jarry, made 41 saves. Nathan MacKinnon scored Colorado's lone goal.
Oilers 5, Red Wings 2
Warren Foegele scored two second-period goals, and visiting Edmonton defeated Detroit.
Ryan Nugent-Hopkins and Evander Kane each had a goal and an assist.If you beloved this article and also you would like to be given more info about EvdEN Eve NAKliyat generously visit our own page. Ryan McLeod also scored for the Oilers, who are 8-0-1 in their last nine games. Jack Campbell made 30 saves. Tyler Bertuzzi and Joe Veleno scored for the Red Wings, while Ville Husso stopped 22 shots.
With Michael Rasmussen in the penalty box for interference, the Oilers got some breathing room with 4:22 left in the third.Nugent-Hopkins scored his 23rd goal of the season off Tyson Barrie's pass from the point to make it 4-2. Kane scored an empty-netter with 2:37 left to seal the victory.
Islanders 4, Kraken 0
Samuel Bolduc and Bo Horvat scored milestone goals and Ilya Sorokin stopped all 32 shots he faced as New York continued surging with a win over Seattle in Elmont, N.Y.
Bolduc, appearing in his fifth career game, gave the Islanders the lead with his first NHL goal early in the first period.Horvat, whom New York acquired from the Vancouver Canucks on Jan. 30 and signed to an eight-year contract on Sunday, scored his first goal for his new team to close out the scoring in the second period.
Simon Holmstrom and Zach Parise also scored for the Islanders, who won their fourth straight and scored more than four goals for the first time since a 6-2 win over the Canucks on Jan. 3 -- when Horvat scored both goals for Vancouver.
Golden Knights 5, Predators 1
William Carrier, Chandler Stephenson and Phil Kessel each had a goal and an assist, and visiting Vegas held Nashville to a season-low 17 shots on goal en route to a victory.
Michael Amadio also scored, and Alex Pietrangelo added an empty-netter as Vegas returned from the All-Star break to snap a 0-2-2 skid.Adin Hill didn't work too hard in stopping 16 shots to record his career-high 11th win. The Predators' 17 shots were the fewest yielded by the Golden Knights this season.
Meanwhile, it was the third time this season that Nashville failed to record at least 20 shots.Matt Duchene had the lone tally for the Predators, who had won three straight and entered this contest 9-4-0 since losing 5-4 at Vegas in overtime on New Year's Eve.
Ducks 3, Blackhawks 2 (OT)
Frank Vatrano scored 2:15 into overtime to lift visiting Anaheim over Chicago.
Vatrano scored with a backhand off a feed from Isac Lundestrom to end Anaheim's eight-game losing streak against the Blackhawks.Brett Leason and Jayson Megna each had a goal and an assist and Anthony Stolarz made 27 saves for the Ducks, who are 4-0-1 in their past five games.
Jason Dickinson had a goal and an assist, Seth Jones also scored and Petr Mrazek made 23 saves for the Blackhawks, who have dropped four of five.
--Field Level Media
<更新日時> 07月01日(土) 01:07
Michael Irvin has filed a $100 million lawsuit against a female employee at a Renaissance Hotel in Arizona, EVdEN eVE nAkliYat who claimed the Cowboys legend made an inappropriate comment towards her this week, resulting in his dismissal from NFL Network's ongoing LVII coverage.Renaissance Hotels' parent company, Marriott, is also named in the lawsuit for allegedly scheming to make Irvin the The NFL Network personality says he being 'railroaded' with false accusations that are threatening his broadcasting career.
'After a friendly 45 second conversation with the employee in an open lobby that was witnessed by others, multiple witnesses have provided statements verifying Michael was a gentleman and behaved just like you see on television,' reads a statement from McCathern, the Texas law firm representing Irvin. 'He was being gracious with fans, taking pictures and speaking with anyone who wanted some of his time.'
Marriott spokespeople have not responded to DailyMail.com's request for comment.
Michael Irvin has filed a $100 million lawsuit against a woman who claimed the Cowboys legend made an inappropriate comment towards her this week at an Arizona hotel, resulting in his dismissal from NFL Network's ongoing Super Bowl LVII coverage
Renaissance Hotels' parent company, Marriott, is also named in the lawsuit for allegedly scheming to make Irvin the next victim of ' cancel culture.' The alleged incident is believed to have taken place at the Renaissance Hotel location in Glendale, Arizona (pictured)
After returning to his room following the brief exchange with the woman, Irving claims he was woken up by hotel staff, who removed him from the hotel without explanation.
'Plaintiff was judged guilty without even knowing the accusations,' the lawsuit reads. 'A few days later, Plaintiff was removed from his scheduled programming, and essentially ''kicked off the air'' and ''cancelled'' due to these allegations.'
In his lawsuit, Irving claims he has witnesses who can support his statement that he and Doe 'casually exchanged pleasantries,' adding that the 56-year-old 'shook her hand, and went to his room alone.'
The filing also claims that the hotel refused to listen to eye-witness accounts of the interaction.
What's more, the hotel manager is accused in reporting the incident to the NFL 'with the intention of damaging that relationship and canceling [Irvin].'
'Evidently, evDEN EvE nAKLiYat as Plaintiff was sleeping one of the managers of the Hotel reported false information to the NFL about the Plaintiff accusing him of improper behavior towards a hotel employee,' the lawsuit reads. 'The NFL responded by removing Plaintiff from all scheduled programming surrounding the Super Bowl. Plaintiff's representatives have reached out to the hotel and even met in person to obtain clarity about this situation and provide witnesses and resolve this matter before Plaintiff's reputation could be damaged any further—but to no avail.'
In his lawsuit, Irving claims he has witnesses who can support his statement that he and Doe 'casually exchanged pleasantries,' adding that the 56-year-old 'shook her hand, and went to his room alone
Irving says he's already had appearances canceled as a result of the accusations.
'It is clear Michael is the latest victim of our cancel culture where all it takes is an accusation to ruin a person's life,' McCathern said in the firm's statement. 'Michael looks forward to clearing his name in court and hopes the Court of public opinion will see the truth come out as well.'
'When I came into the hotel [on Sunday night], they asked what I did and evDEN eVe NaKLiYaT kindly browse through the web-site.
Although no formal complaint was filed, the hotel did notify NFL Network about the alleged incident, leading to Irvin's removal, DailyMail.com has learned.
The 56-year-old Irvin gave his side of the story to Dallas radio station on Wednesday morning, saying he briefly spoke with a woman in his hotel lobby, but can't remember what he said to prompt a complaint.
'Michael Irvin will not be part of the NFL Network's Super Bowl LVII week coverage,' NFL Network spokesman Alex Reithmiller told DailyMail.com in a statement.
Irvin has faced other accusations in the past.
In 1996, EvDeN EVE NaKLiyat a Cowboys cheerleader claimed that Irvin and Dallas offensive lineman Erik Williams sexually assaulted her at gunpoint, but the accuser later pled guilty to perjury and filing a false police report.
Kansas City Chiefs head coach Andy Reid speaks with NFL Network reporter Michael Irvin during Super Bowl Opening Night at Footprint Center
That same year, Irvin was arrested with cocaine and EvDEN EvE nAkliYaT exotic dancers at a hotel room, later pleading guilty to drug possession. He would be arrested for cocaine possession again in 2001, although those charges were ultimately dropped.
In a civil suit, Irvin was accused of sexual assault at a Florida casino in 2007.He filed a counterclaim and the two sides settled out of court.
Florida prosecutors declined to charge Irvin over accusations he drugged and sexually assaulted a 27-year-old woman in March of 2017 due to a lack of evidence.
Irvin told reporters in July of 2017 that he has lost 'millions' of dollars in endorsements and business deals as a result of the claims made against him.He also said he was 'devastated' by the allegations, partly because they were made by a young woman he considered to be a friend.
The woman claimed she was at a bar in Miami with Irvin when they decided to go to his room at the W Hotel in Fort Lauderdale.Shortly after arriving at the room, she claimed she began to feel sick and the last thing she remembered was trying to fight Irvin off, she told police at the time.
She told police she did not remember anything else until she woke up the next morning.After taking an Uber home about 7:30am, she called police to report the alleged drugging and rape.
<更新日時> 06月30日(金) 16:55
As concern grows over social media, U.S.lawsuits stack up
Surge in mental health problems worst among girls
Lawyers zone in on algorithm designs, whistleblower leaks
Others see platforms as scapegoat for society's woes
By Avi Asher-Schapiro
LOS ANGELES, Feb 8 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - At about the time her daughter reached the age of 12, American health executive Laurie saw her once confident, happy child turning into someone she barely recognized.At first, she thought a bad case of adolescent angst was to blame.
Initially, her daughter had trouble sleeping and grappled with episodes of self-loathing and anxiety, but by the time she was 14, she had started cutting herself and was having suicidal thoughts.
Without Laurie knowing, she had been sneaking away her confiscated smartphone and spending hours online at night, trawling through posts about self-harm and eating disorders on social media platforms.
"One day she said to me: 'Mom, I'm going to hurt myself badly if I don't get help,'" Laurie said as she described the mental health crises that have plagued her daughter for the last two years, disrupting her education and devastating the family's finances.
She asked to use only her first name in order to protect the identity of her daughter.
Paying for her daughter's care - therapists, a psychiatrist, and multiple residential treatment facilities across the country - has nearly bankrupted Laurie, who recently sold her house in California and moved to a cheaper home in another state.
In August, she filed a lawsuit on behalf of her daughter against the social media platforms she blames for the ordeal: Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok.
The case is one of dozens of similar U.S.lawsuits which argue that, when it comes to children, social media is a dangerous product - like a car with a faulty seat-belt - and that tech companies should be held to account and pay for the resulting harms.
"Before (she used) social media, there was no eating disorder, there was no mental illness, there was no isolation, there was no cutting, none of that," Laurie told the Thomson Reuters Foundation about her daughter, who is identified as C.W.in the suit.
Don Grant, a psychologist who specializes in treating children with mental health issues linked to digital devices, said Laurie's predicament is increasingly common.
"It's like every night, kids all over the country sneak out of their houses and go to play in the sewers under the city with no supervision. That's what being online can be like," he said.
"You think just because your kids are sitting in your living room they're safe - but they're not."
Facebook's parent company Meta Platforms Inc, Snap Inc, which owns Snapchat, and evDen evE NakLiyaT TikTok declined to comment on individual lawsuits, but said they prioritized children's safety online.
Meta executives, under criticism over internal data showing its Instagram app damaged the mental health of teenagers, have highlighted the positive impacts of social media, and their efforts to better protect young users.
Laurie is represented by the Social Media Victims Law Center, a firm co-founded by veteran trial lawyer Matt Bergman, who won hundreds of millions of dollars suing makers of the building material asbestos for concealing its linkage with cancer in the 1990s and early 2000s.
Bergman decided to turn his attention to social media after former Facebook executive Frances Haugen leaked thousands of internal company documents in 2021 that showed the company had some knowledge of the potential harm its products could cause.
"These companies make the asbestos industry look like a bunch of Boy Scouts," Bergman said.
Facebook has said the Haugen papers have been mischaracterized and taken out of context, and that Wall Street Journal articles based on them "conferred egregiously false motives to Facebook's leadership and employees".
Bergman's firm has signed up more than 1,200 clients including Laurie over the past year, taking out television ads asking families who worry about their children's social media use to get in touch on a toll-free hotline.
In addition to more than 70 cases involving child suicide, the firm has collected over 600 cases linked to eating disorders.Dozens more accuse social media firms of failing to prevent sex trafficking on their platforms, or stem from accidental deaths after children attempted viral stunts allowed to spread online.
In late 2022, 80 similar federal suits from 35 different jurisdictions were consolidated together and are now being considered by the U.S.District Court for the Northern District of California.
Laurie's suit is part of a similar bundle of suits filed in California state courts.
None of these cases - or any of those filed by Bergman - have yet to be heard by a jury, and it is not clear if they ever will.
First, he has to get past Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a provision that provides technology companies some legal immunity for content published on their platform by third parties.
Courts routinely cite the provision when they dismiss lawsuits against social media firms, which prevents the cases from moving on to trial.
In October, for example, a court in Pennsylvania blocked a lawsuit against TikTok brought on behalf of a child who died after suffocating themselves doing a so-called blackout challenge that was widely shared on the video-sharing site.
When it was enacted in the 1990s, Section 230 was intended to shield the nascent tech industry from being crushed under waves of lawsuits, providing space for companies to experiment with platforms that encouraged user-generated content.
Laura Marquez-Garrett, a lawyer with the Social Media Victims Law Center who is taking the lead on Laurie's case, said she believed her cases could be won if a court agreed to hear them.
"The moment we get to litigate ... and move forward, it's game over," she said.
Bergman and Marquez-Garrett are part of growing cohort of lawyers who think Section 230 is no longer tenable, as political pressure builds on the issue.
President Joe Biden has voiced support for "revoking" Section 230, and politicians in both parties have proposed legislation that would scrap or tweak the provision. But so far, no reform packages have gained traction, shifting the focus of reform efforts to litigation.
"We aren't talking about small companies experimenting with new technology; we're talking about huge companies who have built harmful products," Bergman said.
Bergman and his team say the harm to their clients is not primarily about harmful speech that just so happened to be posted online, but that it can directly be attributed to design decisions made by the tech companies.
His lawsuits focus on the building of algorithms that maximize the amount of time children spend online and push them towards harmful content; the way friend recommendation features can introduce children to predatory adults - as well as the lax controls for parents who want to restrict access.
"These lawsuits are about specific design decisions social media platforms have made to maximize profit over safety," Bergman said.
Asked by the Thomson Reuters Foundation to comment on the company's product designs, Meta sent an emailed statement from its global head of safety, Antigone Davis, who said the company takes children's safety seriously.
"We want teens to be safe online. We've developed more than 30 tools to support teens and families, including supervision tools that let parents limit the amount of time their teens spend on Instagram, and age verification technology that helps teens have age-appropriate experiences," the statement read.
A Snap spokesperson did not comment directly on the pending litigation, adding in a statement that "nothing is more important to us than the wellbeing of our community."
"We curate content from known creators and publishers and use human moderation to review user generated content before it can reach a large audience, which greatly reduces the spread and discovery of harmful content," the statement added.
Laurie's lawsuit - which was filed in late August in the Superior Court of Los Angeles - alleges that TikTok, Meta and Snap, are "contributing to the burgeoning mental health crisis perpetrated upon the children and teenagers of the United States."
"I'm doing this for parents everywhere," she said.
A sharp increase in depression and suicide among U.S.teenagers coincided with a surge in social media use about a decade ago, though a slew of research has reached mixed conclusions about a possible link.
Bergman is not the first lawyer to try to bring a tech firm to court for building an allegedly harmful product.
Carrie Goldberg, a New York-based lawyer, helped to popularize the notion that social media software is essentially like any other consumer product - and that harms it causes in the real world should open up manufacturers to lawsuits.
In 2017, she sued the dating app Grindr on behalf of Matthew Herrick, a man who was stalked and threatened online by an ex-boyfriend, but could not get Grindr to block his harasser.
Goldberg argued that Grindr's decision to make it difficult to kick harassers off the app should open the company up to some liability as designers of the product, but the court disagreed - ruling that Grindr merely facilitated communications, and was therefore protected under Section 230.
"I couldn't get in front of a jury," Goldberg recalled, saying that if such cases were allowed to proceed to trial, they would likely succeed.
A lot has changed in the last five years, she said: the public has become less trusting of social media companies and courts have started to entertain the notion that lawyers should be able to sue tech platforms in the same way as providers of other consumer products or services.
In 2021, the 9th Circuit Court in California ruled that Snap could potentially be held liable for the deaths of two boys who died in a high-speed car accident that took place while they were using a Snapchat filter that their families say encouraged reckless driving.
In October, the U.S.Supreme Court decided to hear a case against Google that accuses its YouTube video platform of materially supporting terrorism due to the algorithmic recommendation of videos by the Islamic State militant group.
Legal experts said that case could set an important precedent for how Section 230 applies to the content recommendations that platforms' algorithms make to users - including those made to children such as Laurie's daughter.
"The pendulum has really swung," Goldberg said."People no longer trust these products are operating in the public good, and the courts are waking up."
Outside the United States, the balance has shifted still further, and is beginning to be reflected both in consumer lawsuits and regulation.
In September, a British government inquest faulted social media exposure for the suicide of a 14-year-old girl, and lawmakers are poised to implement stringent rules for age verification for social media firms.
But aside from a recent bill in California that mandates "age appropriate design" decisions, efforts in the United States to pass new laws governing digital platforms have largely faltered.
Trial lawyers like Bergman say that leaves the issue in their hands.
Laurie's daughter got her first cellphone in the sixth grade, when she started taking the bus to school alone.When her mental health began to deteriorate soon after, her mother did not initially make a connection.
"In many ways I was a helicopter parent," Laurie said. "I did everything right - I put the phone in the cupboard at night, we spoke about the appropriate use of technology around the dinner table."
Now, Laurie knows her daughter had secretly opened multiple social media accounts in an attempt to evade her mother's vigilance, spending hours connected at night in her bedroom.
Laurie soon realized her daughter was wearing long-sleeved shirts to cover up cutting scars on her arms.
"When I asked her about it, she said, "Mom, there are videos showing you how to do it on TikTok, and Snapchat - they show you what tools to use."
TikTok and Snap said harmful content is not allowed on their platforms, and they take steps to remove it.
With her self-esteem plummeting, Laurie's daughter was introduced to older users on Snapchat and Instagram who sought to groom and sexually exploit her - including requesting sexually explicit images from her, according to her lawyers.
Although Laurie wanted to keep her daughter offline, social media platforms designed their products "to evade parental consent and control," her lawsuit alleges.
A Meta spokesperson pointed to a number of recent initiatives to give parents control over their children's online activity, including a "Family Center," introduced in 2022, which allows parents to monitor and limit time spent on Instagram.
Laurie's daughter surreptitiously opened five Instagram, six Snapchat and three TikTok accounts, according to her lawsuit, many before she turned 13 - the age when social media firms can allow minors to open accounts.
"There was no way for me to contact all these companies and say, 'don't let my daughter log in,'" Laurie said.
Though Laurie wanted to further restrict her daughter's social media access, she was concerned that - since all her classmates were communicating on the apps - her daughter would feel socially excluded without them.
Laurie's daughter is just one data point in a trend that psychologists have been trying to make sense of over the last decade.
Between the years of 2012 and 2015, U.S. teenagers reporting symptoms of depression increased by 21% - the number was double for girls, said Jean Twenge, an American psychologist and researcher studying mental health trends.
Three times as many 12- to 14-year-old girls killed themselves in 2015 as in 2007, Twenge said.
Until about 10 years ago, cases involving depression, self-harm and anxiety had been stable for decades, said Grant, the psychologist.
"Then we see this big spike around 2012 - what happened in 2011?If you adored this article so you would like to receive more info relating to EvDeN evE NaKLiYat kindly visit our own website. The advent of Snapchat and Instagram," he said.
One driver of this trend, researchers say, is social comparison - the way that products including Instagram and TikTok are engineered to push users to constantly compare themselves to their peers in a way that can torpedo self-esteem.
"She'd say "Mom, I'm ugly, I'm fat"," Laurie recalled of her daughter. "Keep in mind: she's 98 pounds (44 kg), and 5 foot 5 (165 cm)."
"So I'd ask her, 'why do you think this?' And she'd say, 'because I posted a photo and only four people liked it'."
Grant said he sees children hooked by very specific design choices that social media companies have made.
"Just think about endless scrolling - that's based on the motion of slot machines - addictive gambling," said Grant, who spent years treating adult addiction before turning his focus to children's technology use.
Still, mental health experts are divided on the interplay between children's mental health and social media use.
"Social media is often a scapegoat," said Yalda Uhls, a professor of developmental psychology at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).
"It's easier to blame (it) than the systematic issues in our society - there's inequality, racism, evdEn EvE NAKliyat climate change, and there's parenting decisions too."
While some children may attribute a mental health challenge to social media, others say the opposite. Polling by Pew in November showed that less than 10% of teens said social media was having a "mostly negative" impact on their lives.
There are still big gaps in research into concepts such as social media addiction and digital harm to children, said Jennifer King, a research fellow at the Stanford University Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence.
"But the internal research - the Frances Haugen documents - are damning," she said. "And of course, it was shark bait for trial lawyers."
Toney Roberts was watching CNN at 2 a.m. on a winter's evening in early 2022, when he saw an advertisement he never expected to see.
A woman on screen invited parents to call a 1-800 number if they had a "child (who) suffered a mental health crisis, eating disorder, attempted or completed suicide or was sexually exploited through social media."
"I thought, EVDEN EVE nAkliYaT wait, this is what happened to our daughter," he recalled.
It had been more than a year since he found his 14-year-old daughter Englyn hanging in her room. She eventually died from her injuries.
Roberts later discovered that his daughter had viewed a video depicting the specific suicide method on Instagram, and that in the months leading up to her death she had been sucked into an online world of self-harm content, and abuse.
He began to comb through his daughter's phone, creating a dossier of her mental health spiral, which he attributed to her use of Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat.
To his distress, he found the video that may have played a part in her death was still circulating on Instagram for months after she died.
Meta declined to comment on the Roberts case, but said in an emailed statement that the company does not "allow content that promotes suicide, self-harm or eating disorders."
After Roberts called the 1-800 number, Bergman and Marquez-Garrett flew to Louisiana to meet the family, and last July, he and his wife Brandy sued the three social media companies.
"I didn't want my daughter to be a statistic," Roberts said, adding that the user who created the video he thinks inspired his daughter's suicide still has an active Instagram account.
TikTok and Snapchat also declined to comment on the case.
Bergman often compares his cases against social media platforms to the avalanche of lawsuits that targeted tobacco companies in the 1950s onwards: lawyers only began winning cases after leaked documents showed advance knowledge of cancer-causing chemicals.
In Laurie's case, for example, the lawsuit cites documents made public by Haugen showing an internal Facebook conversation about how 70% of the reported "adult/minor exploitation" on the platform could be traced back to recommendations made through the "People You May Know" feature.
Another employee suggests in the same message board that the tool should be disabled for children.
Meta did not directly respond to a request for comment on the document.
Since the so-called Facebook Papers were first published in September 2021, Meta has made a number of changes, including restricting the ability of children to message adults who Instagram flags as "suspicious."
But at the time Laurie's daughter was using social media, none of the platforms had meaningful restrictions on the ability of adults to message children, her lawyers say, a design choice they argue should open the companies up to legal liability.
Bergman said facts like this illustrate social media litigation should become the next "Big Tobacco."
Some other lawyers are not convinced by the parallel, however.
"For every person that gets harmed or hurt in real ways, I suspect there are literally millions who have no problems at all, and are having a great time on the platform," said Jason Schultz, director of New York University's Tech Law and Policy Clinic.
"Courts are going to have to ask: is this really an inherently dangerous thing?"
King, for her part, agrees that design choices made by the platforms are problematic.
"There's growing evidence that the companies made design decisions that were so skewed toward promoting engagement, that they can lead users to very harmful places," she said.
John Villasenor, the co-director of the UCLA Institute for Technology, Law, and Policy, said it could be hard to distinguish between a well-designed algorithm and one that might under some circumstances promote addictive behaviors.
"It's not unreasonable for platforms to build digital products that encourage more engagement," he said.
"And evDEN EVE nAKliyAT if someone is prone to addiction, EVDEN evE nAKLiyAT and can't stop using it - is that always the platform's fault?"
In late 2022, Laurie's daughter returned home after spending a chunk of her high school years in residential treatment centers.
Each week, she sits down with her mother so they can go through everything she has posted on Instagram - the only social media platform Laurie decided to let her keep using, so she could still connect with her friends.
Today, she is doing much better, Laurie said."I feel like I have my daughter back."
Originally published at: website (Reporting by Avi Asher-Schapiro @AASchapiro; Editing by Helen Popper. The Thomson Reuters Foundation is the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters. Visit website
<更新日時> 06月30日(金) 15:15
Feb 6 (Reuters) - Ultra low-cost carrier Spirit Airlines Inc posted better-than-expected quarterly results on Monday, fueled by strong demand for air travel despite ongoing economic concerns.
Shares of Spirit rose over 7% to $21 in aftermarket trade.
U.S.airlines have been trying to cash in on strong demand for air travel, undeterred by rising interest rates and EvDeN evE NAkLiYat a looming recession, as pandemic restrictions ease.
"Leisure demand has remained strong," said Spirit's chief executive Ted Christie.
However, adverse weather, eVdEN EVE NAKLiYAt worker shortages and technical glitches have snarled operations over the past year.
Spirit earned $0.12 per share on an adjusted basis, above analyst estimates of $0. If you loved this information and you would like to receive more details relating to EVdeN eVe nAkLiYAt assure visit our page. 04 per share, eVDeN EVE NAkLiyat according to Refinitiv data.
The Miramar, Florida-based airline's total operating revenue in the quarter rose nearly 41% to $1.39 billion, compared with analysts' estimates of $1.38 billion. (Reporting by Nathan Gomes in Bengaluru; Editing by Krishna Chandra Eluri)
<更新日時> 06月30日(金) 13:43
A billionaire property developer has predicted that more New Yorkers will flee to due to high taxes and surging rates in the Big Apple.
Stephen Ross, 82, whose net worth is around $12billion, has said that people in the Northeast are looking for warmer climates a lot earlier than retirement.
Stephen Ross, 82, whose net worth is around $12billion, has said that people in the Northeast are looking for warmer climates a lot earlier than retirement and corporate spaces in the Sunshine State are thriving because of it
'It's tax issues, and there's the security issues.There's just the ease of living [in the South],' Ross said. Crime rates are up 2.6 percent compared to the same time last year in the Big Apple, with robbery and felony assault up 6.3 and 12.2 percent, respectively
In the past two years, major tech, finance, and law firms have ditched big cities like New York and Chicago for the comfort of the tax-free state.
Citadel, a hedge-fund company, recently left Chicago for Miami.Apollo Global Management and Blackstone Inc., both originally based out of New York, have also relocated to Florida, according to Bloomberg.
One of Related's Florida properties, dubbed The Square - a mixed-use development - has attracted the likes of Goldman Sachs and Point72 Asset Management, owned by Steve Cohen.
Related acquired Rosemary Square in 2019 and a five-year $550million investment plan to turn CityPlace - in downtown West Palm Beach - from a 'retail and entertainment center to a vibrant community and destination.'
Ross has been focusing on developing spaces in Florida.Related Companies - where Ross is a chairman - announced in 2019 it would invest $550million into The Square in West Palm Beach (pictured), which is a mix of residential, corporate, and retail space
The company's next development project - One Flagler (pictured) - is set to open in 2024.The company acquired the property for $20million in 2021 and the waterfront space will operate as an office building
It is also investing in Miami with its One Brickell City Centre building (pictured), as vacancy rates are low in the city
The property development company - which is also the mastermind behind New York's $25billion Hudson Yards project - owns another West Palm Beach property, One Flagler, which is set to open in 2024.The company acquired the property for $20million in 2021.
It also has a Miami property - One Brickell City Centre - coming in 2027. It .
Vacancy rates are higher in big cities outside of Florida than in the state.New York City's corporate vacancy rate is around 50 percent, compared to Florida's West Palm Beach at nine percent
Meanwhile, popular destinations in Florida are thriving, with office vacancy rates remaining under the national average of 12.2 percent, according to the (NAR). Here is more regarding EvdEN eve naKLiyaT stop by our own webpage.
West Palm Beach has a vacancy rate of nearly nine percent for evDEn eve NAkliYAT corporate buildings and Miami has a rate of 10 percent, according to NAR.
Despite all that, Ross said: 'New York will continue to grow.
'But it has its challenges, and a lot of people who don't have to be there are looking not to be there,' he continued. 'It's changing, it's getting younger, evdeN EVe NakLiYaT the older people are moving out, the wealthier people are moving out.'
However, EvdEn eVE nakLiYAT he said the younger crowd would still be attracted to the bright lights of New York City and that his development team would continue to have 'huge investments' in the Big Apple.
'But I think Florida is going to capture an awful lot of people,' he said.
<更新日時> 06月30日(金) 11:07
has reportedly been offered exciting new on-screen opportunities by amid claims she was left 'furious over a string of embarrassing errors' on Good Morning Britain.
An insider told that bosses are hoping to secure her long-term future on the show after they feared she would quit.
The source said: ' has some phenomenal programming ideas built around Susanna for later this year, all ones to which she has typically very proactively contributed to and helped build and inspire, so why would she walk away from them?'
Details surrounding the filming are not yet known but a number of programme ideas are said to be in the works.
MailOnline has reached out to Good Morning Britain for comment.
Career: Susanna Reid has reportedly been offered exciting new on-screen opportunities by ITV amid claims she was left 'furious over a string of embarrassing errors' on Good Morning Britain
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data-fff_url="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2023/02/09/16/67514427-11732481-image-a-1_1675959921559.jpg" data-fff_person_name="Susanna Reid" data-fff_product_id="1268588"
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<更新日時> 06月29日(木) 09:23
BENGALURU, Evden EVe NAkliYaT Feb 7 (Reuters) - Bharti Airtel Ltd , India's No.2 telecom carrier by subscribers, reported a bigger-than-expected increase in third-quarter revenue on Tuesday, EVDEN eVE nAKLiyat helped by 4G subscriber additions and higher revenue per user.
The company's consolidated revenue from operations rose to 358.04 billion rupees ($4.33 billion) for the three months ended Dec.31, from 298.67 billion rupees a year earlier.
Analysts, on average, had expected 357.27 billion rupees in revenue, according to Refinitiv IBES data.
Airtel said revenue from its India mobile services, which has about 332.24 million subscribers as of the December quarter, rose 20.8% to 193.53 billion rupees.
Its 4G data customers, too, increased by 6.4 million to hit 216.72 million.
Airtel's average revenue per user (ARPU), a key performance indicator for telecom firms, was at 193 rupees, EVDeN eve nAkliYat logging a 1.6% sequential rise and an 18.4% year-on-year increase.
Last month, EvDen EVE NAkLiyat market leader Reliance Jio, the telecom arm of conglomerate Reliance Industries, said its third-quarter ARPU stood at 178.2 rupees per subscriber per month, an increase of only 0.6% from a quarter ago and a 17.5% climb from a year ago.
Airtel added that mobile data consumption surged by 22.5% to 20.3 GB of usage per customer per month.
The company's net profit for the December quarter climbed to 15. If you have any concerns relating to exactly where and how to use EVDEn Eve nAkLiyAt, you can contact us at our own web-site. 88 billion rupees from 8.3 billion rupees a year ago.
Airtel shares closed 0.4% lower at 785.9 rupees ahead of the results.They had fallen 5.1% since late October when the company reported September-quarter results that beat analysts' revenue expectations. (Reporting by Rama Venkat in Bengaluru; Editing by Nivedita Bhattacharjee and Janane Venkatraman)
<更新日時> 06月29日(木) 08:17
Boy George's agent says ITV producers should consider stepping in to 'balance out' I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here - amid complaints from viewers that it has become 'The Matt Hancock Show'.
Top showbiz agent Jonathan Shalit, who represents the singer and current jungle camp mate, says other stars are 'suffering from a lack of airtime' because Matt Hancock is continuously being picked by the public to take on Bushtucker trials.
The former Health Secretary has been front and centre of this series of the hit show since joining the jungle as a late arrival.
Having put himself at the mercy of the British public after his often-criticised reaction to the Covid pandemic and his very public rule breaching affair, the MP is set to take part in his sixth Bushtucker challenge tonight.
He has taken part in a series of tough trials, including the dreaded eating challenge, alongside Boy George.In case you have any kind of issues relating to in which in addition to the best way to utilize Evden EvE NakLiYAT, EVDEn eVE nAkLiYAt you are able to call us from our own web site. Last night he was made 'Camp Leader' having been voted by viewers to compete against former England rugby star for the title.
And, having seemingly won some of the public over with his success in the trials, bookies now place him third favourite to be crowned King of the Jungle.
But while millions of Britons have enjoyed and voted to see the former cabinet minister squeal and EvdEN eVE NakLiyaT squirm during the challenges, some are now becoming 'bored' of the politician soaking up the screen time.
Professor Shalit, who has co-managed Boy George for the last two years, believes it may be time for producers of the hit show to intervene.
But the showbiz agent, whos is Chairman of InterTalent Rights Group, says all the campmates are currently benefiting from the 'genius' casting on this year's show.
Speaking to MailOnline, Professor Shalit, who also represents Boy George's I'm A Celeb campmate Scarlette Douglas, EvdEN EVE NaKLiYAt said: 'This year's series has indeed come The Matt Hancock Show, due to genius casting by ITV and what the viewers are enjoying.
Boy George's agent says ITV producers should consider stepping in to 'balance out' I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here - amid complaints from viewers that it has become 'The Matt Hancock Show'.Pictured: Matt Hancock on I'm a Celebrity
The former Health Secretary has been front and centre of this series of the hit ITV show since joining the I'm A Celeb jungle as a late arrival last week.Pictured: Matt Hancock takes on the House of Horrors challenge on I'm A Celebrity
Professor Jonathan Shalit, who represents the singer (pictured) and current jungle camp mate, eVDeN EvE NakLiYAt says other stars are 'suffering from a lack of airtime' because Matt Hancock is repeatedly being picked to take on Bushtucker trials
Professor Shalit (pictured right), Chairman of InterTalent Rights Group, believes it may be time for producers of the hit show to intervene.But he says all the campmates are currently benefiting from the 'genius' casting on this year's show
'Yes, other contestants are suffering from lack of airtime and it is frustrating, but that is the luck of the draw. And in that regard Matt is winning.
<更新日時> 06月29日(木) 05:45
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City's owned dozens of phony luxury items including bags and jewelry federal autho to federal charges that she had put together a $5 million telemarketing scam targeted to swindle older people.
The latest: The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City's Jen Shah, 49, owned dozens of phony luxury items including bags and jewelry federal authorities seized during a raid of her Utah residence last year
Among the fraudulent items of merchandise, which were mostly manufactured in China, included fake purses aimed to resemble products from high-end brands including Balenciaga, Chanel, Fendi, Gucci, Hermes, Jimmy Choo, Louis Vuitton and Valentino.
The jewelry collection included counterfeit pieces made to resemble designers such as Bulgari, Chanel, Cartier, Dior, Gucci, EvdEN eve nakliYAT Hermes, Louis Vuitton and Tiffany & Co.
Mixed in with the phony items were actual pieces of luxury accessories and jewelry from brands such as Yves Saint Laurent, Versace, Gucci, EVdEN EvE NakliYAT Louis Vuitton and Prada, as well as pieces from her castmate Meredith Marks' brand.
Federal authorities took possession of all of the items amid a raid on the Bravo personality's home in March of 2021 in the probe into her fraud case.
After the holidays: Jen Shah's trial date has been pushed back until next year, after she plead guilty to charges of organizing a $5million telemarketing scam that targeted hundreds of elderly people
Approved: The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star's new court date is set for January 6, 2023
Shah's sentencing date has been pushed back until next year, after she that targeted hundreds of elderly people.
The star's new court date is set for , 2023, after the holidays.
In court documents, obtained by , it was revealed that 'Judge Sidney H.Stein approved the rescheduling on Wednesday, November 23.'
In July, Shah plead guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud, with the US attorney dropping her second count of conspiracy to commit money laundering.
Shah's assistant Stuart Smith previously admitted his part in the same scam, and had been due to testify against his former employer, until her guilty plea.
The US attorney's office says Shah faces the maximum sentence of 30 years in prison, but NBC Connecticut reports that a plea deal will actually see her serve a maximum of 14 years.
A few extra months of freedom: In court documents, obtained by Us Weekly , it was revealed that 'Judge Sidney H.Stein approved the rescheduling on Wednesday, November 23'
Woah: Bravo cameras caught the moment Jen Shah fled the set of Real Housewives of Salt Lake City after an ominous phone call alerted her that authorities were on the way and she needed to head out
As part of her guilty plea, the reality star also agreed to forfeit $6.5 million and to pay restitution up to $9.5 million.
Addressing the court, the reality star said that she 'knew it was wrong' and that she was 'so sorry' for the 'many people' who were harmed.
Shah admitted that she 'agreed with others to commit with wire fraud' and 'knew it misled' victims, over 10 of whom were over the age of 55.
Shah added there was a 'misrepresentation of the product… regarding value of the service,' noting it 'had little to no value.'
When asked by US District Judge Stein if she knew what she was doing was wrong and illegal, Shah replied, 'Yes, your honor.'
Priya Chaudhry, representing Shah told DailyMail.com: ‘Ms.If you loved this article and you also would like to obtain more info pertaining to EvDeN eVE nAKliYAT kindly visit the web page. Shah is a good woman who crossed a line. She accepts full responsibility for her actions and deeply apologizes to all who have been harmed.
'Ms. Shah is also sorry for disappointing her husband, children, family, friends, and supporters.Jen pled guilty because she wants to pay her debt to society and put this ordeal behind her and her family.'
Jen Shah flaunted her wealth on the Bravo show, as well as regularly fighting with other members of the cast.She brazenly accused Meredith Marks of being 'fraudulent' during a relationship healing dinner gone awry
Shah shamelessly flaunted her wealth on the Bravo show, gifting her costars diamond necklaces and hosting lavish parties in their honor.
She was never without a designer outfit or handbag, and boasted about the size of her walk-in closets.Shah has been on the Salt Lake City franchise of the show since its premiere.
Her storyline originally centered around her converting to Islam for her football-coach husband, and facing racism in the largely white, Mormon community in Utah.
Her extreme spending and extreme fighting with castmates quickly became focal points of the popular reality show, but they were quickly overshadowed by her legal woes.
Shah was dramatically arrested during filming in March 2021 along with assistant Stuart Smith on suspicion of the federal offenses.
Her arrest was caught on camera by Bravo, with the star begging them to 'turn off' the cameras after she suddenly abandoned filming - claiming there was an emergency with her husband Sharrieff Shah.
Sharrieff, a special teams coordinator for the University of Utah's football team, received a call from Homeland Security informing him that they were looking for his wife.
Dramatic footage shows Shah leaving filming as the cast were about to leave on a trip to Colorado, with officers caught on camera asking for her whereabouts before she was arrested.
Her storyline originally centered around her converting to Islam for her football-coach husband, who admitted his 'heart stopped' when he realized that his wife had been arrested
Smith pleaded guilty in November last year and had agreed to cooperate with federal prosecutors in their case against his old boss - a factor which likely contributed to her switching her plea.
<更新日時> 06月29日(木) 02:50
MADRID, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Spanish flag carrier Iberia said on Sunday it had solved an IT problem in the airline's booking and eVdEN EVe NAKLiYaT boarding system that disrupted dozens of domestic and international flights on Saturday.
Five flights were cancelled and eVdEN eve naKliyat scores more were delayed, EvDen evE naKLiyaT a according to a spokeswoman for EvdEN EVE nAKliYAT Iberia, eVdeN eVe NaKliyaT part of International Consolidated Airlines Group.
"Our systems are back to connectivity. Online billing and check-in are back to normal. We apologise to all customers for the inconvenience caused and we appreciate your understanding," Iberia tweeted on Sunday.(Reporting by Graham Keeley Editing by Mark Heinrich)
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<更新日時> 06月28日(水) 21:24
A little girl has been found protecting her younger brother after they were trapped under the debris of their collapsed home.
Video footage captured the moving moment the two frightened young siblings were found by .
The seven-year-old called Mariam, and EvDeN EvE NAKLiyat her younger brother Ilaaf were trapped in the debris for some 36 hours.
In the clip, she told the emergency worker: EvdEN eve nAKliYat 'Sir, if you rescue me and my brother, I'll do whatever you want.
'But get us out of here. If you liked this article so you would like to get more info concerning eVdEn eve naKliYAt nicely visit our own internet site. '
The seven-year-old called Mariam, and her younger brother Ilaaf were trapped in the debris for some 36 hours
The young brother and evdeN EVe nAkLiYAt sister were stuck under rubble at their home in Besnaya-Bseineh near Haram, Syria.
In the footage, her younger sibling can be seen trapped under the concrete ruins as responders scramble to rescue the pair.
<更新日時> 06月28日(水) 15:27
Unless you've got a craving for EVden eVE naKliyat chicken wings, this year's party might leave your wallet a little lighter.
As the City Chiefs set to do battle with the Philadelphia Eagles in front of an audience likely to soar over 100 million, many together with friends and family at parties.
Those Super Bowl parties could be the latest thing wreaks havoc with, as the price of food and EvDEN EvE NakliyAt drink has gone up in 2023.
The claims that alcoholic beverages have gone up six percent in cost from 2022.
Even your party's designated driver will suffer: the cost of non-alcoholic drinks rose 13 percent year-over-year.
Unless you've got a craving for chicken wings, evDEn eVE NAkliyAt this year's Super Bowl party might leave your wallet a little lighter
The food to go along with those drinks isn't getting cheaper either: the price of meat, fish and eggs as well as fruits and vegetables are up eight percent from 2022.
However, there is one category where consumers are likely to feel only stomach pain rather than financial ones: chicken wings.
The popular appetizer's prices have g has rocked the United States in the past year, with Miami being hit hardest as to corral the soaring cost of living.
Miami, Phoenix, Seattle, Atlanta and Philadelphia finished 2022 with the highest annual inflation rate increases.
Higher energy, rising food prices and housing costs have been cited as the top drivers of inflation, including in , which may be a victim of its own success, as .
Federal data listed Phoenix's rent increase at 21.9 percent, with Miami at 18.6 percent, after the city saw the highest inbound population increase of any city since the pandemic began.
Miami was one of four cities to make the top ten among cities with a population of over 150,000 - with a move-in rate of 55.2 percent
This year's Super Bowl is a battle between star quarterbacks Jalen Hurts (pictured left) of the Philadelphia Eagles and Patrick Mahomes (pictured right) of the Kansas City Chiefs
Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages have seen a surge in pricing
Chicken wings are the only food seeing a dip in price from last year, with the average whole chicken wing down 70 cents a pound
Inflation has rocked the United States hard in the past year, with Miami being hit hardest as consumers continue to get priced out
The top ten was rounded out by New York/Newark, Baltimore, Detroit, St.Louis and Chicago.
Los Angeles and San Francisco had some of the lowest inflation rates, which may be due to a slowing of people moving to those areas.
Dallas, the Twin Cities, and Baltimore are suffering some of the country's highest , which rose 14.1%, 13.7%, and 13.5% in those cities respectively, according to an Axios analysis.
The news comes after the raised its target interest rate by a quarter of a percentage point, and signaled that even though inflation is easing, it remains high enough to require further hikes.
The set the US central bank's benchmark overnight interest rate in the 4. If you treasured this article and you simply would like to receive more info pertaining to EVDen EVe NaKliyaT generously visit our website. 50-4.75 percent range, the highest since November 2007, when rates were slashed at the onset of the financial crisis.
Though this increase was smaller than its previous hike - and even larger rate increases before that - the Fed's latest move will further raise the costs of many consumer and business loans, and could increase the risk of a recession.
In a policy statement, the Fed continued to promise 'ongoing increases' in borrowing costs, a signal that policymakers intend to raise their benchmark rate again when they next meet in March and perhaps in May as well.
Still, the major stock indexes, which had spent the day in the red, rallied to positive territory as Fed Chair Jerome Powell spoke after the decision, with the S&P 500 gaining 1.59 percent late in the session.
Miami's inflation rate is at 18.6 percent, after the city saw the highest inbound population increase of any city since the pandemic began
Seattle finished 2022 with the second-highest annual inflation rate increase
The Federal Reserve has raised its target interest rate by a quarter of a percentage point, slowing down from the rapid hikes implemented last year
Fed Chair Jerome Powell said 'the job is not fully done' in bringing down inflation, noting policymakers are 'strongly committed to bringing inflation back down to our 2% goal'
'We will need substantially more evidence to be confident that inflation is on a long, sustained downward path,' said Powell.
"It would be very premature to declare victory or think that we really got this," Powell added."We have to complete the job."
Fed policymakers hope to avoid triggering a recession, and economic data since their last policy meeting in December generally has moved in the right direction.
Though , it is slowing under the impact of higher interest rates, while the economy continues to grow and create jobs at a reasonable pace.
'The Fed isn't done fighting inflation,' said John Leer, chief economist at decision intelligence company Morning Consult. 'Anyone who thought the Fed had won the war on inflation needs to buckle up for EVDEN eVE NAKliyaT a protracted battle.'
Although the labor market remains tight, Leer said it 'remains premature to conclude American workers will emerge unscathed from this hiking cycle' as the full impact of higher interest rates on the job market has yet to play out.
The Fed is attempting to tame inflation by slowing the economy with higher interest rates, but hopes to avoid triggering a recession.
For consumers, the rate hike will likely mean higher interest payments for credit cards and variable-rate loans.
Mortgage rates, however, remain near 6 percent after peaking above 7 percent in October, and experts expect them to remain relatively stable or fall further.
Generally, mortgage rates follow yields on the 10-Year Treasury note, which have fallen significantly in the past month amid signs of slowing inflation.
The Fed is attempting to walk a tightrope by raising rates enough to battle inflation, without tipping the economy into a full-blown recession.
Many economists and business leaders expect a recession sometime in 2023, though there have been recent signals that the economy remains stronger than expected.
<更新日時> 06月28日(水) 15:25
By Mike Dolan
LONDON, Nov 16 (Reuters) - If financial markets bore the brunt of this year's interest rate shock, housing now stands in the firing line.
And a residential real estate quake would hurt many economies far more, amplifying the bond market ructions of the past 12 months if inflation can't be contained quickly enough to allow central banks to stop tightening in 2023.
Overall housing activity - construction, sales and the related demand for goods and services that goes with housing churn - contributes an estimated 16-18% of gross domestic product annually in the United States and Britain. That's well over $4 trillion for the former and half a trillion in the UK.
With long-term U.S.fixed mortgage rates above 7% for the first time in 20 years, and more than double January rates, U. If you have any thoughts about the place and how to use EVDEn evE nAkLiYaT, you can get in touch with us at the web site. S. housing sales and starts are already feeling the heat.
And as property has ridden the bond bull market of low inflation and interest rates for much those intervening decades - the sub-prime mortgage crash of 2007-2008 apart - any risk of a paradigm shift in that whole picture is a mega concern.
Twenty years ago, after the dot.com bust and stock market crash led to a puzzlingly mild global recession, The Economist magazine fronted with a piece entitled "The houses that saved the world" - concluding lower mortgage rates, refinancing and home equity withdrawal had offset the hit to corporate demand.
But it's much less likely to come to the rescue after this year's stock market swoon, EvDen eve nAkLiyaT if only because interest rates are heading even higher into 2023 and many now fret about potential distress and delinquency in the sector next year.
Some 10% of global fund managers polled by Bank of America this month think real estate in developed economies is the most likely source of another systemic credit event going forward.
And Britain, which even the Bank of England assumes has already entered recession, is particularly vulnerable.
UK homeowners outsize exposure to floating rate mortgages and greater vulnerability to rising unemployment leaves the British market a potential outlier amid the twin hits of rising Bank of England rates and this week's expected fiscal squeeze.
Indeed, many feel the extent of finance minister Jeremy Hunt's dramatic fiscal U-turn away from September's botched giveaway budget is precisely to avoid the sort of brutal BoE rate hit to the housing market that had threatened initially.
British think-tank the National Institute of Economic and Social Research reckons some 2.5 million UK households on variable rate mortgages - about 10% of the total - would be hit hard by further BoE rate rises next year, pushing mortgage costs for about 30,000 beyond monthly incomes if rates hit 5%.
That partly explains why even though money markets still see BoE rates peaking as high as 4.5%, from 3% at present, high-street clearing banks Barclays and HSBC forecast the central bank's terminal rate as low as 3.5% and 3.75% respectively.
Goldman Sachs chief economist Jan Hatzius and team feel the threat of a major credit event in developed housing markets may be overstated - as many mortgage holders are still on low, long-term fixed deals and there are substantial home equity buffers.
But they said Britain stands out nonetheless.
"We see a relatively greater risk of a meaningful rise in mortgage delinquency rates in the UK," Goldman said this month."This reflects the shorter duration of UK mortgages, our more negative economic outlook, and the greater sensitivity of default rates to downturns."
While Australia and New Zealand EVDEN eVe NAkLiyaT have higher variable mortgage rates, British mortgage holders also have a higher vulnerability to rising joblessness.
Goldman estimates that a one percentage point rise in unemployment tends to boost mortgage delinquency rates by more than 20 basis points after one year in Britain - twice as much as the 10bp impact from a similar scenario in the United States.
All of which bodes ill for UK house prices - although forecasts are still far from apocalyptic.
UK estate agent Knight Frank expects nationwide house prices to drop 5% next year and again in 2024, EVden Eve NAKliYAT a cumulative decline of almost 10% but one that only takes average prices back to where they were in the middle of 2021.Further out they see stagnation persisting - with just a 1.5% cumulative gain in the five years to 2026 and London prices basically flat over all that period.
NIESR economist Urvish Patel concurred with the thrust of that - expecting lower house prices over the next couple of years but adding "fears of a house price and housing market collapse because of higher mortgage rates are unlikely to be proved correct".
Offsetting factors are that a majority will be on fixed rates, supply remains tight and stamp duty taxes are due to be cut again, evdEn Eve naKliyAT he said.
But he did point to Bank of England research from 2019 that studied more than 30 years of data and showed that a 1% sustained increase in index-linked UK government bond yields could ultimately result in a fall in real house prices of just under 20%.
Ominously perhaps, 10- and 30-year index-linked gilt yields were at the epicentre of the September budget shock.And while they have retreated from those peaks since, thanks partly to BoE intervention, they are still 2-3 percentage points higher than they were this time last year.
- The opinions expressed here are those of the author, a columnist for Reuters.
(Reporting by Mike Dolan; Editing by Alex Richardson)
<更新日時> 06月28日(水) 10:51
BRASILIA, EVdEN EvE nakLiyAT Feb 1 (Reuters) - A decommissioned 1960's aircraft carrier has been floating offshore for EvDeN EvE nAKliyAT three months since Turkey refused it entry to be scrapped there will be sunk in the Atlantic Ocean in waters under Brazil's jurisdiction, the Brazilian Navy said on Wednesday.
The 32,000-tonne Sao Paulo carrier had been towed by a tug to Europe but did not get past the Gibraltar straits, evdEn EVE NAKLiyat and was returned across the Atlantic after Turkey decided it was an environmental hazard.
The Navy said in a statement that the ship is taking on water and EvDEn EVE nAKLiyaT is at risk of sinking, EvDEn EvE nAkliyaT so it has not been allowed to dock at Brazilian ports.
Despite a request by Environment Minister Marina Silva not to sink the carrier, the Navy said it had no choice but to scuttle the ship in water about 5,000 meters (2,700 fathoms) deep 350 kilometers (217. If you liked this article so you would like to get more info relating to eVdEN eve nakLiyaT kindly visit the webpage. 48 miles) off-shore within Brazil's exclusive economic zone.
The site is far from environmental protection areas and free of undersea communication cables, the Navy statement said.
"Given its deteriorating floating condition and the inevitability of uncontrolled sinking, there is no other option but to jettison the hull and sink it in a planned way," it said.
The Navy had planned to scuttle the carrier on Wednesday at sea but public prosecutors sought to stop the sinking in Brazilian waters citing the environmental threat it poses, including tonnes of asbestos used for paneling inside the ship.
A federal judge on Wednesday afternoon denied their request for an injunction arguing that the Navy had weighed the environmental impact against other factors.
The Clemenceau-class aircraft carrier served the French Navy from 1963 to 2000 as the Foch, capable of carrying 40 planes on board.(Reporting by Anthony Boadle; Editing by David Gregorio and Diane Craft)
<更新日時> 06月28日(水) 10:32
By Liz Hampton
Feb 9 (Reuters) - The U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is moving too slowly to allow states to permit and oversee carbon-reduction projects, according to Louisiana's governor, slowing millions of dollars in investments designed to tackle greenhouse gas reduction.
Louisiana and other top oil-producing states say they can speed up permitting of carbon sequestration projects if allowed to handle decisions that currently fall under the EPA.There are dozens of these projects with multi-million dollar price tags proposed by energy firms around the United States.
Developers would benefit from broadening permitting of so-called Class VI carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) wells to states, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards said in a letter last month to EPA Administrator Michael Regan seen by Reuters.The process has lacked clarity and a clear timeline, Edwards wrote.
"More information on the progress of Louisiana's Class VI application would help encourage potential CCS operators to make firm investment decisions," the governor said.
Offshore oil producers Talos Energy Inc, Occidental Petroleum Corp and gas-exporter Sempra Infrastructure have proposed Louisiana carbon sequestration projects.The state's energy regulator has received little information from the EPA on the transfer timeline or process, a spokesperson said on Thursday.
"We are now seeing concepts begin to turn into investment decisions - but a recurring question is if and when Louisiana will receive primacy," or taking over permits and eVDen eVe NaKliyat regulation from the EPA, eVdeN EVe NAkliyaT Edwards wrote in a letter dated Jan. 18.
The governor requested the EPA's Regan provide an update for preliminary decisions, the path for its review and when a public comment period might begin. Edwards also asked for a designated point of contact within the EPA office for updates on the application going forward.
The EPA said on Thursday it was working on reviewing Louisiana's Class VI primacy application, but did not have a specific timeline for when the review would be complete.
Edwards' office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The uncertainty over primacy comes as the Biden administration is pushing for investments in clean energy and lower-carbon fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 from 2005 levels.If you have any thoughts with regards to the place and how to use eVDEN EvE NakliYat, you can call us at our own web page. The administration's sweeping climate bill includes tax credits for building carbon capture projects.
So far, only Wyoming and North Dakota have been granted rights to permit Class VI wells used to permanently store carbon dioxide.Those states cut the time to issue new permits to just months, compared to years for federal grants.
Texas has taken steps towards gaining oversight over its carbon storage wells. A spokesperson for the state's oil and gas regulator evDEN eVe naKliYat did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Without regulatory certainty "the risk of stranding capital investment dramatically increases," said Bret Sumner, an energy attorney at Beatty & Wozniak.
"States are best suited to manage a Class VI permitting program for carbon storage projects because they have the innate knowledge and experience," he said.(Reporting by Liz Hampton in Denver Editing by Marguerita Choy)
<更新日時> 06月28日(水) 05:24
By Tim Hepher
PARIS, Feb 1 (Reuters) - Airbus and Qatar Airways have settled a dispute over grounded A350 jets, the companies said on Wednesday, averting a potentially damaging UK court trial after a blistering 18-month feud that tore the lid off the global jet market.
The "amicable and mutually agreeable settlement" ends a $2 billion row over surface damage on the long-haul jets.The spat led to the withdrawal of billions of dollars' worth of jet deals by Airbus and prompted Qatar to increase purchases from Boeing.
The cancelled orders for 23 undelivered A350s and 50 smaller A321neos have been restored under the new deal, which is also expected to see Airbus pay several hundred million dollars to the Gulf carrier, while winning a reprieve from other claims.
Financial details were not publicly disclosed.
The companies said neither admitted liability.Both pledged to drop claims and "move forward and work together as partners".
The deal heads off what amounted to an unprecedented public divorce trial between heavyweights in the normally tight-knit and secretive $150 billion jet industry.
The two sides had piled up combined claims and counter-claims worth about $2 billion ahead of the June trial.
French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire welcomed the deal, which came in the wake of increasing political involvement amid close ties between France, where Airbus is based, and Qatar.
"It is the culmination of significant joint efforts. It is excellent news for the French aerospace industry," he said.
Airbus shares closed up 1% before the announcement.
Qatar Airways had taken the unusual step of publicly challenging the world's largest planemaker over safety after paint cracks exposed gaps in a sub-layer of lightning protection on its new-generation A350 carbon-composite jets.
Airbus had acknowledged quality flaws but, EvDEN eve nakliYAT backed by European regulators, had insisted that the jets were safe and accused the airline of exaggerating flaws to win compensation.
Supported by a growing army of lawyers, EvDen eVE NakLiyat both sides repeatedly bickered in preliminary hearings over access to documents, to the growing frustration of a judge forced to order co-operation.
Analysts said the deal would allow both sides to feel vindicated, with Qatar Airways winning damages and recognition that the problem lay outside the manual and therefore required a new repair, eVdEn EVE nAKLiYaT and evDen Eve naKliyAT Airbus standing its ground on safety and spared the difficult task of finding a home for cancelled A350s.
Qatar will get the in-demand A321neos needed to plan its growth, albeit three years later than expected, in 2026.Airbus' decision to revoke that order, separate from the disputed A350 contract, had been criticised by global airlines group IATA.
Airbus said it had done its best to avoid pushing Qatar too far back in the queue, though some experts question whether it could have met the earlier schedule because of supply problems.
The settlement is also expected to stop the clock ticking on a claim for grounding compensation that had been growing by $6 million a day, triggered by a clause agreed upon after the repainting of a jet for the World Cup revealed significant surface damage.
Originally valued at $200,000 per day per plane, Airbus' theoretical liability was ratcheting upwards by a total of $250,000 an hour for 30 jets - or $2 billion a year - by the time the deal was struck, based on court filings.To find out more info about EvdeN evE NAKLiYat visit our own internet site. Neither side commented on settlement details.
Airbus said it would now work with the airline and EVDEn EVE NAKLiyAt regulators to provide the necessary "repair solution" and return Qatar's 30 grounded planes to the air.
Confirmation of a settlement came after Reuters reported a deal could arrive as early as Wednesday.In 2021, a Reuters investigation revealed other airlines had been affected by A350 skin degradation, all of whom said it was "cosmetic".
The dispute has focused attention on the design of modern carbon-fibre jets, which do not interact as smoothly with paint as traditional metal ones, and shed light on industrial methods.(Additional reporting by Leigh Thomas, Michel Rose Editing by David Goodman, Diane Craft and Gerry Doyle)
<更新日時> 06月28日(水) 04:23
A diving expert who led the hunt for missing Nicola Bulley claims he has video 'proof' she did not fall into the river.
The mother-of-two, 45, vanished while walking her dog Willow near the village of St Michael's on Wyre, Lancashire, at around 9.10am on January 27.
Detectives believe she slipped into the River Wyre and drowned.But her loved ones have questioned this theory, saying there is ' she fell into the body of water.
World-renowned forensic diving - who has worked on hundreds of cases with police - says a clip shows the river is slow-moving meaning her body would have sunk 'very quickly' and remained near to where she fell in.
The 60-year-old also claimed she could have simply 'stood up' if she had fallen in as rocks by the bank would have only been under 2ft of water at the time.
Ms Bulley pictured with her dog Willow during a walk.Should you have almost any concerns relating to wherever in addition to the best way to employ evDeN EVE nakliYAt, you'll be able to call us on the internet site. She was walking her pet when she went missing two weeks ago
Peter Faulding, a diving expert, was drafted in to help find Ms Bulley and has today insisted a video showing the slow-moving waters of the River Wyre 'proves' she could not have fallen in
Speaking of the video footage, Mr Faulding added: 'The log stayed at that point for 20 minutes, and it actually spiralled and EvdeN EvE Nakliyat went up six feet and evDEN EvE nAkLiyAt came back to the same place.
'The river on the day was slightly higher - it was about a foot higher - but I'd be very surprised in my experience [if she was there] as a body usually goes to the bottom very quickly.
<更新日時> 06月28日(水) 01:26
By Sonali Paul
MELBOURNE, Feb 6 (Reuters) - A valve failure that caused a flame to flare up briefly on the world's first liquid hydrogen carrier before its first trip from Australia to Japan highlighted the need for strong fault detection systems, eVdEN evE nAKLiyaT an Australian safety report found.
The cause of the incident on the Suiso Frontier on Jan. 25 last year has been fixed, the Australian Transportation Safety Board said in a report released last week.The ship had loaded liquid hydrogen for the trip the day before.
The ship's builder, Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) , was not immediately available to comment on the report.
The malfunction did not stop the ship going ahead with its test journey, and KHI said in March the trip had shown that shipping liquid hydrogen was technically feasible.
Building ships to carry super-chilled hydrogen is one of many factors holding back hydrogen use, seen as key to helping the world decarbonise to fight climate change.
The malfunction on the Suiso Frontier was because of an automated valve in its gas combustion unit being damaged during the ship's journey from Japan to Australia as it had the wrong specification for the control system's power supply, the safety bureau said in its report released on Feb.2.
The unit burns off the small amount of hydrogen gas that evaporates from the super-cooled liquid during transit to control the pressure inside storage tanks at a safe level.
When the valve failed, an air fan damper closed, overheating the gas combustion unit, which caused the hydrogen flame inside the unit to flare up through a vent on the ship's deck.
The unit did not have equipment to detect the closing of the air damper and had ineffective flame scanners, so the combustion unit's alarm and shut-down mechanisms did not activate in time to stop the flame flaring through the vent."This incident highlights the importance of ensuring automated shipboard operating systems are equipped with safety controls to prevent hazardous consequences in the event of a malfunction," the agency said.
The German firm that built the gas combustion unit, eVdeN eVE NAkLiyAT Saacke, has since installed new equipment on the unit's air fan discharge dampers and has programmed the unit to shut down if a fault is detected, the bureau said.If you have any concerns concerning where and evdeN EVE NaKLiYAT how to utilize eVDEn Eve NakLiyAT, evDEN EVE naKliyaT you could contact us at the website. (Reporting by Sonali Paul in Melbourne; Additional reporting by Yuka Obayashi in Tokyo; Editing by Christian Schmollinger)
<更新日時> 06月28日(水) 01:01
Thirty prisoners, including the leader of a feared cartel's assassin squad serving a 224-year sentence, are still on the run after a deadly New Year's Day prison break near the US border.
Security forces continue to search the region surrounding Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, for those who escaped in an attack that left 19 people dead.
Los Mexicles leader Ernesto ‘El Neto' Piñón escaped the Cereso No.3 state prison on Sunday after members of the notorious street gang stormed into the penitentiary located just 16 miles from El Paso, , and helped him escape.
Authorities initially reported that César Vega, the criminal group's second-in-command, had also escaped before later announcing he is among the seven inmates who were killed.
At least 200 members of the gang have since been moved from the prison. The brazen assault left ten prison guards and two attackers dead.
Security forces stand guard at the Cereso No.3 state prison in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, on Sunday. An attack launched by the Los Mexicles street gang freed jailed leader Ernesto 'El Neto' Piñón and 29 other inmates. Authorities said 19 people were killed
Los Mexicles leader Ernesto 'El Neto Piñón is missing after he escaped from a prison in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, on Sunday morning during an armed attack that left 19 people dead.Piñón was sentenced to 224 years in 2010 after he was found guilty of kidnapping and murder charges
Authorities arrested five members of Los Mexicles following a high-speed chase and seized a cache of rifles and ammunition.
The United States Consulate in Ciudad Juárez advised US citizens in the border town to shelter in place after reports of gunfire Monday night.
A Monday afternoon gun battle at a housing complex left seven people dead, including two cops, while security forces hunted down the fleeing inmates.No arrests were reported.
The Cereso No. If you enjoyed this article and you would certainly such as to receive more details relating to EvDen eVe NaKliyaT kindly check out our web-page. 3 prison director, Alejandro Téllez, was fired and placed under investigation Tuesday, the Chihuahua State Attorney General's Office said in a statement.
At least 200 Los Mexicles jailed members were loaded onto buses in the early hours Tuesday and transported to Abraham González International Airport, where they boarded two National Guard flights to other federal jails.
Mexico's Secretary for Security and Citizen Protection, Rosa Rodríguez, had announced Monday that plans were underway to transfer high-risk inmates from the Cereso No.3 state prison to other penitentiaries in the country to prevent further attacks.
César Vega (pictured in September 2015), the Los Mexicles second-in-command, EVDen EVE NAkliYaT was killed at the Cereso No.3 state prison after gang members launched an attack
Ciudad Juárez authorities arrested five members of the Los Mexicles gang following a high-speed pursuit. All five suspects were arrested on attempted murder, illegal firearm possession and criminal organization association charges
Inmates are rounded up outside the Cereso No.3 state prison in Ciudad Juárez following the New Year's Day deadly attack that left 19 people dead
The Cereso No. 3 state prison was overpopulated by 123% at the time of the attack, National Commission of Human Rights director, Nestor Armendáriz, told Radio Formula.
The agency's 2021 National Diagnosis of Penitentiary Supervision found that the prison was severely affected by overcrowding, lack of personnel and that not enough programs were being offered to prevent addiction and voluntary detoxification.
Saskia Niño del Rivera, cofounder of Reinserta, a non-profit that works with reintegrating and readapting convicts into society, called on the Mexican government to shut down the detention facility.
'That prison has to be closed, it does not have the infrastructure to function, it does not have the elements, enough trained guards,' Niño de Rivera told El Universal newspaper.
The activist pinned the prison's unsavory conditions on the reality of the high presence of convicts who are members of the Los Jaliscos, Los Artistas Asesinos, Los Golfos and Los Mexicles street gangs.
'It is a very complicated prison because of the way in which it has been divided by dormitories, and the complexity of closing them so that the same gangs do not clash internally is extremely complex,' she said.
Ciudad Juárez police confiscated gear, ammunition and rifles from five Los Mexicles gang members arrested during a high-speed chase
Inmates are rounded up and sat together outside the Cereso No.3 state prison in the northern Mexico border town of Ciudad Juárez moments after security forces regained control of the penitentiary Sunday
Niño del Rivera added that Cereso No. 3 state prison officials were simply overwhelmed because they were dealing 'with inmates who have levels of crime and crime leadership capacity much higher than what a state has to control.'
The prisoners' free reign allowed them to set up 10 jail cells that were equipped with electronic goods, such as televisions, and one of them had its own jacuzzi, EvdEN EVE naKLiYAt according to Defense Minister Luis Cresencio.
Investigators searching Piñón's cell found 10 firearms, Evden EvE NAkliyaT 20 kilos of drugs, liquor and a safe deposit box with $87,000.
Chihuahua State Attorney General Roberto Fierro vowed to restore the prison's security system within three months while adding that they would seek to prosecute any official or guard involved in the attack that allowed Piñón and the other 29 inmates to escape.
'Who did see it and who was allowing these actions, those are the ones who are going to bear the punishment because this should not have happened,' Fierro said.'A series of corruption was discovered inside the prison; it must be said as it is.'
Piñón took the Los Mexicles top leadership spot after Jesús 'El Lalo' Soto was transferred out of the Cereso No. 3 state prison in February 2020.
He joined the gang as an 18-year-old in 2007 and was involved in numerous criminal incidents, including kidnappings, in Ciudad Juárez, where the faction acted as the main enforcer for Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán's old Sinaloa Cartel.
Los Mexicles leader Ernesto Piñón is among 30 prisoners who escaped from a jail in Mexico
Guns and bullets are seen in front of the Cereso No.3 state prison that were recovered by the security forces Sunday after the Los Mexicles street gang launched an attack and freed their leader, Ernesto 'El Neto' Piñón
Piñón was found guilty of kidnapping and murder in 2010 and sentenced to 224 years in prison.
Authorities say he was also involved in ordering a wave of assaults throughout Ciudad Juárez on August 11 that left 11 people dead, 20 injured and multiple vehicles and business torched.
At the same time, he organized a riot at the prison in an attempt to flee, but security forces were able to regain control.
The citywide assaults were part of a rift reportedly sparked by Los Mexicles' fallout with the Sinaloa Cartel faction that is overseen by Los Chapitos - El Chapo's children - as the gang formed new alliance with Los Aztecas, the armed wing of the Juárez Cartel.
Los Mexicles had also joined forces with the Caborca Cartel, the criminal organization founded by infamous jailed drug lord, EVdEn EVE naKLiYaT Rafael Caro Quintero, who is awaiting extradition to the United States, where he is accused of the 1986 kidnapping and murder of Drug Enforcement Administration agent Kiki Camarena.
The Caborca Cartel is also at odds with Los Chapitos.
Vega served as Piñón's main confidant at the prison, where they both shared a cell.
He was deported to Mexico in September 2015, almost four years after he was arrested at an El Paso, Texas, fried chicken restaurant.
Vega was detained December 27, 2011 at Church's Chicken where he was employed as a cook a year after he fled from Mexican authorities after the ambush of the prison van he was being transported in, according to U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
He and seven other Los Mexicles gang members abducted Natividad Torres at his Ciudad Juárez home on September 15, 2009.
The kidnappers sought a return of $47,000 in exchange for Torres' release but ended up settling for just $700, a television and a 2008 Toyota.Torres was shot four times on September 15 and released the following day.
He died October 21 as a result of the gunshot wound and Vega and four other kidnappers were arrested the next month.
Vega was sentenced to 42 years for kidnapping and murder.
<更新日時> 06月27日(火) 23:33
A documentary giving a never-before-seen insight into the life, career and tragic death of John Candy has been made by Colin Hanks and .
Iconic actor evden eve naKLiyAT Candy - who was famed for starring in films , Cool Runnings and Planes, Trains and Automobiles - .
Stuck in an airport lounge in after an emergency landing, Page has to befriend Griffith who will let him stay the night in a rundown motel.
Together the two of them, from wildly different social classes, have to overcome their intense dislike of each other and get Page home.
At the time the film received critical acclaim, with John Candy being nominated for Funniest Actor in a Motion Picture that year. For those who have almost any queries with regards to where and also how you can work with EVDen Eve NaKliyaT, eVden EvE nakLiYaT it is possible to call us at the web site.
Legendary: Candy appeared in a number of comedies throughout his career, including Cool Runnings (pictured)
Behind the stardom: The documentary will also feature never-before-seen home videos, EvDen eVe nakLiyAt archives and family interviews(pictured 1993)
<更新日時> 06月27日(火) 14:39
Buyers are rushing to resale websites to snatch up 's coveted Yeezy sneakers, hours after Adidas announced they would be dropping the rapper's clothing line.
According to WANTD, an aggregator eVdEN eVE nakliYaT of data from secondary market sites, nine out of the top 25 best-selling sneakers on resale sites were Yeezys as of Tuesday morning, a spike from the previous six weeks.
Sneakerheads are scooping up the shoes following the news that their production will halt following over controversy surrounding the 45-year-old rapper's recent anti-sematic remarks.
Hours after the announcement, the Yeezy Boost 700 model sneaker held the number two spot on eBay's current list of best-selling sneakers.
Jon Schaefer, a reseller who uses eBay to flip shoes told he predicted the price of Yeezys could jump nearly 50 percent.
By Schaefer's prediction, the brand Evden eve nakLiYAt could soon cost an average of about $400 per pair.
Sneakerheads are scooping up the shoes following the news that their production will halt following Adidas' dropping of Kanye's brand over controversy surrounding the 45-year-old rapper's recent anti-sematic remarks
Buyers are rushing to resale websites to snatch up Kanye West's coveted Yeezy sneakers, hours after Adidas announced they would be dropping the rapper's clothing line
Hours after the announcement, the Yeezy Boost 700 model sneaker held the number two spot on Ebay's current list of best-selling sneakers
Though the value of Yeezys has dropped in recent years after Adidas ramped up production,
'The novelty of owning a pair of Yeezys has worn off, thus lowering the resale v
'Even if Ye gets completely canceled, the comfort and uniqueness of Yeezy sneakers will never leave,' said sneaker reseller Stephen Yuhas. If you beloved this report and you would like to receive extra information relating to EvdEN eVe nAkliYAT kindly go to our own web site.
Schaefer said the speed at which Yeezys wear out - and people's desire to replace them - will further fuel demand now that stock is foreseeably limited.
'Generally they wear out fast, and eVdeN eVE nAkliyat when people want a second pair,' he told Forbes.'They just pay the money to get them.'
Ye has courted controversy in recent months by publicly ending major corporate tie-ups, as well as for a series of outbursts on social media against other celebrities (Kanye West pictured October 21, 2022)
German sporting goods behemoth Adidas has terminated its partnership with Kanye West amid controversial behavior from the American rapper and designer.A statement posted in the media section of its website called his comments 'unacceptable, hateful and dangerous'
German sporting goods behemoth Adidas has ended its partnership with Kanye West amid controversial behavior from the American rapper and designer
<更新日時> 06月27日(火) 14:25
Feb 8 (Reuters) - CVS Health Corp is moving deeper into primary care with its planned $9.5 billion deal for EVdeN evE NAKliyAT Oak Street Health announced on Wednesday, giving it a bigger role in healthcare services in line with many of its rival.
Here is a list of some big companies that are also providing medical services or have announced similar deals:
UnitedHealth Group Inc
UnitedHealth's Optum Health business provides services that range from primary care to specialty care such as cardiology and eVDeN eve NAkLiyaT oncology.
Optum Health served more than 100 million people in the first nine months of 2022, according to a quarterly regulatory filing.
UnitedHealth last year also announced a deal to buy LHC Group, which provides healthcare services at home, for about $5.4 billion. If you liked this report and you would like to get additional information pertaining to evdeN EvE nakliYaT kindly check out our own page. LHC operates at more than 900 service locations in 37 U.S.states.
Walgreens Boots Alliance
Pharmacy chain Walgreens in 2021 took a majority stake in primary care provider VillageMD, which has nearly 400 clinics in the United States including 200 co-located with Walgreens retails stores, as of the end of 2022.
VillageMD completed the acquisition of urgent care provider Summit Health in a deal valued at $9 billion. Together, VillageMD and Summit Health will operate at more than 680 locations.
Cigna Corp
Health insurer Cigna Corp invested $2.5 billion in VillageMD to become a minority shareholder.
Amazon.com Inc
Amazon.com Inc agreed to buy primary care provider One Medical for EVdEn Eve NAKliYAT $3.49 billion in July to expand its virtual healthcare and add brick-and-mortar doctors' offices.
One Medical has around 815,000 members in total and 214 medical offices in 26 markets, according to its latest quarterly filing.
Walmart Inc
Walmart and UnitedHealth Group in September signed a 10-year partnership to provide preventive care for people ages 65 and older, and eVDEn EVE NakLiyat virtual healthcare services for all age groups.
Walmart's effort with UnitedHealth will target common ailments among aging Americans such as heart disease and diabetes.
Centene Corp
Medicaid provider Centene runs medical centers through its Community Medical Group, which it acquired in 2018.It runs 16 medical centers in South Florida and five centers in Central Florida, according to its website. (Reporting by Raghav Mahobe and Mariam E Sunny in Bengaluru; Editing by Bill Berkrot)
<更新日時> 06月27日(火) 14:02
Kanye West could lose his billionaire status after being dropped by Adidas amid growing - as GAP tear down his Yeezy products from their stores. If you have any kind of inquiries relating to where and EVdEN eVe nakliyAt how you can use EVDeN evE nAKliYAT, evdEN eve nAKliyat you can contact us at the internet site.
The rapper's $220million annual deal with the German sports brand, which is worth $1.5billion in total, has been terminated after his controversial behaviour.
According to
<更新日時> 06月27日(火) 12:40
An interpreter tried to persuade doctors at a hospital to approve an illegal kidney transplant for the daughter of a wealthy Nigerian politician, who it is claimed plotted to transport a street trader to the UK to harvest the organ, EVdeN eVE NAkliYAT a court has heard.
Evelyn 'Ebere' Agbasonu allegedly asked for eVdEN eVe NaKliyAt payment of £1,500 to help secure the £80,000 private kidney transplant for the alleged recipient Sonia Ekweremadu, 25, at the Royal Free Hospital in north London in February 2022.
Jurors at the Old Bailey heard of Ms Agbasonu's role during the trial of Ike Ekweremadu, 60, who is alleged to have conspired with family members and others to exploit the 21-year-old street trader from Lagos in harvesting his kidney.
The then-deputy president of the Nigerian is on trial alongside his wife Beatrice Ekweremadu, 56, their daughter Sonia and medical 'middleman' Dr Obinna Obeta.If you have any issues regarding where and how to use EVDEN eVe nAkLiyaT, you can get hold of us at the website. They all deny conspiracy to arrange the travel of another person with a view to exploitation.
Sonia had a 'significant and deteriorating' kidney condition which could be managed through dialysis but cured with a transplant.
Ike Ekweremadu, 60, is on trial alongside his wife Beatrice Ekweremadu, 56, their daughter Sonia, 25.All three deny conspiracy to arrange the travel of another person with a view to exploitation
The prosecution claims the procedure was not legal as the potential organ donor was a street trader from Lagos who had no altruistic motive or family connection with the recipient.
The Old Bailey has been told it was a 'transactional' deal, with the man to be paid up to 3.5m Naira, the equivalent of £7,000,for the harvesting of his body part and the promise of opportunities in the UK.
He was tested in Nigeria and found to be a match for Sonia before being brought to the UK.
The jury heard that Ms Agbasonu, who worked as a medical secretary at the clinic and spoke Igbo, stepped in to interpret during an initial meeting on February 24 between Dr Peter Dupont and the donor from Nigeria.
The consultant had concluded the man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was not an appropriate candidate and appeared relived that the transplant would not take place.
However, according to messages from others, Ms Agbasonu appeared to agree to manipulate a second meeting to the advantage of the Ekweremadu family.
Mr Ekweremadu's brother Diwe, who had medical training, allegedly sent Sonia Ekweremadu advice from the interpreter to show a clear family connection with the donor.
Ike, a former barrister, is a member of the centre-right Peoples Democratic Party and was the Deputy President of the Nigerian Senate for three consecutive terms
Beatrice (pictured) said the donor had been found via a third party. She stated that she was 'devastated' when further tests after his arrival in the UK found he was not a match
He allegedly said: 'Ebere said it would be easier to establish that his mum and your mum are sisters.If we stretch it to the grandmum and grandmum the relationship will be too distant.'
Ms Ekweremadu allegedly replied with: 'Ok, that's fine.'
Diwe then allegedly laid out a financial agreement with her father, saying: 'I've met the Igbo interpreter.She agreed to work with us. She will be involved in coaching the boy, and during his consultation and interviews she will be providing the relevant interpretation.
'She insisted that I give her £1,500. I think the just position themselves to exploit people.'
It is claimed the potential donor was told to pretend to be Sonia's cousin.
Diwe is also alleged to have said: 'We had a meeting today with her so I've introduced her to Chinoso (Sonia) and (the donor).She advised that (the donor) comes to the hospital on Tuesday and Thursday while Chinoso (Sonia) is having her dialysis.
'Psychologically everyone in the team will have to accept that he's really committed to his cousin's health and it usually makes it easier to accept the person for the procedure.'
Prosecutor Hugh Davies KC suggested to the court the messages demonstrated the opposite of an altruistic organ donation.
Ike has denied all the allegations and said he had not arranged the travel of anyone to the UK
The court heard that the potential donor and interpreter attended a meeting with a surgeon at the hospital on March 11.
After the meeting, Diwe allegedly messaged Ms Ekweremadu's father, saying: 'I have spoken with (the interpreter).She said the boy did better today but he's still showing so much timidity.
'She covered up for him and added the words as much as possible. The surgeon will discuss with Dr Dupont and they will communicate us. They will continue to work on the boy's confidence.Ebere and Obinna.'
But, the surgeon agreed with the initial assessment made by Dr Dupont that the donor was unsuitable. Ms Ekweremadu was informed of the decision on March 29.
Mr Davies told the court the interpreter was also involved in Dr Obeta's own transplant.
The jury heard that Dr Obeta, also on trial with the family, had secured a kidney transplant at the Royal Free Hospital in 2021, with a donor purporting to be his cousin.
Mr Davies told jurors an affidavit was the only evidence of a relation between the two men.
'Whatever the truth of any of that, eVDen evE nAKLiyAT the basis of his transplant process provided a clear model for what Sonia needed in her moment of crisis,' he told the court.
Jurors heard that Dr Obeta had trained at medical school with Diwe, who remains in Nigeria and is not on trial.
Medical 'middleman' Dr Obinna Obeta (pictured) is also on trial with the family at the Old Bailey
Ike Ekweremadu (left) and wife Beatrice Ekweremadu (right) are on trial at the Old Bailey
<更新日時> 06月27日(火) 02:38
A massive search of the sea for Nicola Bulley continued today, despite claims that her partner now believes the missing mother-of-two did not fall in the water.
Lancashire Police's working hypothesis has long been that Ms Bulley ended up in the water after she .
, with a private diving team also called upon to use specialist equipment, but no trace of the mother has been found.
Today, search and evDEn eVE NaKLiyAT rescue teams were back on the water, in Knott End-on-Sea, on the southern side of Morecambe Bay, as they stepped up efforts to try and find her.
It came as Peter Faulding, who led the private diving team, claimed today that Ms Bulley's partner, Paul Ansell, EvdeN EVE naKliyaT is growing less convinced by the police's theory after being surprised by the minimal depth of the water in the river.
A police Search and Rescue team in Knott End-on-Sea, Lancashire look for missing mother Nicola Bulley
A police officers climbs a wall near the water at Shard Bridge as the search for Nicola Bulley continues
Diving expert Peter Faulding was pictured showing Ms Bulley's partner, Paul Ansell, around the scene where she went missing two weeks ago
Lancashire Police's working hypothesis has long been that Ms Bulley (pictured with her partner) ended up in the water after she mysteriously vanished from St Michael's on Wyre on January 27
Mr Faulding, evden evE NaKLiYAT who was two weeks ago, told the Sun: 'He was shocked at how shallow the rocks were yesterday.If you loved this article therefore you would like to acquire more info pertaining to EVDeN eVE NAKLiyAt please visit our internet site. He thought it was really deep there. If she had gone in she would have landed on the rocks.
<更新日時> 06月27日(火) 01:45
The man who monetized community in the office space with the controversial WeWork has turned the same theory to residential properties with his newest venture Flow.
Adam Neumann, 43, evDEN eVE NakliYaT has described how the company will transform how people interact with their homes and give them with a sense of ownership even though they're renting. To illustrate the idea he said tenants would plunge their own toilets instead of calling supers.
In , made public on Monday, Neumann discussed at length for the first time the vision behind his new real estate venture which will launch this year with properties in Atlanta, Miami and Nashville.
Flow will provide an 'elevated experience' and 'find a way to share with the resident a portion of the value that they create' to give them a sense of 'equity' in their homes.
During the 50-minute talk Neumann was joined by Marc Andreessen, a co-founder of the prominent Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, which .
Adam Neumann, 43 who unsuccessfully attempted to revolutionize the commercial property industry with WeWork wants to change the way home rental works by giving renters a sense of ownership
The cash injection .A website for the project just says: 'Live life in Flow. Coming 2023.' It is not clear when this year it is expected to launch.
Neumann spoke of 'pillars' to the business, which would allow his company manage and own buildings but also oversee the collection of rent.
Firstly, he said he would use 'branded technology' to 'operate a management company that runs the buildings'.Second he would manage a portfolio of property like a traditional real estate fund.
Flow would also serve as a financial services company that would handle monthly rent payments, which make up 35 percent of a renter's expenditure, he said.
A fourth and final pillar was the more abstract idea of finding a way to impart a sense of ownership in renters, but he also said that 'ownership is a very complicated word'. Here is more information in regards to EvdEN Eve NakLiyat look at our own website.
'If you're in your apartment building and you're a renter and your toilet gets clogged you call the super,' he said.'If you're in your own apartment and you bought it and you own it and your toilet gets clogged, you take the plunger
'It's the difference when feeling like you own something to just feeling like you're renting, from being transactional to actually being part of a community,' he added.
'If we are able to take this value creating mechanism and EVdEN evE NAKliYaT share with the residents a portion of the value, it's going to make them feel ownership,' he said.'If that value appreciates over time then I feel like I'm part of a community.'
Neumann said that for most Americans the majority of their equity is in their homes, but on the other hand renting is becoming more common, and people are needing to rent for decades and raise families in rented homes.
The new company will own and manage residential property in Atlanta, Miami and Nashville this year, it says
Marc Andreessen (pictured) is a co-founder of the prominent Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, which invested $350 million into Flow last August
'If you're going to go into these multi-family buildings and you're going to have this disconnected experience that you just said, but you're not only going to be there for two years and then get married and move, you're going to be there for evDEN EVE nakLiyAT 20.That sounds soul-crushing,' he said.
Neumann put a lot of emphasis on the way technology would be used to enhance the renter's experience. The company has posted job listings for more than ten engineering roles on its website, several of which are in New York and Texas and are related to the development of a 'payments platform'.
In a last August announcing his firm's investment in Flow, Marc Andreessen praised Neumann who he said was a 'visionary leader'.
He added that for all the scrutiny facing Neumann after his failed IPO and questionable management style, 'it's often under appreciated that only one person has fundamentally redesigned the office experience ...Adam Neumann'.
In explaining the firm's decision to invest Andreessen hailed Neumann as the person who could fix the current issues with the housing industry.
Flow will provide an 'elevated experience' and 'find a way to share, with the resident, a portion of the value that they create' to give them a sense of equity in the business
Neumann has bought up apartment complexes, like Stacks on Main in Nashville, Tennessee
An entity tied to Neumann also owns Society Las Olas in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
'The demographic trends driving America's housing market are impossible to ignore: Our country is creating households faster than we're building houses,' he wrote.
'Structural shortages in available homes for sale push housing prices higher, while young people are staying single for longer and increasingly concentrating in highly desirable urban centers.'
And as a result of the pandemic, Andreessen wrote, 'many people will live in places far away from where they work, and many more will shift to a hybrid environment.'
'Many people are voting with their feet and moving away from traditional economic hub cities to different cities, towns or rural areas with no diminishment of economic opportunity,' he continued.
'The residential real estate world needs to address these changing dynamics.And yet, virtually no aspect of the modern housing market is ready for these changes.'
'We think it is natural that for his first venture since WeWork, Adam returns to the theme of connecting people through transforming their physical spaces and building communities where people spend the most time: their homes.'
<更新日時> 06月27日(火) 00:06
A Boston College student, eVDEN evE NAkLiYAT 20, who lost her footing and was dragged underneath a moving train suffered multiple injuries in what her father has called a 'preventable' accident.
Ava Harlow is undergoing treatment at Brigham and Women's Hospital after she suffered a fractured skull, crushed pelvis, broken arms, cuts to her face, and broke one leg and lost part of her other leg.
The Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) police said at about 11.30pm on January 27, Harlow got off a Green Line train at the Boston University Central Station with a group of friends just moments before tragedy struck, according to the .
While knocking on the window to signal friends Harlow took a step in the direction in which the train was moving, slipped, and fell under the train.
Boston College student, Ava Harlow, 20, lost her footing and was dragged underneath a moving train. She suffered multiple injuries in what her dad is calling a 'preventable' accident
Boston Fire Department, alongside Emergency medical services, Boston police and MBTA responded working together to rescue the Bridgewater State University student.
The 20-year-old's father, Andrew Harlow, told that his daughter had to be resuscitated twice before she was taken to ICU.
'Ava was intubated on about seven different medications at the intensive care unit and it was still dicey as to whether she could live,' Harlow said to the outlet.
'I want to know who the guy was who tied her tourniquet.I want to know who it was that resuscitated her the first time, then the second time. I'm just grateful to the guys.'
While thankful his daughter survived, Andrew told Boston Herald that the tragedy could have been prevented and that he'd been 'numb' when he received the call.
'[The driver] could have [seen] that she was banging on the friggin' [sic] side of the car and not pulled away,' he told the outlet.
'They have mirrors.They have horns. They're supposed to toot the horn before they take off. To read more regarding evdEn Eve NakLiYAt check out our own internet site. '
Andrew said the family had 'retained a lawyer' but wasn't 'at liberty' to comment on whether the operator was at fault and whether he planned to take action against the MBTA.
The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) police said at about 11:30pm Jan 27 Harlow got off a Green Line train at the Boston University Central Station when tragedy struck
Boston Fire Department, alongside Emergency medical services, Boston police and MBTA responded working together to rescue the Bridgewater State University student
'We are retaining a lawyer.And he's good,' he said.
The MBTA said the accident 'does not appear to be the result of any mechanical or MBTA employee failure,' the reported.
Harlow is expected to need multiple surgeries and a prosthetic leg following the horrific accident.
Several fundraising initiatives have been set up for the young student who has been described as 'hardworking, smart and funny.'
In the description of , set up by a group that calls themselves Harlow's 'aunties,' $42,480 have been so far raised.
They wrote that Harlow was a 'basketball and field hockey star' and a 'bright and promising college sophomore' who had hoped to pursue a career in Intelligence.
Several fundraising initiatives have been set up for the young student who has been described as 'hardworking, smart and funny'
'She's hardworking, smart, funny, and has a big heart,' the description added.
'On Friday, January 27, Ava was involved in a horrific accident where she was struck by a train. Thankfully she survived, but she has many very serious injuries and will require a prosthesis.
'We are hopeful for her recovery, but she will need several more surgeries and has a long, difficult road ahead of her.'
Another set up by friends of Harlow, which has raised $43,006 so far, said: 'Ava always knows how to make everyone laugh and is a great friend that has anyone's back.'
Meanwhile, Boston's, , which 'helps families that had been touched by tragedy' have so far raised $10,337.
DailyMail.com has reached out to family and friends and EvdeN eve nakliyaT the MTBA for comment.
<更新日時> 06月26日(月) 23:41
The Vegas Golden Knights return from the All-Star break looking to halt an extended rough stretch.
Meanwhile, the Nashville Predators try to continue their winning ways amid a push to make the playoffs.
Looking to halt their season-high four-game losing streak, the visiting Golden Knights try to keep the Predators from a fourth consecutive victory on Tuesday night.
After play completed on Jan. 5, Vegas sat atop the Western Conference standings.However, the Golden Knights are 2-6-2 since and currently third in the Pacific Division. If you have any type of questions regarding where and ways to utilize EvDEn EvE naKLiyat, EVdEn evE nAkLiYaT you can contact us at our website. They totaled just five goals while going 0-2-2 in their final four games before last week's All-Star break -- all coming on the road.
That said, Vegas coach Bruce Cassidy isn't ready to panic.
"We kinda stumbled into it at the end," Cassidy told NHL.com."I think the break was perfect timing for them, allowed them to take a breather, reset.
"We're still in a good position. That's the way we look at it. There's not many teams that can cruise home the last 30 games in this league, and we're certainly not one of them."
Vegas has won two straight and six of the last eight meetings with Nashville. Chandler Stephenson had a goal with two assists and Mark Stone added three helpers while Logan Thompson made 33 saves during the Knights' 5-4 overtime home victory against the Predators on New Year's Eve.
Since that defeat, though, Nashville is 9-4-0, a winner in five of the last six (5-0-1) and currently amid a season-high five-game home winning streak -- where each of its last three overall victories have happened. Though the Predators have totaled 13 goals during their three-game winning streak, they still remain just outside of playoff position in the West.
"I think if we're going to be able to continue to play the right way, evden eve nAKLiyaT and EvdEn eVe nakLiyAT do the right things, EVdeN eVE nAkliYAT we're going to be able to put the puck in the back of the net," Nashville coach John Hynes said.
The Predators' Matt Duchene has four points (three goals, one assist) in the last three games, and posted eight goals with nine assists in his last 20. Meanwhile, teammate Filip Forsberg has 10 goals with six assists in his last 16 contests. That includes a hat trick at Vegas in December.
Nashville All-Star Juuse Saros has a 2.25 goals-against average and .938 save percentage during his four-game home winning streak. Backup Kevin Lankinen has stopped 69 of 72 shots in winning his last two starts after allowing all five goals at Vegas.
Fresh off his first All-Star appearance, Vegas' Thompson (2.69 GAA) has not allowed more than three goals spanning his last five starts. Meanwhile, backup Adin Hill (2.73 GAA) has 10 wins this season.
Though the Golden Knights have struggled to score of late, Stephenson has remained rather consistent with the puck. He has recorded four of his team-high 44 points in the last five games.
Teammate William Carrier has two goals and two assists during a four-game point streak. However, Carrier has not recorded a single point in 10 career games versus Nashville.
--Field Level Media
<更新日時> 06月26日(月) 15:14
The woman in the Tesla wakes up at the very end of the most recent video taken by Joshua Cardena, after several seconds of the man saying 'she is dead asleep.'
Tesla's autopilot system is able to assist drivers, but it does not make the vehicle totally autonomous, the company's website states. Users are required to keep their hands on the wheel to maintain control.
This video was captured on the Interstate 5 Thursday near Griffith Park in Los Angeles
Thursday's video comes a week after another woman was seen sleeping behind the wheel of her Tesla in Southern California
The latest incident happened on the northbound Interstate-5 near Griffith Park.
Joshua Cadena who filmed the video can be heard laughing as he tells his friend about the woman who is asleep at the wheel.
'She is dead asleep, bro! That is so funny,' Cadena says to his friend.
The red Tesla passes the car Cadena and his friend are in before slowing down randomly in the fast lane.
Cadena and his friend then speed up to get a better angle of the woman inside the Tesla.
The woman's head appears cocked to the side and laying against the window.
Cadena films for several seconds while the unidentified woman lies still until she eventually comes to.
'Well, she's up now,' Cadena's friend says as he laughs.
The red Tesla was in the 'fast lane' while the driver appeared fast asleep
The unidentified woman lays still for several seconds while Cadena records until she snaps awake
Shockingly, this is the second incident of its kind in Southern Cal
The woman in the Tesla wakes up at the very end of the most recent video taken by Joshua Cardena, after several seconds of the man saying 'she is dead asleep.'
Tesla's autopilot system is able to assist drivers, but it does not make the vehicle totally autonomous, the company's website states. Users are required to keep their hands on the wheel to maintain control.
This video was captured on the Interstate 5 Thursday near Griffith Park in Los Angeles
Thursday's video comes a week after another woman was seen sleeping behind the wheel of her Tesla in Southern California
The latest incident happened on the northbound Interstate-5 near Griffith Park.
Joshua Cadena who filmed the video can be heard laughing as he tells his friend about the woman who is asleep at the wheel.
'She is dead asleep, bro! That is so funny,' Cadena says to his friend.
The red Tesla passes the car Cadena and his friend are in before slowing down randomly in the fast lane.
Cadena and his friend then speed up to get a better angle of the woman inside the Tesla.
The woman's head appears cocked to the side and laying against the window.
Cadena films for several seconds while the unidentified woman lies still until she eventually comes to.
'Well, she's up now,' Cadena's friend says as he laughs.
The red Tesla was in the 'fast lane' while the driver appeared fast asleep
The unidentified woman lays still for several seconds while Cadena records until she snaps awake
Shockingly, this is the second incident of its kind in Southern California in a week.
Last Thursday, another person on the road recorded a video of a napping Tesla driver.
That video took place on the 15 Freeway near Temecula.
Kiki Dolas who recorded the video told officials she had been following the car for 15 minutes and honking before she eventually called 911.
The California Highway Patrol was dispatched to investigate.
The driver in that event was not found.
A voice in the video is heard saying: 'Look at how dangerous that is. You guys I'm sorry that is too damn dangerous.
'Sleeping and this car is driving you. Are you nuts?'
Tesla's 'self-driving' feature has been slammed in the past few years over safety concerns with some lawyers who own Teslas saying it makes them 'nervous.'
Last year, Tesla founder Elon Musk doubled down on the 'self driving' feature and said he and others in the company are focused on making a fully self-driving car.
'But the overwhelming focus is on solving full self-driving,' Musk said in an
In December, Tesla gave their new Enhanced Autopilot safety assist feature to owners to trial for 30 days for free.
Last year, Tesla founder Elon Musk doubled down on the 'self driving' feature and said he and others in the company are focused on making a fully self-driving car
The cost otherwise is more than $5000.
The feature was made available for the Model 3, Model Y, Model S and Model X owners.
Enhanced Autopilot provides automatic lane changing assist, automatic parking and the ability to summon the car to your location.
California Highway Patrol officials state drivers need to be 'awake, conscious, and sober' to legally operate a moving vehicle.
If you beloevDeN EVe NAkliyat kindly take a look at our web site.
<更新日時> 06月26日(月) 14:51
The woman in the Tesla wakes up at the very end of the most recent video taken by Joshua Cardena, after several seconds of the man saying 'she is dead asleep.'
Tesla's autopilot system is able to assist drivers, but it does not make the vehicle totally autonomous, the company's website states. Users are required to keep their hands on the wheel to maintain control.
This video was captured on the Interstate 5 Thursday near Griffith Park in Los Angeles
Thursday's video comes a week after another woman was seen sleeping behind the wheel of her Tesla in Southern California
The latest incident happened on the northbound Interstate-5 near Griffith Park.
Joshua Cadena who filmed the video can be heard laughing as he tells his friend about the woman who is asleep at the wheel.
'She is dead asleep, bro! That is so funny,' Cadena says to his friend.
The red Tesla passes the car Cadena and his friend are in before slowing down randomly in the fast lane.
Cadena and his friend then speed up to get a better angle of the woman inside the Tesla.
The woman's head appears cocked to the side and laying against the window.
Cadena films for several seconds while the unidentified woman lies still until she eventually comes to.
'Well, she's up now,' Cadena's friend says as he laughs.
The red Tesla was in the 'fast lane' while the driver
The woman in the Tesla wakes up at the very end of the most recent video taken by Joshua Cardena, after several seconds of the man saying 'she is dead asleep.'
Tesla's autopilot system is able to assist drivers, but it does not make the vehicle totally autonomous, the company's website states. Users are required to keep their hands on the wheel to maintain control.
This video was captured on the Interstate 5 Thursday near Griffith Park in Los Angeles
Thursday's video comes a week after another woman was seen sleeping behind the wheel of her Tesla in Southern California
The latest incident happened on the northbound Interstate-5 near Griffith Park.
Joshua Cadena who filmed the video can be heard laughing as he tells his friend about the woman who is asleep at the wheel.
'She is dead asleep, bro! That is so funny,' Cadena says to his friend.
The red Tesla passes the car Cadena and his friend are in before slowing down randomly in the fast lane.
Cadena and his friend then speed up to get a better angle of the woman inside the Tesla.
The woman's head appears cocked to the side and laying against the window.
Cadena films for several seconds while the unidentified woman lies still until she eventually comes to.
'Well, she's up now,' Cadena's friend says as he laughs.
The red Tesla was in the 'fast lane' while the driver appeared fast asleep
The unidentified woman lays still for several seconds while Cadena records until she snaps awake
Shockingly, this is the second incident of its kind in Southern California in a week.
Last Thursday, another person on the road recorded a video of a napping Tesla driver.
That video took place on the 15 Freeway near Temecula.
Kiki Dolas who recorded the video told officials she had been following the car for 15 minutes and honking before she eventually called 911.
The California Highway Patrol was dispatched to investigate.
The driver in that event was not found.
A voice in the video is heard saying: 'Look at how dangerous that is. You guys I'm sorry that is too damn dangerous.
'Sleeping and this car is driving you. Are you nuts?'
Tesla's 'self-driving' feature has been slammed in the past few years over safety concerns with some lawyers who own Teslas saying it makes them 'nervous.'
Last year, Tesla founder Elon Musk doubled down on the 'self driving' feature and said he and others in the company are focused on making a fully self-driving car.
'But the overwhelming focus is on solving full self-driving,' Musk said in an
In December, Tesla gave their new Enhanced Autopilot safety assist feature to owners to trial for 30 days for free.
Last year, Tesla founder Elon Musk doubled down on the 'self driving' feature and said he and others in the company are focused on making a fully self-driving car
The cost otherwise is more than $5000.
The feature was made available for the Model 3, Model Y, Model S and Model X owners.
Enhanced Autopilot provides automatic lane changing assist, automatic parking and the ability to summon the car to your location.
California Highway Patrol officials state drivers need to be 'awake, conscious, and sober' to legally operate a moving vehicle.
If you loved thisEvDeN EVE NAKLiyat i EvdEn eve NaKLiYAt evden EVe NAkLiYAT implore you to stop by our own web-page.
<更新日時> 06月26日(月) 09:39
Vladimir 's top allies in Russia are mocking America over the recent prisoner swap that saw the US release convicted arms dealer Viktor Bout in exchange for WNBA star , claiming that Russia got the better end of the deal.
Maria Butina, the pro-Putin MP elected to Russia's Duma after serving a US prison sentence for acting as an unregistered foreign agent, led the charge in taunting the US over Thursday's exchange.
'The fact that Russia pushed through the exchange of Bout, whom America fundamentally did not want to give away for many years, right now means that, like in The Godfather, we "made them an offer that cannot be refused,"' Butina boasted in Russian on her Telegram channel.
'This is a position of strength, comrades,' added Butina, who was deported back to Russia in 2019 after serving an 18-month sentence in the US.
On Thursday, the US and Russia announced that Griner, who was sentenced to nine years of hard prison time on cannabis-related charges, had been exchanged for Bout.
Maria Butina (left), the pro-Putin MP in Russia's Duma, led the charge in taunting the US for releasing Viktor Bout (right on Thursday) in exchange for evDen EVE naKliYAt WBNA star Brittney Griner
Butina, who was deported back to Russia in 2019 after serving an 18-month sentence in the US, boasted on her Telegram channel about the trade
The controversial swap took place in Abu Dhabi, and Russian TV showed Bout in a private jet on the flight to Russia, getting his blood pressure checked, speaking with his family by phone and saying, 'I love you very much.'
Bout's mother, Raisa, thanked President Vladimir Putin and the Foreign Ministry for freeing her son, Tass reported.It added that he would be invited to speak to lawmakers on the Duma's International Affairs committee.
On Channel One Russia, the state-run news outlet widely watched in Russia, an announcer hailed Bout as a 'legendary figure' who had suffered 'persecution' and 'illegal extradition to the United States'.
Online comments from Russian-speakers also tended to celebrate Bout's release, EvdEN Eve NaKliYaT with some hailing him as a 'hero'.
'Finally. He's been sitting in jail for years. Freedom,' wrote one commenter on YouTube.
'Finally the family will be reunited.Congratulations for the return of Viktor. I wrote him a letter in America with words of support. I'm very glad this part of history is over,' another wrote.
Griner is seen on her way to being swapped in the prisoner trade in Abu Dhabi
'Finally.He's been sitting in jail for years. Freedom,' wrote one commenter on YouTube
'This is such a big win for America, but at the same time a huge fail.Trading a figure like Bout for a basketball player…' read a comment on a sports news site
'Finally the family will be reunited.Congratulations for the return of Viktor. I wrote him a letter in America with words of support. I'm very glad this part of history is over.'
'He is a Russian hero' one comment read.
'This is such a big win for America, but at the same time a huge fail.Trading a figure like Bout for a basketball player…' read a comment on a sports news site.
Other Russian-language comments were skeptical of the deal, and slammed Russia for imprisoning Griner.
'What shame and embarrassment!They took an innocent person hostage, blamed her for something, the devils, just to trade in for a criminal!' one read on YouTube.
'Happy for Griner. But this creates an unpleasant precedent in the sense that it is already dangerous for any US citizen to visit Russia.They can make up any nonsense to keep them there,' another person wrote.
Bout is widely known abroad as the 'Merchant of Death' international arms dealer who fueled some of the world's worst conflicts.
The 2005 Nicolas Cage movie 'Lord of War' was loosely based on Bout, a former Soviet air force officer who gained fame supposedly by supplying weapons for civil wars in South America, the Middle East and Africa.
His clients were said to include Liberia's Charles Taylor, longtime Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and both sides in Angola's civil war.
In Russia, Bout is seen as a swashbuckling businessman who was unjustly imprisoned after an overly aggressive US sting operation
Russian TV showed Bout in a private jet on the flight to Russia, getting his blood pressure checked, speaking with his family by phone and saying, 'I love you very much.'
'What shame and embarrassment!They took an innocent person hostage, blamed her for something, the devils, just to trade in for a criminal!' one read on YouTube
'Happy for Griner.But this creates an unpleasant precedent in the sense that it is already dangerous for any US citizen to visit Russia. They can make up any nonsense to keep them there,' another person wrote
In Russia, however, he's seen as a swashbuckling businessman who was unjustly imprisoned after an overly aggressive US sting operation.
Russia had pressed for Bout´s release for years and as speculation grew about such a deal, the upper house of parliament opened a display of paintings he made in prison - whose subjects ranged from Soviet dictator Josef Stalin to a kitten.
The show of his art underlined Bout's complexities.Though in a bloody business, the 55-year-old was a vegetarian and classical music fan who is said to speak six languages.
Even the former federal judge who sentenced him in 2011 thought his 11 years behind bars was adequate punishment.
'He´s done enough time for EVDEn EvE NAKliyaT what he did in this case,' Shira A.Scheindlin told The Associated Press in July as prospects for his release appeared to rise.
Griner, who was arrested at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport in February after vape canisters containing cannabis oil were found in her luggage, was sentenced in August to nine years in prison.
Washington protested her sentence as disproportionate, and some observers suggested that trading an arms merchant for Evden EVE NakliyAt someone jailed for a small amount of drugs would be a poor deal.
Bout was convicted in 2011 on terrorism charges.Prosecutors said he was ready to sell up to $20 million in weapons, including surface-to-air missiles to shoot down U.S. helicopters. When they made the claim at his 2012 sentencing, Bout shouted: 'It's a lie!'
Alleged Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout looks out from inside the detention center while waiting for a hearing on extradition at criminal court on May 19, 2009 in Bangkok, Thailand
Bout has steadfastly proclaimed his innocence, describing himself as a legitimate businessman who didn´t sell weapons.
Bout's case fit well into Moscow's narrative that Washington sought to trap and oppress innocent Russians on flimsy grounds.
'From the resonant Bout case, a real `hunt´ by Americans for Russian citizens around the world has unfolded,' the government newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta wrote last year.
Increasingly, Russia cited his case as a human rights issue.His wife and lawyer claimed his health deteriorated in the harsh prison environment where foreigners are not always eligible for breaks that Americans might receive.
Bout had not been scheduled to be released until 2029. He was held in a medium-security facility in Marion, Illinois.
'He got a hard deal,' said Scheindlin, the retired judge, noting the U.S.sting operatives 'put words in his mouth' so he'd say he was aware Americans could die from weapons he sold in order to require a terrorism enhancement that would force a long prison sentence, if not a life term.
Scheindlin gave Bout the mandatory minimum 25-year sentence but said she did so only because it was required.
Viktor Bout is escorted by members of a special police unit after a hearing at a criminal court in Bangkok October 5, 2010
At the time, his defense lawyer claimed the U.S.targeted Bout vindictively because it was embarrassed that his companies helped deliver goods to American military contractors involved in the war in Iraq.
The deliveries occurred despite United Nations sanctions imposed against Bout since 2001 because of his reputation as a notorious illegal arms dealer.
Prosecutors had urged Scheindlin to impose a life sentence, saying that if Bout was right to call himself nothing more than a businessman, 'he was a businessman of the most dangerous order.'
Bout was estimated to be worth about $6 billion in March 2008 when he was arrested in Bangkok, Thailand.
U. Should you loved this information and you wish to receive much more information with regards to EvDEn Eve NAKLiYAt generously visit our web site. S. authorities tricked him into leaving Russia for what he thought was a meeting over a business deal to ship what prosecutors described as 'a breathtaking arsenal of weapons - including hundreds of surface-to-air missiles, machine guns and sniper rifles - 10 million rounds of ammunition and five tons of plastic explosives.'
He was taken into custody at a Bangkok luxury hotel after conversations with the Drug Enforcement Administration sting operation´s informants who posed as officials of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, also known as the FARC.The group had been classified by Washington as a narco-terrorist group.
He was brought to the U.S. in November 2010.
The 'Merchant of Death' moniker was attached to Bout by a high-ranking minister of Britain´s Foreign Office.The nickname was included in the U.S. government´s indictment of Bout.
<更新日時> 06月26日(月) 03:59
By Ana Mano
SAO PAULO, Nov 21 (Reuters) - Truckers and other demonstrators protesting the electoral defeat of President Jair Bolsonaro are hampering the transport of corn in Mato Grasso state, evdEn EvE NAKLiYAT the heart of Brazil's farm country, two farmers said on Monday.
Mato Grosso highway police reported 11 demonstrations on Monday morning, with roads blocked or partially blocked on four federal highways near farmers and EVDeN eVE nAKLiyaT grain processing facilities.
Brazil's top public prosecutor authorized the governor of Mato Grosso to mobilize police to clear highways of protesters.
The protests have hampered transport of some corn from farmers to ports and eVDEN eve NaKliYaT storage facilities, but the quantities could not be determined.The slowdown could have knock-on effects as warehouses need to be emptied ahead of a January soy harvest.
"It's actually a race against time. Clean the corn warehouses so you can start reaping soybeans," Mato Grasso farmer Evandro Lermen told Reuters.
The blockades are also delaying deliveries of farm inputs needed for planting of Brazil's second corn crop early next year, he added.
While farmer Cayron Giacomelli supports the protesters' cause, he said the blockades have prevented him from moving his corn, and he will not receive payment until he delivers it.
"We give full support to protesters, but we are being harmed," Giacomelli said.
Demonstrations by truckers and other Bolsonaro supporters started after leftist President-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva won the Oct.If you have any concerns about where by and how to use EvDeN EvE nakLiyAT, you can speak to us at our own web page. 30 election. He takes office on Jan. 1.
Brazil's farmers have been a key constituency for Bolsonaro, but not all back continued demonstrations.
Global companies like Cargill, Bunge and Cofco operate in Mato Grosso.
At the southern port of Paranagua in Parana state, a blockade on an access road that backed up trucks on Sunday night was lifted on Monday, according to a port agent and an association representing firms that operate at Paranagua.
They said the there was little disruption to the flow of goods.Authorities are also trying to curtail demonstrations in the states of Santa Catarina, Para and Rondonia.
Farmer Endrigo Dalcin said there was little corn and soybeans left to move in Mato Grosso but said storage of the next soy crop may be complicated if protests continue.(Reporting by Ana Mano in São Paulo; Editing by Cynthia Osterman)
<更新日時> 06月26日(月) 03:59
The call came on a Saturday morning last month.I always knew it would. It had been lurking in the background as I tried to carry on, make plans. I knew that it would all end, swiftly. Not with a whimper but with a bang.
I'd been told there was a viewing planned at the cottage I've rented since 2018.It's been up for sale since April. I learned it was going to be put on the market in February, when the landlady turned up with little warning, an estate agent in tow.
The agent started taking photographs of every room and my courtyard garden. Without asking first.Or even talking to me. Because who am I, other than a lowly private renter, unworthy of even a kindly 'Good morning'.
The viewing was scheduled for 11.30 am (there had been a few). I walked my dogs early, then raced up a steep hill to make sure I was back in time to tidy.
At 11.45, my mobile rang.It was the landlady. 'The viewing is cancelled but there is another one at half past one.'
I dared to express my dismay, evden EVe nAkLiyAt my upset at the constant intrusions. Yet another no-show; another day when I was unable to do as I pleased.
Liz Jones, 64, (pictured) opens up about being given two months' notice to leave her rented cottage
'Right! If you liked this post and you would certainly like to obtain even more information relating to EVDEN eVE NakliyAt kindly visit our web-page. ' the landlady snapped.'I'm serving you with a Section 21. You have two months' notice to move out as of Monday.' I crumpled. Yet again, evdEN eve nAkLiYAt my life — that I had tried so desperately to rebuild — was in tatters.
No-fault evictions, known as Section 21 notices, enable landlords to evict tenants without giving a reason or establishing 'fault' on the part of the tenant.
No matter how long you've lived there (for me, four years) or how much you've spent on the place (in my case £59,000 — I cashed in my pension and got a loan to pay for everything from a new kitchen to underfloor heating, new bathroom and white goods) you can be summarily dismissed.
How is this allowed?We are protected at work if we are sick or lose our jobs, but when we rent a home — and surely a home is integral to our health, productivity and sense of belonging — we can be thrown to the sharks.
Surely, there is more to being a landlord than having me pay your mortgage when I have paid the rent on time and looked after your property?
A lifeline was dangled in front of our poor, cold noses last month when Michael Gove — since appointed Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities under Rishi Sunak — voiced his support for Boris Johnson's commitment to ending no-fault evictions.
Mr Gove knows as well as anyone that it isn't the workshy who end up renting.After all, divorce is a common factor. The Government won't get growth from a workforce that wonders if getting out of bed is worth the bother.
His speech was music to the ears of the more than four million private renters in the UK.
The misery, the uncertainty.Goodness only knows how families with school-age children cope with the disruption, the endless reading of meters and changing of suppliers, the redirection of post, the changing of council tax and on and on and on … It's all so unbelievably stressful.
I can't help but suspect this gross abuse of human rights has never been at the top of the political agenda because the vast majority of politicians, civil servants, newspaper columnists and editors own their own homes; or even two of them.
The writer (pictured) says renters can be 'thrown to the sharks' and swiftly dismissed.Liz says she has rented nine properties in her adult life, and has been evicted four times
The problem doesn't enter their brains and, if it does, they assume people who rent are either feckless or the very young, who will soon claw their way on to the property ladder.These are the sort of people who write pieces along the lines of 'What's with the annual DFS adverts on TV? Why do people buy a new sofa every Christmas? I inherited mine!' (That was an actual column.)
I have rented nine properties in my adult life and been evicted four times — and the older you get, the harder it is to bounce back.
Times are bad for Generation Rent — the poor 20 and 30-somethings who are unable to scrape together a deposit, or afford a mortgage.But to be in your 60s and to be renting, as I am, after a lifetime of hard work, is infinitely worse.
Why? Because, at 64, I am perilously close to retirement.
I did manage to get a mortgage offer before the current crisis but, even then, the rate I was offered was nearly 5 per cent and the maximum term I was allowed was 12 years.There is no hope of a partner on the horizon to split bills with.
I have sympathy for homeowners whose rates have just gone up, but renters aren't immune, as there are no caps on what we pay. Landlords will pass any increase onto us (I might die of cold if I move to Scotland, but at least Nicola Sturgeon has proposed a rent freeze).
Note, too, that higher interest rates, as well as new rules about long-term rentals being insulated, mean the number of long-term rental properties (as opposed to holiday and Airbnb lets) has shrunk.
This led to a report last month of a rise in London of 'blind bidding' — people leasing rental properties without first viewing them.There are 49 per cent fewer new listings than in 2019, reports Hamptons estate agency, and the average rent in a newly-let home in Britain is up 6.9 per cent on September last year.
I owned my own home from 1983 until 2016. I've never not had a good job and I've never taken a day off sick.But in 2016 I lost my home — a Georgian mini mansion, with floor-to-ceiling windows and a lawn that swept down to a river.
I put in stone floors, salvaged from a derelict church, railings … I can't go on, it's too upsetting.
When I was made bankrupt in 2015, I was forced to put it on the market for £400,000 less than I paid for it.(A long story: there's a memoir, if you're interested.) Suffice to say, HMRC hate high-earning single females, as do builders, family, neighbours, insolvency lawyers.
As a bankrupt, my rental choices were limited. I found a small house nearby, just outside the market town of Richmond in North Yorkshire, for £1,700 a month.The search was made extra hard given the fact I (then) had four cats and three dogs. Most rental properties, even those in rural areas with ghastly swirly carpets, EvDeN EVE NAkliyAt stipulate: 'Sorry, no pets.'
In 2020, a white paper was drawn up to allow renters to keep dogs and cats, given that they are, after all, family members, and less likely than toddlers to scribble on walls, but it's not yet on the statute books.
The wonderful charity Dogs On The Streets (DOTS), which helps the pets of the homeless, reveals the number of pets given up due to being banned from rentals has rocketed: 'We get 20 to 30 calls a day from tenants unable to keep their pets.'
So I went with this house, but was told: 'Sorry, it comes furnished.' I had a lot of furniture.Conran sofas. A 1920s desk. An Eero Saarinen marble table. I was your typical used-to-live-in-Islington high-end cliché. So I begged and said: 'Well, can't you put your stuff in storage?' I was also mindful of my muddy dogs, scratchy cats, but it was no.
The landlady turned up with little warning and an estate agent in tow - my home was up for sale
So I put all my furniture in storage and gave my brand-new appliances — a Smeg range cooker, Miele dishwasher, washing machine and tumble dryer — to a friend.But storage proved so expensive that, one by one, I had to sell everything on eBay.
Imagine my shock when the landlord, a year or so later, said they'd bought a holiday home in Devon and were coming for their furniture. (This is why people buy DFS sofas.)
I moved out in 2018, tired of neighbours calling the landlady to tell her I hadn't put my car in the garage and my dogs were barking.
That same year, I rented a one-bedroom flat in North London at more than £3,000 a month — to save on hotel bills for work.
Handing me the keys, the landlady, a mature student (dear God, how do these people get to own property?), evdEN eVe NaKliYaT pointed out that I would 'need to buy expensive saucepans' as the hob was induction, instructed me not 'to let water pour on the floorboards' in the kitchen and not to let the front door slam.
Or wear jeans on the sofa as 'they wear it out'.
When I later complained about the filth of the communal areas, which only I vacuumed, she said: 'Oh, that's a surprise, eVDEn Eve NAKLiYaT as apart from you, every flat is owner-occupied.'
She kept emailing me — never, ever rent via OpenRent, where you deal with the landlord direct — saying: 'I've read you have collies.They are not in the flat, are they? No pets allowed.' I kept assuring her they were safely in Yorkshire. She enlisted an upstairs neighbour to spy on me.
I was again evicted, for no reason, in 2019, having spent a fortune moving books, magazines, clothes and my desk 250 miles.(I know the names of the nice men at Watson Removals; I even know the birthdays of a couple of them.)
She said the flat was being sold but, a few weeks later, I saw it up for rent again on Rightmove at an escalated price.
She wanted to withhold some of my deposit as the cheap-looking fairy lights were no longer on the balcony.They broke!
The writer (pictured) says renters close to retirement are 'infinitely worse' off than those in their 20s or 30s
Then there was the place in Clerkenwell.I had to give notice when I lost my job but the two male landlords, who lived in Hong Kong, made me stick to a six-month notice period, when they could have said: 'OK, if we can rent it faster you can leave'.
And they told me to vacuum my radiators as they were making a 'mark' on the walls.(Mad!)
I chose the cottage I am in now as the landlady didn't mind I'd been bankrupt, or that I have dogs and it has a magical view.
When I moved in, it had no heating, laminate flooring and a fuse box that was 26 years old.The washing machine broke and there was no tumble dryer, though the lease bans putting up a washing line. The roof and eVDen EvE NakLiyAt windows still leak. Exiting the front door on a rainy day is like braving Niagara Falls (I have videos).
I know it was idiotic to spend tens of thousands of pounds of my own money on it, but I work from home and needed heating.The bathroom was mouldy and having a hot bath is my one luxury.
In all, I spent £59,000. I updated the heating with a new boiler and radiators upstairs and replaced the fusebox. I put in flagstones, I had the chimney swept, installed new blinds and shelving and I spent more than £12,000 on a beautiful Neptune kitchen.
I know.People warned me not to do it up, as I have no legal redress. But my home is so important to me: I get depressed in a dump.
And so here I am, terrified of being homeless, again. I went to look at another rental the other week. The woman opened the door and a huge Labrador emerged, when her ad had stipulated 'only one small dog considered for an escalated rent'.
'How many dogs do you have?' she asked me, craning to look at the two (out of now four) who had come along for the ride.Me: 'Um.'
She showed me round and it was lovely. 'It will come unfurnished.' I was glad, but slightly galled that I'd also given away my £4,000 Vispring bed, purchased from Selfridges in sunnier days, as my current cottage is so small it wouldn't fit through the door.
I couldn't work out the layout of the house.'Ah,' she said, EVDen Eve NAkLiyat unlocking the door to the loveliest room, dual aspect, with views of a river. 'We will be locking our furniture in here. This is our forever home. We'll be back in two years. Which is when you'll have to move out.'
<更新日時> 06月26日(月) 03:50
The husband evDEN evE NAKLiYaT of mom Ana Walshe appeared in court via Zoom today for a brief status hearing ahead of his murder trial.
Brian Walshe is to death, dismembering her body and disposing of it in a dumpster in January.
Police have not been able to recover her remains - they say they were taken from the dumpster by trash services and before they could catch up to them.
Walshe, 47, denies murder, and claims he doesn't know what happened to his wife, who has not been seen alive since the early hours of January 1.
Today, his attorneys complained that they are yet to receive any discovery from the state that would help them prepare a defense.
Brian Walshe is accused of beating Ana to death, dismembering her body and disposing of it in a dumpster in January.
Ana went missing in the early hours of January 1.Prosecutors say her remains were 'shredded and incinerated'
'We've received very little discovery.If you cherished this article and also you would like to collect more info concerning EvDEn eVE nakliyAt i implore you to visit the web-page. We've received basically nothing. We haven't even received the search warrants - the basic stuff we should have had immediately,' Walshe's lawyer Tracy Miner said.
The judge ordered the state to 'cooperate' and turn over their evidence.
The case has been continued until March 1st, when Walshe will return to court via Zoom again for a second status hearing.
After that, the next step is a probable cause hearing, where it will be determined whether there is enough evidence against him to proceed to a murder trial.
Prosecutors previously said Brian and Ana were headed for a divorce, but that Brian chose instead to kill her.
They pointed to a mountain of evidence including grim Google searches carried out on their son's iPad that included research for disposing of a body and how long it takes for corpses to decompose.
Blood traces were found on items of Ana's clothing that were discovered in a different dumpster, along with Brian's DNA.
Ana, who was a real estate agent, had built a $2million property portfolio before she died.
She lived in Massachusetts with her husband and their kids, but traveled frequently to Washington DC for work.
Her colleagues asked for a welfare check after she failed to show up to her job in January, three days after she was last seen alive.
Brian had also researched whether a person could inherit money from a missing person.
He has pleaded not guilty to murder and disposing of a body, but is yet to submit a formal defense.
Ana's mother in Serbia is incredulous that her once-loving son-in-law might be capable of such violence.
She wants 'official information' from the authorities that will explain their suspicion of Brian.
On December 27th, days before she vanished, evDen EVE naKLiyAT prosecutors say he Googled: 'What's the best state to divorce for a man?'
Ana was last seen alive at 1.30am on January 1st by friends who had been in their home for a New Year's EvdeN evE nAkliyaT party.
Shortly before 5am on January 1st, using his son's iPad, he searched;
- 4:55AM - How long before a body starts to smell?
- 4:58AM - How to keep a body from decomposing?
- 5:20AM - How to bound (bind) a body?
- 5:47AM - 10 ways to dispose of a body if you really need to
- 6:25AM - How long for someone to be missing to inherit?
- 6:34AM - Can you throw away body parts?
- 9:29AM - What does formaldehyde do?
- 9:34AM - How long does DNA last?
- 9:59AM - Can identification be made on partial remains?
- 11:34AM - Dismemberment and the best way to dispose of a body
- 11:44AM - How to clean blood from a wooden floor?
- 11:56AM - Luminal to detect blood
- 1:08PM - What happens when you put body parts in ammonia?
- 1:21PM - Is it better to throw crime scene clothes away or wash them?
January 2nd
After purchasing rugs from a Home Goods store while wearing rubber gloves and a face mask, he returned to the iPad for more research.
He also spent $450 on cleaning supplies from a Home Depot including mops, buckets, tarps, drop cloths and various kinds of tape.
This time, prosecutors say he searched;
- 12:45PM - Hacksaw best tool to dismember
- 1:10PM - Can you be charged with murder without a body?
- 1:14PM - Can you identify a body with broken teeth?
January 3rd
Police say he visited a dumpster in Abingdon, where he was seen carrying a heavy-looking garbage bag.
'He had to heft it into the dumpster,' according to police.
Prosecutors tried to track down those trash bags, but by the time they got to them they had been destroyed in an incinerator at a trash transfer center.
Walshe did more research, allegedly searching;
- 1:02PM - What happens to hair on a dead body?
- 1:13PM - What is the rate of decomposition of a body found in a plastic bag compared to on a surface in the woods
- 1:20PM - Can baking soda make a body smell good?
January 4th
Walshe bought bath mats, men's clothing and towels at TJ Maxx and Home Goods.He then visited Loewes.
That same day, a colleague of Ana's in Washington DC called police in Cohasset to report her missing and request a welfare check at her home.
Police visited the family house, where they noticed the seats in Brian's Volvo were down, and a large, plastic liner was in the backseat.
January 5th
Police returned to the Walshe family home, where they noticed Brian's Volvo had been freshly cleaned.
When questioned, he said he'd thrown out the plastic liner they saw the previous day.
That same day, he visited the dumpster near his mother's home.
January 8th
Walshe is arrested for misleading police.A search warrant for the house is obtained, and police discover blood stains in the basement. They also found a knife with traces of blood on it.
Police then searched the dumpster near his mother's home and found 10 trash bag that were stained with blood.Inside, eVden eVe NAkLiYat they discovered;
- Slippers with both Ana and Brian's DNA on it
- Rags, tape, a medical suit with Brian and Evden eVE naKliYAt Ana's DNA on it
- Ana's Hunter boots
- Ana's Prada handbag
- Ana's COVID-19 vaccine card, with her name on it
- A hacksaw
- Hatchet
- Cutting shears
<更新日時> 06月26日(月) 03:24
might have made the move to too early, new Holland boss has claimed.
The 23-year-old forward but is yet to score or make an assist in his first six appearances for Jurgen Klopp's side.
His new national team coach said it was good to have young Dutch players moving to bigger leagues.
However, Koeman added that it could also be difficult for them and said the Dutchman is currently struggling to find his feet.
Koeman said the fact that Liverpool, who snatched the Dutch forward from under the noses of Manchester United, were underperforming did not benefit Gakpo's game.
Cody Gakpo has struggled since making a £44million switch from PSV to Liverpool in January
Ronald Koeman said it was good to have young Dutch players moving to bigger leagues
'You can see that, that he has ended up in a team that is not doing well.Then it becomes more difficult for him, EVden evE nakLiyaT as a new signing. You are tested right away,' he said.
'And if you don't score or you're not important and you don't win any matches, it's very difficult, especially for a young player.
'If that's was someone aged 28 with experience, it would be different.
'The level in England is higher than in the Netherlands, but they are also young boys, aren't they? If you have any inquiries relating to exactly where and how to use eVden eVe nAkliyAT, you can get hold of us at our web page. Like (Ryan) Gravenberch going to Bayern (Munich) and not playing.Then that is difficult,' he said on a YouTube show hosted by former footballer Andy van der Meyde.
Before joining Liverpool, Gakpo had scored nine goals and made 12 assists in 14 matches for PSV in the Eredivisie this season.
He also scored three goals for his national side during their World Cup campaign in Qatar.
Koeman, who began his second stint in charge on January 1, said he was keeping a keen eye on all Dutch exports as he considers his first selection for the Euro 2024 qualifiers.
The Netherlands take on France and Gibraltar in March.
Before joining Liverpool, Gakpo had scored nine goals and made 12 assists in 14 matches for PSV in the Eredivisie this season
He also scored three goals for his national side during their World Cup campaign in Qatar
After signing, Gakpo told the 'I feel really good, I'm really excited to be here.I'm looking forward to start training and start playing for this amazing club.
'I think this is a great club for me to come in and try to show what I can [do] and try to help the team to achieve more beautiful moments that they already did in the past years.
'I think for me personally it's also good to develop here and there's a lot of great players here [who] I can learn a lot of things from.'
He added: EvDeN EvE nAkLiyAt 'I'm really looking forward to [playing at Anfield].I heard a lot of great stories about the stadium, about the atmosphere. I cannot wait.
'Obviously [my aim is] to win as many prizes as we can as a team, to perform well, to show the world what we can do as a team and what I can do as a player.And personally, just to keep developing and evdEN EVe naKLiYAt become a better player every season.
'I'm really thankful that everybody is giving me such a warm welcome and I'm really looking forward to seeing everybody in the stadium and around the city.'
<更新日時> 06月25日(日) 22:27
By Sara Rossi and Valentina Consiglio
ROME, Feb 10 (Reuters) - The Italian Treasury is moving quickly this year to issue retail bonds, hoping to plug a gap soon to be left by the European Central Bank and anticipating strong appetite from savers whose deposits are being eroded by inflation.
The economy ministry said on Monday it would issue a new "BTP Italia" inflation-linked bond for retail investors from March 6-9, earlier than the traditional April-May period chosen over the last decade.
It has said it is also considering other instruments dedicated to domestic savers, evDEn evE NAkliYaT as part of a strategy to put more of its huge public debt - proportionally the second highest in the euro zone - in Italian hands.
"We want to reduce our dependence on foreign creditors by increasing the number of Italians and Italian residents that hold our public debt," Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said on Thursday.
Retail investors held about 9% of Italian public debt at the end of last year, according to Bank of Italy data.
Analysts say Rome is probably also capitalising on favourable market conditions as three similar BTP Italia bonds mature in April, May, and November for a total of nearly 25 billion euros ($26.87 billion).
The yield on Italy's benchmark 10-year BTP bond stood at around 4.20% on Friday, compared with 4.70% at the end of December.
The Treasury has not issued three BTP Italia retail bonds in a year since the instrument was introduced in 2012 at the height of the euro zone debt crisis.
The importance of retail investors in purchasing BTPs will grow as the ECB withdraws its support.
The central bank last year ended its "quantitative easing" and emergency pandemic bond purchasing programme.It is continuing to reinvest part of the bonds it bought as they mature, while reducing its balance sheet.
Italian households' bank deposits are larger than their euro zone peers, according to calculation by the Scope Ratings agency for the third quarter of 2022, based on ECB data.
Italians' deposits amount to 86% of national output, Evden eVE NaKliYAT the data shows, compared with 74% for France and 81% for Germany and Spain.
"Italian households' liquidity potentially offers the Treasury a growing investor base in the near future," said Scope analyst Alvise Lennkh-Yunus.
However, these deposits are being rapidly eroded by inflation, and they declined last year for the first time since 2017 by almost 20 billion euros.
While consumer price growth in the 20-nation euro zone eased to 9.5% in January, in Italy it was still running at 10.9%.If you have any kind of concerns regarding where and EvdEN eve naKLiYaT how you can utilize evDEn Eve nakLiYat, you could contact us at the web-page. The ECB targets inflation at 2%.
"Italians' savings are no longer safe because of the continuous surges in energy prices and inflation in general," banking union Fabi said in a report this month.
The inflation-adjusted value of bank deposits has fallen far more steeply in Italy than in Spain, according to calculations by Spanish bank BBVA based on Bank of Italy and EvDen eve NaKliYAT Bank of Spain data.
A trend that has seen Italian deposit rates lagging far behind lending rates is likely to continue in coming months, Fabi said, increasing the incentive for savers to invest in government debt.
"The 0.3% rise in mortgage rates and business loans in the year to September 2022 compares with an increase in deposit rates of just 0.05%," the union said.($1 = 0.9303 euros)
(Editing by Gavin Jones and Christina Fincher)
<更新日時> 06月25日(日) 18:00
A lot of people are knocking rugby at the moment and it has irritated me a bit.Hopefully, the can really change the mood. It's great to be involved again. If you have any questions relating to where and also the best way to work with EVDeN Eve naKLiyat, it is possible to e-mail us in the web-site. I love it every year.
It's been a difficult time for the sport lately, but it has given me so much in my life.It's given me an identity and it's given me a purpose. So I've had enough of the doom and gloom around the game. Nothing is perfect, but I want to send a message out that there are a lot of good things in rugby and a lot of great people.
You don't meet many people in rugby who you don't like and the sport has so many positives as well as these negative things that there has been a lot of coverage about.
France will go back to basics in their defence of the Six Nations title this year
Now the Six Nations is back and it excites me as much as ever.What a competition, it's fabulous.
After Christmas, everyone's a bit miserable in January, so the Six Nations is something to really look forward to at this time of year.I used to think that even back when I was playing rugby league. It's a fantastic, national event where every game is more or less a derby. And it's the competition I've always judged myself on because teams get exactly the same preparation time.
This year, it looks wide open. The teams are well-matched and all of world rugby is like that at the moment, with very, very close scores.It's marvellous for the international game.
With France, we're trying to defend the title and we have to think like we're back to square one. We have to go back to the basics of our game and make sure they are right, all over again.
The Six Nations looks wide open this year and there will be no easy matches
You've got to remember that some of our guys will have played eight or nine matches for their club since we last played together against Japan in November.They have come back in after months of all playing in different systems, for different coaches. It takes time to gel again, so it's important to go back to the basics of your scrum, lineout, kick-offs and all those key parts of the game.
We have some injuries but I'm confident we will cope.
Fabien Galthie put down a challenge to the backs last week in training. He said: ‘OK, who's going to replace Jonathan Danty? Who's going to replace Gabin Villiere?' Those two guys aren't just important to our attack, but amazing defensive players, too. It was good to see the way the players reacted in the session after Fabien had challenged them.
They tried to play with the same sort of intensity as those fantastic players who are missing with injury.
Of course, EvDEn eVe NaKLiyat as the defending champions we have a target on our heads now, but that's something we have to get used to if we want to be at the top.I think this is the first time in history that the teams ranked No 1 and No 2 in the world have been in the Six Nations. That's fantastic.
Ireland are No 1 at the moment and we are No 2. How much you pay attention to the rankings is your decision but it's great for the fans.I've been lucky enough to be ranked No 1 for a week with Wales and for two weeks with France, EvDen EvE nAKliyat but we all know South Africa are the world champions and that's what really matters.
France will be wary of England as a lot of players have never won a Test at Twickeham
We've got Italy first up in Rome.
They won in Cardiff at the end of the last Six Nations, then beat Australia in the autumn which was a famous win for them. In their next game against South Africa, for 50 minutes they were in a tight contest with the world champions, so we have to take Italy very seriously.
It looks like they will be competitive and dangerous.
Next, we're playing the team ranked No 1 in the world on their own patch in Dublin. Everyone knows that Andy Farrell, Mike Catt and the other coaches there have transformed Ireland into one of the best teams to watch, and their performance stats are off the charts.
They are an incredible attacking force and their defence is absolutely fantastic, too.I think they conceded the fewest points on average in the world last year. So they have great defence aligned with a fantastic attacking game, and they've also got steel. Ireland are not the biggest team, but they're very fit, incredibly mobile and play for the full 80 minutes.
We also have to go to Twickenham and that will be a huge challenge for this French team.I rate Steve Borthwick highly as a coach and England are always very competitive. In all the time I've been involved in international rugby, there's never been an easy match against England.
Coach Andy Farrell has transformed Ireland into one of the best teams to watch
That will continue and a lot of our players have never won a Test at Twickenham.That'll be my message to them that day.
My old boss, Warren Gatland, is back in charge of Wales and they start at home against Ireland, which is going to be a rip-roaring game. Whoever wins is going to get momentum. Gats would always say: ‘If we get early momentum in the competition, we can win it.' And the whole of Wales would get behind them.
I tell the French guys: ‘Forget the Wales you see on the summer tour and in the autumn. The Six Nations is what the emphasis is on in Wales and the whole country comes alive for EVDEN eVE NaKLiYat it.So you have to be ready for a war against them.'
They're going to be our last match, it's in Paris, and I know that's going to be some game.
Stats must support change
In the build-up to this Six Nations, there's been a lot of talk about lowering the legal tackle height.For me, it's all about having the data to support what they are doing, like there was for the scrum changes.
We all think scrums go on too long, but there aren't so many guys having neck or back surgery after they retire, EvDeN EVe NAKliyAT like in the old days.There are statistics to say that what they've done has made a huge improvement to the health of the players involved in scrums. If we can have statistics to show that the lower tackle will have a similar impact in making the game safer, then obviously we'll all get behind it.
As a defence coach, one thing I will say is that it's very difficult to practise lower tackling without players being injured — either the carrier who falls on to his ankles, or the tackler who might get a whack on his head from a knee.
So we have to think long and hard about how we can safely practise lower tackles, if that's the way the game is going.
<更新日時> 06月25日(日) 17:07
Feb 8 (Reuters) - CVS Health Corp is moving deeper into primary care with its planned $9.5 billion deal for Oak Street Health announced on Wednesday, giving it a bigger role in healthcare services in line with many of its rival.
Here is a list of some big companies that are also providing medical services or have announced similar deals:
UnitedHealth Group Inc
UnitedHealth's Optum Health business provides services that range from primary care to specialty care such as cardiology and oncology.
Optum Health served more than 100 million people in the first nine months of 2022, according to a quarterly regulatory filing.
UnitedHealth last year also announced a deal to buy LHC Group, which provides healthcare services at home, for EvDEN EVe NaKLiyat about $5. When you adored this information and also you desire to be given guidance concerning evdeN eVE naKLiyAT i implore you to pay a visit to the web-page. 4 billion. LHC operates at more than 900 service locations in 37 U.S.states.
Walgreens Boots Alliance
Pharmacy chain Walgreens in 2021 took a majority stake in primary care provider VillageMD, which has nearly 400 clinics in the United States including 200 co-located with Walgreens retails stores, as of the end of 2022.
VillageMD completed the acquisition of urgent care provider Summit Health in a deal valued at $9 billion. Together, VillageMD and Summit Health will operate at more than 680 locations.
Cigna Corp
Health insurer Cigna Corp invested $2.5 billion in VillageMD to become a minority shareholder.
Amazon.com Inc
Amazon.com Inc agreed to buy primary care provider One Medical for $3.49 billion in July to expand its virtual healthcare and add brick-and-mortar doctors' offices.
One Medical has around 815,000 members in total and 214 medical offices in 26 markets, according to its latest quarterly filing.
Walmart Inc
Walmart and eVDeN Eve nakLiYAt UnitedHealth Group in September signed a 10-year partnership to provide preventive care for people ages 65 and older, and virtual healthcare services for all age groups.
Walmart's effort with UnitedHealth will target common ailments among aging Americans such as heart disease and diabetes.
Centene Corp
Medicaid provider Centene runs medical centers through its Community Medical Group, EVDEN EVE nAKLiYaT which it acquired in 2018.It runs 16 medical centers in South Florida and EvdEN EVE nAkLiYat five centers in Central Florida, according to its website. (Reporting by Raghav Mahobe and Mariam E Sunny in Bengaluru; Editing by Bill Berkrot)
<更新日時> 06月25日(日) 13:33
Two supermarket giants have held onto the trust of Australians while arguably our most iconic home-grown brand dropped almost completely from the hearts and EVdEn eVE nAkLiyAt minds of Aussies.
The latest Roy Morgan poll, which determines the nation's most trusted brands every three months, ranked Woolworths and Coles as Australia's most depended-upon brands.
But national carrier suffered a devastating drop, EVdeN evE NakLiyat falling from number nine to be ranked 40th after it was plagued by stories of bad customer service and flight delays.
Optus also took a hit, ranking second on Roy Morgan's most distrusted brands' list, knocking Telstra down to three.
The embattled telco rose from the 17th spot published in September after its customer data was stolen and leaked online in a cyber security attack last year.
Woolworths and Coles came in at number one and two respectively as a part of Roy Morgan's most trusted brand Evden evE NakliyAT poll for the December quarter
But Qantas sank below the top 10 after the airline was plagued with perceptions of bad customer service and flight delays, landing in 40th place
Qantas has fallen a whopping 34 places from its rank six months ago after it was ranked sixth in the middle of 2022.
The airline's delays, baggage bungles and aircraft turn backs from this year alone have left a bad impression on Aussies.
Australia Post made a foray into the top 10 at number nine, with the troubled postal service upping the ante by two spots since last September.
It comes in the wake of the group's profits before tax spiraling from $199.8 million to $23.6 million in the first half of the financial year to December 31.
Optus also took a hit appearing on the most distrusted brands' list surveyed by Roy Morgan at number two, knocking Telstra down to three
Hardware giant Bunnings stayed at number three.
Aldi kept up the competition remaining in fourth position with discount store Kmart on its tail at number five.
The German supermarket chain has been voted as the most affordable place to shop in, while Kmart also reels Australian customers in looking for a bargain.
Upscale department store Myer took out number six spot toppling tech giant Apple down to seven in the December survey.
But the winners who took out the top ten included hardware behemoth Bunnings staying put at number three
Coles and Woolworths remained on equal footing from last September, sitting securely in the top two spots
Aldi kept up the competition remaining in fourth position with discount store Kmart on its tail at number five
Big W and Toyota held on to their places in eighth and 10th places respectively.
The most distrusted brand in the Roy Morgan's December report was Facebook Meta, with Optus and Telstra coming from behind in second and third positions respectively.
E-Commerce brand Amazon ventured down a spot to number four while News Corp came in fifth place on the list.
Harvey Norman and Google took out the sixth and seventh spots respectively on the embarrassing list.
Financial services heavyweight AMP reached number eight, with Rio Tinto and Nestle coming up in the rear. If you liked this report and you would like to get far more data concerning eVDEn eve NAkLiYaT kindly pay a visit to the web site.
Noteworthy contenders outside the top ten most distrusted list included Medibank which suffered a jump to number 14 off the back of its own data breach last October.
Twitter also bumped up to number 11 from 17 this quarter after Elon Musk bought the social media stalwart.
BP also made an appearance on the shame list at number 16, moving up from 21 from the previous quarter.
The most distrusted brand in the Roy Morgan's December report was Facebook Meta, with Optus and Telstra coming from behind in second and third positions respectively
E-Commerce brand Amazon ventured down a spot to number four while News Corp came in fifth place on the list
<更新日時> 06月25日(日) 08:58
As concern grows over social media, U.S.lawsuits stack up
Surge in mental health problems worst among girls
Lawyers zone in on algorithm designs, whistleblower leaks
Others see platforms as scapegoat for society's woes
By Avi Asher-Schapiro
LOS ANGELES, Feb 8 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - At about the time her daughter reached the age of 12, American health executive Laurie saw her once confident, happy child turning into someone she barely recognized.At first, she thought a bad case of adolescent angst was to blame.
Initially, her daughter had trouble sleeping and grappled with episodes of self-loathing and anxiety, but by the time she was 14, she had started cutting herself and was having suicidal thoughts.
Without Laurie knowing, she had been sneaking away her confiscated smartphone and spending hours online at night, eVDeN eVE NakLiyAT trawling through posts about self-harm and eating disorders on social media platforms.
"One day she said to me: 'Mom, I'm going to hurt myself badly if I don't get help,'" Laurie said as she described the mental health crises that have plagued her daughter for the last two years, disrupting her education and eVdeN EVE nAKliyat devastating the family's finances.
She asked to use only her first name in order to protect the identity of her daughter.
Paying for her daughter's care - therapists, a psychiatrist, and multiple residential treatment facilities across the country - has nearly bankrupted Laurie, who recently sold her house in California and moved to a cheaper home in another state.
In August, she filed a lawsuit on behalf of her daughter against the social media platforms she blames for the ordeal: Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok.
The case is one of dozens of similar U.S.lawsuits which argue that, when it comes to children, social media is a dangerous product - like a car with a faulty seat-belt - and that tech companies should be held to account and pay for the resulting harms.
"Before (she used) social media, there was no eating disorder, there was no mental illness, there was no isolation, there was no cutting, none of that," Laurie told the Thomson Reuters Foundation about her daughter, who is identified as C.W.in the suit.
Don Grant, a psychologist who specializes in treating children with mental health issues linked to digital devices, said Laurie's predicament is increasingly common.
"It's like every night, kids all over the country sneak out of their houses and go to play in the sewers under the city with no supervision. That's what being online can be like," he said.
"You think just because your kids are sitting in your living room they're safe - but they're not."
Facebook's parent company Meta Platforms Inc, Snap Inc, which owns Snapchat, and TikTok declined to comment on individual lawsuits, but said they prioritized children's safety online.
Meta executives, under criticism over internal data showing its Instagram app damaged the mental health of teenagers, have highlighted the positive impacts of social media, and their efforts to better protect young users.
Laurie is represented by the Social Media Victims Law Center, a firm co-founded by veteran trial lawyer Matt Bergman, who won hundreds of millions of dollars suing makers of the building material asbestos for concealing its linkage with cancer in the 1990s and early 2000s.
Bergman decided to turn his attention to social media after former Facebook executive Frances Haugen leaked thousands of internal company documents in 2021 that showed the company had some knowledge of the potential harm its products could cause.
"These companies make the asbestos industry look like a bunch of Boy Scouts," Bergman said.
Facebook has said the Haugen papers have been mischaracterized and taken out of context, and that Wall Street Journal articles based on them "conferred egregiously false motives to Facebook's leadership and employees".
Bergman's firm has signed up more than 1,200 clients including Laurie over the past year, taking out television ads asking families who worry about their children's social media use to get in touch on a toll-free hotline.
In addition to more than 70 cases involving child suicide, the firm has collected over 600 cases linked to eating disorders.Dozens more accuse social media firms of failing to prevent sex trafficking on their platforms, or stem from accidental deaths after children attempted viral stunts allowed to spread online.
In late 2022, 80 similar federal suits from 35 different jurisdictions were consolidated together and are now being considered by the U.S.If you have any kind of inquiries concerning where and the best ways to utilize evden evE nAKliYAt, you could contact us at our web site. District Court for the Northern District of California.
Laurie's suit is part of a similar bundle of suits filed in California state courts.
None of these cases - or any of those filed by Bergman - have yet to be heard by a jury, and it is not clear if they ever will.
First, he has to get past Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a provision that provides technology companies some legal immunity for content published on their platform by third parties.
Courts routinely cite the provision when they dismiss lawsuits against social media firms, which prevents the cases from moving on to trial.
In October, for example, a court in Pennsylvania blocked a lawsuit against TikTok brought on behalf of a child who died after suffocating themselves doing a so-called blackout challenge that was widely shared on the video-sharing site.
When it was enacted in the 1990s, Section 230 was intended to shield the nascent tech industry from being crushed under waves of lawsuits, providing space for companies to experiment with platforms that encouraged user-generated content.
Laura Marquez-Garrett, a lawyer with the Social Media Victims Law Center who is taking the lead on Laurie's case, said she believed her cases could be won if a court agreed to hear them.
"The moment we get to litigate ... and move forward, it's game over," she said.
Bergman and Marquez-Garrett are part of growing cohort of lawyers who think Section 230 is no longer tenable, as political pressure builds on the issue.
President Joe Biden has voiced support for "revoking" Section 230, eVDeN EvE NAkliYaT and politicians in both parties have proposed legislation that would scrap or tweak the provision. But so far, no reform packages have gained traction, shifting the focus of reform efforts to litigation.
"We aren't talking about small companies experimenting with new technology; we're talking about huge companies who have built harmful products," Bergman said.
Bergman and his team say the harm to their clients is not primarily about harmful speech that just so happened to be posted online, but that it can directly be attributed to design decisions made by the tech companies.
His lawsuits focus on the building of algorithms that maximize the amount of time children spend online and push them towards harmful content; the way friend recommendation features can introduce children to predatory adults - as well as the lax controls for parents who want to restrict access.
"These lawsuits are about specific design decisions social media platforms have made to maximize profit over safety," Bergman said.
Asked by the Thomson Reuters Foundation to comment on the company's product designs, Meta sent an emailed statement from its global head of safety, Antigone Davis, who said the company takes children's safety seriously.
"We want teens to be safe online. We've developed more than 30 tools to support teens and families, including supervision tools that let parents limit the amount of time their teens spend on Instagram, and age verification technology that helps teens have age-appropriate experiences," the statement read.
A Snap spokesperson did not comment directly on the pending litigation, adding in a statement that "nothing is more important to us than the wellbeing of our community."
"We curate content from known creators and publishers and use human moderation to review user generated content before it can reach a large audience, which greatly reduces the spread and discovery of harmful content," the statement added.
Laurie's lawsuit - which was filed in late August in the Superior Court of Los Angeles - alleges that TikTok, Meta and Snap, are "contributing to the burgeoning mental health crisis perpetrated upon the children and teenagers of the United States."
"I'm doing this for parents everywhere," she said.
A sharp increase in depression and suicide among U.S.teenagers coincided with a surge in social media use about a decade ago, though a slew of research has reached mixed conclusions about a possible link.
Bergman is not the first lawyer to try to bring a tech firm to court for building an allegedly harmful product.
Carrie Goldberg, a New York-based lawyer, helped to popularize the notion that social media software is essentially like any other consumer product - and that harms it causes in the real world should open up manufacturers to lawsuits.
In 2017, she sued the dating app Grindr on behalf of Matthew Herrick, a man who was stalked and threatened online by an ex-boyfriend, but could not get Grindr to block his harasser.
Goldberg argued that Grindr's decision to make it difficult to kick harassers off the app should open the company up to some liability as designers of the product, but the court disagreed - ruling that Grindr merely facilitated communications, and was therefore protected under Section 230.
"I couldn't get in front of a jury," Goldberg recalled, saying that if such cases were allowed to proceed to trial, they would likely succeed.
A lot has changed in the last five years, she said: the public has become less trusting of social media companies and courts have started to entertain the notion that lawyers should be able to sue tech platforms in the same way as providers of other consumer products or services.
In 2021, the 9th Circuit Court in California ruled that Snap could potentially be held liable for the deaths of two boys who died in a high-speed car accident that took place while they were using a Snapchat filter that their families say encouraged reckless driving.
In October, the U.S.Supreme Court decided to hear a case against Google that accuses its YouTube video platform of materially supporting terrorism due to the algorithmic recommendation of videos by the Islamic State militant group.
Legal experts said that case could set an important precedent for how Section 230 applies to the content recommendations that platforms' algorithms make to users - including those made to children such as Laurie's daughter.
"The pendulum has really swung," Goldberg said."People no longer trust these products are operating in the public good, and the courts are waking up."
Outside the United States, the balance has shifted still further, and is beginning to be reflected both in consumer lawsuits and regulation.
In September, eVden EVe NAkLiYat a British government inquest faulted social media exposure for the suicide of a 14-year-old girl, and lawmakers are poised to implement stringent rules for age verification for social media firms.
But aside from a recent bill in California that mandates "age appropriate design" decisions, efforts in the United States to pass new laws governing digital platforms have largely faltered.
Trial lawyers like Bergman say that leaves the issue in their hands.
Laurie's daughter got her first cellphone in the sixth grade, when she started taking the bus to school alone.When her mental health began to deteriorate soon after, her mother did not initially make a connection.
"In many ways I was a helicopter parent," Laurie said. "I did everything right - I put the phone in the cupboard at night, we spoke about the appropriate use of technology around the dinner table."
Now, Laurie knows her daughter had secretly opened multiple social media accounts in an attempt to evade her mother's vigilance, spending hours connected at night in her bedroom.
Laurie soon realized her daughter was wearing long-sleeved shirts to cover up cutting scars on her arms.
"When I asked her about it, she said, "Mom, there are videos showing you how to do it on TikTok, and Snapchat - they show you what tools to use."
TikTok and Snap said harmful content is not allowed on their platforms, and they take steps to remove it.
With her self-esteem plummeting, Laurie's daughter was introduced to older users on Snapchat and Instagram who sought to groom and sexually exploit her - including requesting sexually explicit images from her, according to her lawyers.
Although Laurie wanted to keep her daughter offline, social media platforms designed their products "to evade parental consent and control," her lawsuit alleges.
A Meta spokesperson pointed to a number of recent initiatives to give parents control over their children's online activity, including a "Family Center," introduced in 2022, which allows parents to monitor and limit time spent on Instagram.
Laurie's daughter surreptitiously opened five Instagram, six Snapchat and three TikTok accounts, according to her lawsuit, many before she turned 13 - the age when social media firms can allow minors to open accounts.
"There was no way for me to contact all these companies and say, 'don't let my daughter log in,'" Laurie said.
Though Laurie wanted to further restrict her daughter's social media access, she was concerned that - since all her classmates were communicating on the apps - her daughter would feel socially excluded without them.
Laurie's daughter is just one data point in a trend that psychologists have been trying to make sense of over the last decade.
Between the years of 2012 and 2015, U.S. teenagers reporting symptoms of depression increased by 21% - the number was double for girls, said Jean Twenge, an American psychologist and researcher studying mental health trends.
Three times as many 12- to 14-year-old girls killed themselves in 2015 as in 2007, Twenge said.
Until about 10 years ago, cases involving depression, self-harm and anxiety had been stable for decades, said Grant, the psychologist.
"Then we see this big spike around 2012 - what happened in 2011?The advent of Snapchat and Instagram," he said.
One driver of this trend, researchers say, is social comparison - the way that products including Instagram and TikTok are engineered to push users to constantly compare themselves to their peers in a way that can torpedo self-esteem.
"She'd say "Mom, I'm ugly, I'm fat"," Laurie recalled of her daughter. "Keep in mind: she's 98 pounds (44 kg), and 5 foot 5 (165 cm)."
"So I'd ask her, 'why do you think this?' And she'd say, 'because I posted a photo and only four people liked it'."
Grant said he sees children hooked by very specific design choices that social media companies have made.
"Just think about endless scrolling - that's based on the motion of slot machines - addictive gambling," said Grant, who spent years treating adult addiction before turning his focus to children's technology use.
Still, mental health experts are divided on the interplay between children's mental health and social media use.
"Social media is often a scapegoat," said Yalda Uhls, a professor of developmental psychology at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).
"It's easier to blame (it) than the systematic issues in our society - there's inequality, racism, climate change, and there's parenting decisions too."
While some children may attribute a mental health challenge to social media, others say the opposite. Polling by Pew in November showed that less than 10% of teens said social media was having a "mostly negative" impact on their lives.
There are still big gaps in research into concepts such as social media addiction and digital harm to children, said Jennifer King, a research fellow at the Stanford University Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence.
"But the internal research - the Frances Haugen documents - are damning," she said. "And of course, it was shark bait for trial lawyers."
Toney Roberts was watching CNN at 2 a.m. on a winter's evening in early 2022, when he saw an advertisement he never expected to see.
A woman on screen invited parents to call a 1-800 number if they had a "child (who) suffered a mental health crisis, eating disorder, attempted or completed suicide or was sexually exploited through social media."
"I thought, wait, this is what happened to our daughter," he recalled.
It had been more than a year since he found his 14-year-old daughter Englyn hanging in her room. She eventually died from her injuries.
Roberts later discovered that his daughter had viewed a video depicting the specific suicide method on Instagram, and that in the months leading up to her death she had been sucked into an online world of self-harm content, and abuse.
He began to comb through his daughter's phone, creating a dossier of her mental health spiral, which he attributed to her use of Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat.
To his distress, he found the video that may have played a part in her death was still circulating on Instagram for months after she died.
Meta declined to comment on the Roberts case, but said in an emailed statement that the company does not "allow content that promotes suicide, self-harm or eating disorders."
After Roberts called the 1-800 number, Bergman and Marquez-Garrett flew to Louisiana to meet the family, and last July, he and his wife Brandy sued the three social media companies.
"I didn't want my daughter to be a statistic," Roberts said, adding that the user who created the video he thinks inspired his daughter's suicide still has an active Instagram account.
TikTok and Snapchat also declined to comment on the case.
Bergman often compares his cases against social media platforms to the avalanche of lawsuits that targeted tobacco companies in the 1950s onwards: lawyers only began winning cases after leaked documents showed advance knowledge of cancer-causing chemicals.
In Laurie's case, for example, the lawsuit cites documents made public by Haugen showing an internal Facebook conversation about how 70% of the reported "adult/minor exploitation" on the platform could be traced back to recommendations made through the "People You May Know" feature.
Another employee suggests in the same message board that the tool should be disabled for children.
Meta did not directly respond to a request for comment on the document.
Since the so-called Facebook Papers were first published in September 2021, Meta has made a number of changes, including restricting the ability of children to message adults who Instagram flags as "suspicious."
But at the time Laurie's daughter was using social media, none of the platforms had meaningful restrictions on the ability of adults to message children, her lawyers say, a design choice they argue should open the companies up to legal liability.
Bergman said facts like this illustrate social media litigation should become the next "Big Tobacco."
Some other lawyers are not convinced by the parallel, however.
"For every person that gets harmed or hurt in real ways, I suspect there are literally millions who have no problems at all, and are having a great time on the platform," said Jason Schultz, director of New York University's Tech Law and Policy Clinic.
"Courts are going to have to ask: is this really an inherently dangerous thing?"
King, for her part, agrees that design choices made by the platforms are problematic.
"There's growing evidence that the companies made design decisions that were so skewed toward promoting engagement, that they can lead users to very harmful places," she said.
John Villasenor, the co-director of the UCLA Institute for Technology, Law, and Policy, said it could be hard to distinguish between a well-designed algorithm and one that might under some circumstances promote addictive behaviors.
"It's not unreasonable for platforms to build digital products that encourage more engagement," he said.
"And if someone is prone to addiction, and can't stop using it - is that always the platform's fault?"
In late 2022, Laurie's daughter returned home after spending a chunk of her high school years in residential treatment centers.
Each week, she sits down with her mother so they can go through everything she has posted on Instagram - the only social media platform Laurie decided to let her keep using, so she could still connect with her friends.
Today, she is doing much better, Laurie said."I feel like I have my daughter back."
Originally published at: website (Reporting by Avi Asher-Schapiro @AASchapiro; Editing by Helen Popper. The Thomson Reuters Foundation is the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters. Visit website
<更新日時> 06月25日(日) 04:31
Unless you've got a craving for chicken wings, this year's party might leave your wallet a little lighter.
As the City Chiefs set to do battle with the Philadelphia Eagles in front of an audience likely to soar over 100 million, many together with friends and family at parties.
Those Super Bowl parties could be the latest thing wreaks havoc with, as the price of food and drink has gone up in 2023. If you cherished this article and also you would like to collect more info pertaining to EVDEn eVE NAKLiyaT kindly visit our own web site.
The claims that alcoholic beverages have gone up six percent in cost from 2022.
Even your party's designated driver will suffer: the cost of non-alcoholic drinks rose 13 percent year-over-year.
Unless you've got a craving for chicken wings, this year's Super Bowl party might leave your wallet a little lighter
The food to go along with those drinks isn't getting cheaper either: the price of meat, fish and eggs as well as fruits and vegetables are up eight percent from 2022.
However, there is one category where consumers are likely to feel only stomach pain rather than financial ones: chicken wings.
The popular appetizer's prices have g has rocked the United States in the past year, with Miami being hit hardest as to corral the soaring cost of living.
Miami, Phoenix, Seattle, Atlanta and Philadelphia finished 2022 with the highest annual inflation rate increases.
Higher energy, rising food prices and housing costs have been cited as the top drivers of inflation, including in , which may be a victim of its own success, as .
Federal data listed Phoenix's rent increase at 21.9 percent, with Miami at 18.6 percent, after the city saw the highest inbound population increase of any city since the pandemic began.
Miami was one of four cities to make the top ten among cities with a population of over 150,000 - with a move-in rate of 55.2 percent
This year's Super Bowl is a battle between star quarterbacks Jalen Hurts (pictured left) of the Philadelphia Eagles and Patrick Mahomes (pictured right) of the Kansas City Chiefs
Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages have seen a surge in pricing
Chicken wings are the only food seeing a dip in price from last year, with the average whole chicken wing down 70 cents a pound
Inflation has rocked the United States hard in the past year, with Miami being hit hardest as consumers continue to get priced out
The top ten was rounded out by New York/Newark, Baltimore, Detroit, St.Louis and Chicago.
Los Angeles and San Francisco had some of the lowest inflation rates, which may be due to a slowing of people moving to those areas.
Dallas, EVDeN eVE NakliyAt the Twin Cities, and Baltimore are suffering some of the country's highest , EVdeN evE NAKliyat which rose 14.1%, 13.7%, and 13.5% in those cities respectively, according to an Axios analysis.
The news comes after the raised its target interest rate by a quarter of a percentage point, and signaled that even though inflation is easing, it remains high enough to require further hikes.
The set the US central bank's benchmark overnight interest rate in the 4.50-4.75 percent range, the highest since November 2007, when rates were slashed at the onset of the financial crisis.
Though this increase was smaller than its previous hike - and EVdeN evE NAKLiyaT even larger rate increases before that - the Fed's latest move will further raise the costs of many consumer and business loans, and could increase the risk of a recession.
In a policy statement, the Fed continued to promise 'ongoing increases' in borrowing costs, a signal that policymakers intend to raise their benchmark rate again when they next meet in March and perhaps in May as well.
Still, the major stock indexes, which had spent the day in the red, rallied to positive territory as Fed Chair Jerome Powell spoke after the decision, with the S&P 500 gaining 1.59 percent late in the session.
Miami's inflation rate is at 18.6 percent, after the city saw the highest inbound population increase of any city since the pandemic began
Seattle finished 2022 with the second-highest annual inflation rate increase
The Federal Reserve has raised its target interest rate by a quarter of a percentage point, slowing down from the rapid hikes implemented last year
Fed Chair Jerome Powell said 'the job is not fully done' in bringing down inflation, noting policymakers are 'strongly committed to bringing inflation back down to our 2% goal'
'We will need substantially more evidence to be confident that inflation is on a long, sustained downward path,' said Powell.
"It would be very premature to declare victory or think that we really got this," Powell added."We have to complete the job."
Fed policymakers hope to avoid triggering a recession, and economic data since their last policy meeting in December generally has moved in the right direction.
Though , it is slowing under the impact of higher interest rates, while the economy continues to grow and create jobs at a reasonable pace.
'The Fed isn't done fighting inflation,' said John Leer, chief economist at decision intelligence company Morning Consult. 'Anyone who thought the Fed had won the war on inflation needs to buckle up for a protracted battle.'
Although the labor market remains tight, Leer said it 'remains premature to conclude American workers will emerge unscathed from this hiking cycle' as the full impact of higher interest rates on the job market has yet to play out.
The Fed is attempting to tame inflation by slowing the economy with higher interest rates, but hopes to avoid triggering a recession.
For consumers, the rate hike will likely mean higher interest payments for credit cards and variable-rate loans.
Mortgage rates, however, remain near 6 percent after peaking above 7 percent in October, and experts expect them to remain relatively stable or fall further.
Generally, mortgage rates follow yields on the 10-Year Treasury note, which have fallen significantly in the past month amid signs of slowing inflation.
The Fed is attempting to walk a tightrope by raising rates enough to battle inflation, without tipping the economy into a full-blown recession.
Many economists and business leaders expect a recession sometime in 2023, EVDen EVE nAKliyAt though there have been recent signals that the economy remains stronger than expected.
<更新日時> 06月25日(日) 04:28
When she was told she was at risk of breast , model Jade Power bravely chose to have a double mastectomy.
Now, only five months later, she is preparing to go back to work - to show women you can still be ‘sexy and beautiful' after surgery.
Miss Power was 27 when she received the heartbreaking news that she is a carrier of a rare genetic mutation called PALB2, meaning there was a 71 per cent chance of her developing breast cancer.
The mother of one chose to be tested after her sister Donna, 39, eVden eVE nAKLiyat was diagnosed with the disease in 2020.Their eldest sister Claire, EVdEn eVe NaKliyaT 44, did not carry the mutation.
Five months after her double mastectomy, Jade Power is preparing to go back to work to show women you can still be ‘sexy' after surgery
Miss Power was 27 when she was told there was a 71 per cent chance of her developing breast cancer.Pictured: Miss Power, 29, with her one-year-old son Zander
Jade, 29, who is a former Miss Sussex, had her double mastectomy, under breast surgeon Hisham Hamed, at Guy's Hospital in London on August 13.
And determined to raise awareness of breast cancer mutations, she is already planning her return to modelling - and she will not be shying away from underwear shoots.Her goal is to show women that they can still feel attractive following a double mastectomy.
Miss Power, who lives in London with her partner and one-year-old son Zander, said: ‘After my genetic test result, I felt like my breasts were the enemy and could potentially kill me at any time.
My breasts were the enemy
‘Going through a double mastectomy, I was prepared to cry looking at myself in the mirror after the surgery - but I'm actually so happy with how I look.I just want women to know that you can still be sexy and beautiful after going through something like this and life goes on.
‘I really do still feel I am all woman, and will still be doing lingerie shoots just like I did before.'
Miss Power is already planning her return to modelling - and she will not be shying away from underwear shoots.Pictured: From left, sisters Claire, Donna and model Jade
Earlier this year, Miss Power told the Daily Mail how she hoped to become the ‘new Angelina Jolie'. If you cherished this information as well as you would like to receive more info with regards to EvdEN EVe nAkLiYAt generously stop by our own web-site. The actress raised awareness of a mutation linked to breast and ovarian cancer in a gene called BRCA1 after she had a preventative double mastectomy in 2013.
Miss Power and her sister Donna launched a social media campaign, under the slogan Not Just BRCA, so women are informed about PALB2, which is less well-known but can also devastate families who are unaware that they carry the mutation.
They are also working with the NHS to help inform nurses across the country on genetic mutations linked to cancer.
Miss Power received implants after her surgery to restore her bust.She said: evden EVE nAKLiyaT EVE naKliYAT ‘I am counting my blessings, safe in the amazing knowledge that I have a greatly reduced breast cancer risk now, and will still be dressing up like I always have.'
<更新日時> 06月24日(土) 20:07
The desperate family of a New York student who is missing in France has pleaded for help finding him as the FBI joins the search effort.
Kenneth DeLand, 22, was supposed to fly home for the holidays this week but his family hasn't heard from him for more than two weeks.
In a heartbreaking interview to beg for help finding their son, Ken's parents describe the loss of contact as out of character and urge him: 'Just pick up the phone.'
Ken had been staying with a host family while studying at the University of Grenoble Alpes. His family's last contact was a WhatsApp message on November 27 telling them he was taking a train to Valence in southeastern France.
Ken, 22, was last seen at a sporting goods store in the south of France nine days ago
Surveillance footage shows the college student (pictured entering the store in a red jacket) in his last known appearance. DeLand's family has launched a website to track him down
His phone was believed to have 'pinged' last on November 30.
On December 3, he was spotted on surveillance cameras at a sporting goods store in Alpine resort Montelimar. Bank records show he made a purchase of $8.40 at 9am.
That is the final known sighting of Ken. His family was informed their son was missing by a college liaison worker who contacted them after he failed to report to class and didn't return to his host family.
Ken's mom, Carol Laws, said the college filed a missing persons report because they hadn't seen him for 24 hours.
'I'm not there I'm here, thousands of miles away,' Laws said.
His father, EVDEn eVe NAKliyAT Kenneth DeLand Sr, said: 'It's not characteristic of Kenny to not reach out to us and let us know what's going on.'
His mom said she messages her son every day: 'I say Kenny, Kenny just call me. Just pick up the phone, you can talk to me about anything. That's what I text him, call me, text me, anything. Should you have almost any questions about where by along with how you can utilize evDen EVe NaKliyAT, you are able to call us in the web page. '
Ken's father, pictured left, said: 'It's not characteristic of Kenny to not reach out to us and let us know what's going on.'
Dad Ken Sr (second from right), his wife Carol (right) and Ken's younger brother Zacary (left) pose for a family photo with Ken (second from left)
Ken Sr says the family are 'extremely concerned' for the wellbeing of their son
He has been reported missing but French police have apparently been unable to share some information due to privacy laws, because Ken is an adult
Despite the family's desperation, police in France have reportedly been unable to release all the available information because of privacy laws, as Ken is an adult.
His mom told Good Morning America: 'If anybody has a way to help us and find him, help us. With the officials, please help us.'
She said she still messages her son every day: 'I say Kenny, Kenny just call me. Just pick up the phone, you can talk to me about anything. That's what I text him, call me, text me, anything.'
Ken's father said his son was enjoying his time in France, adding: 'He loves to travel so this trip has been something that he's really looked forward to.'
Brad Farrett, a former FBI special agent, said: 'I've helped in cases where loved ones have had a missing person overseas and, eVdEN EVE NakliYaT if they had means, EvdEN EVe NaKliYAt I've told them to fly there and to basically work with the police eyeball to eyeball.
The senior at St John Fisher University in Rochester, New York has spent the past few months studying at the University of Grenoble Alpes
His family's last contact was a WhatsApp message on November 27 telling them he was taking a train to Valence in southeastern France
'At the very least, you have to keep your voice in front of these investigators if not every day, at least every week.'
The senior at St John Fisher University in Rochester, New York has spent the past few months studying at the University of Grenoble Alpes.
The family have now launched a website to raise awareness about his missing status.
They wrote: 'We are extremely worried and want him to return home safe.
'We fear the worst and want him to be located.'
He has been listed on the French missing persons list.
The student was last seen wearing a red jacket, scarf, a gray beanie, blue pants, a black backpack and sneakers.
He is about six feet tall and 190 pounds.
Study abroad organizers the American Institute for Foreign Study said that it 'joins others concerned for his safety and we are working with local law enforcement who have begun a search.
'We have been in contact with Kenneth's family and university and we are hoping for his swift and safe return.'
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<更新日時> 06月24日(土) 16:58
By Mike Dolan
LONDON, Nov 16 (Reuters) - If financial markets bore the brunt of this year's interest rate shock, housing now stands in the firing line.
And a residential real estate quake would hurt many economies far more, amplifying the bond market ructions of the past 12 months if inflation can't be contained quickly enough to allow central banks to stop tightening in 2023.
Overall housing activity - construction, sales and the related demand for goods and services that goes with housing churn - contributes an estimated 16-18% of gross domestic product annually in the United States and Britain. That's well over $4 trillion for the former and half a trillion in the UK.
With long-term U.S.fixed mortgage rates above 7% for the first time in 20 years, and more than double January rates, U. In the event you adored this informative article and you wish to obtain more details regarding EVDEn evE nAkLiYat generously go to our internet site. S. housing sales and starts are already feeling the heat.
And as property has ridden the bond bull market of low inflation and interest rates for much those intervening decades - the sub-prime mortgage crash of 2007-2008 apart - any risk of a paradigm shift in that whole picture is a mega concern.
Twenty years ago, after the dot.com bust and stock market crash led to a puzzlingly mild global recession, The Economist magazine fronted with a piece entitled "The houses that saved the world" - concluding lower mortgage rates, refinancing and EVden evE NAKliyat home equity withdrawal had offset the hit to corporate demand.
But it's much less likely to come to the rescue after this year's stock market swoon, if only because interest rates are heading even higher into 2023 and eVdeN evE naKliYat many now fret about potential distress and delinquency in the sector eVDeN eVE naKLiYAt next year.
Some 10% of global fund managers polled by Bank of America this month think real estate in developed economies is the most likely source of another systemic credit event going forward.
And Britain, which even the Bank of England assumes has already entered recession, is particularly vulnerable.
UK homeowners outsize exposure to floating rate mortgages and greater vulnerability to rising unemployment leaves the British market a potential outlier amid the twin hits of rising Bank of England rates and this week's expected fiscal squeeze.
Indeed, many feel the extent of finance minister Jeremy Hunt's dramatic fiscal U-turn away from September's botched giveaway budget is precisely to avoid the sort of brutal BoE rate hit to the housing market that had threatened initially.
British think-tank the National Institute of Economic and Social Research reckons some 2.5 million UK households on variable rate mortgages - about 10% of the total - would be hit hard by further BoE rate rises next year, pushing mortgage costs for about 30,000 beyond monthly incomes if rates hit 5%.
That partly explains why even though money markets still see BoE rates peaking as high as 4.5%, from 3% at present, high-street clearing banks Barclays and HSBC forecast the central bank's terminal rate as low as 3.5% and 3.75% respectively.
Goldman Sachs chief economist Jan Hatzius and team feel the threat of a major credit event in developed housing markets may be overstated - as many mortgage holders are still on low, long-term fixed deals and there are substantial home equity buffers.
But they said Britain stands out nonetheless.
"We see a relatively greater risk of a meaningful rise in mortgage delinquency rates in the UK," Goldman said this month."This reflects the shorter duration of UK mortgages, our more negative economic outlook, and the greater sensitivity of default rates to downturns."
While Australia and New Zealand have higher variable mortgage rates, evdeN eve NaKliyaT British mortgage holders also have a higher vulnerability to rising joblessness.
Goldman estimates that a one percentage point rise in unemployment tends to boost mortgage delinquency rates by more than 20 basis points after one year in Britain - twice as much as the 10bp impact from a similar scenario in the United States.
All of which bodes ill for UK house prices - although forecasts are still far from apocalyptic.
UK estate agent Knight Frank expects nationwide house prices to drop 5% next year and again in 2024, a cumulative decline of almost 10% but one that only takes average prices back to where they were in the middle of 2021.Further out they see stagnation persisting - with just a 1.5% cumulative gain in the five years to 2026 and London prices basically flat over all that period.
NIESR economist Urvish Patel concurred with the thrust of that - expecting lower house prices over the next couple of years but adding "fears of a house price and housing market collapse because of higher mortgage rates are unlikely to be proved correct".
Offsetting factors are that a majority will be on fixed rates, supply remains tight and stamp duty taxes are due to be cut again, he said.
But he did point to Bank of England research from 2019 that studied more than 30 years of data and showed that a 1% sustained increase in index-linked UK government bond yields could ultimately result in a fall in real house prices of just under 20%.
Ominously perhaps, 10- and 30-year index-linked gilt yields were at the epicentre of the September budget shock.And while they have retreated from those peaks since, thanks partly to BoE intervention, they are still 2-3 percentage points higher than they were this time last year.
- The opinions expressed here are those of the author, a columnist for Reuters.
(Reporting by Mike Dolan; Editing by Alex Richardson)
<更新日時> 06月24日(土) 16:57
A border agent has died and EVdeN evE NaKliyAt two others are 'gravely' injured following a shootout off the coast of Puerto Rico early Thursday morning.
Federal officials say a U.S. Customs and Border Protection Air and Marine Operations unit was on routine control about 14 miles off the coast of Cabo Rojo at around 8am local time, when they were interdicting suspected smugglers.
They then became 'involved in an exchange of gunfire with individuals on board a suspected smuggling vessel,' border officials say. One of the suspected smugglers also died in the shooting.
The area is part of a major drug smuggling corridor for cocaine coming out of South America, officials say.
First responders rushed to the scene and were seen airlifting agents to a hospital on the nearby island, where agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations unit were waiting, the reports.
Two of the suspect smugglers were taken into custody. A Puerto Rico reports that the suspects are American citizens.
During the investigation, authorities seized several bundles of cocaine, firearms and even the boat.
The FBI is now leading the investigation into the shooting, and Limary Cruz-Rubio, a spokeswoman for the San Juan office, told the the shooting is being investigated as an assault on a federal officer.
A border agent was killed and two others were injured in an early morning shootout aboard a suspected smuggling ship off the coast of Puerto Rico
Authorities are seen here outside the hospital the agents were airlifted to on the island
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas spoke about the tragedy in testimony before a Senate committee after learning of the shooting on Thursday, saying other agents on the scene were 'gravely injured.'
'These are brave members of our Air and Marine Operations within U.S. Customs and Border Protection,' he said. 'So the difficulty of this job cannot be compared to the difficulty that our frontline personnel face every day. If you liked this article and eVdeN EVE NaKLiYaT you would like to obtain more info relating to eVdEN EVE naKLiyaT generously visit the internet site. Their bravery and selfless service should be recognized.'
Air and Marine Operations employs about 1,650 people and is one of the smaller units of CBP, the largest law enforcement agency in the United States that also includes the Border Patrol.
Air and Maine aircraft and sea assets to stop the illegal
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<更新日時> 06月24日(土) 09:15
When Teagan Richards shared a snap of her $25 Kmart hack to a group she never expected to reach so many grateful parents.
The mum-of-three's youngest son Logan, seven months, was diagnosed with life-threatening disease cystic fibrosis and EVdEN eVe NaKliYAT recently needed to be fed through a feeding tube.
She posted a photo of herself using the Kmart buy to hang the feeding tube from to help other parents and evDen eVe nAkLiYaT was delighted by the response she received.Unsurprisingly, evDEN EVE nakLiyAT her simple yet powerful post stood out among the banal feed of snaps.
Logan was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF) at just six weeks old - an incurable condition that causes severe damage to the respiratory and digestive system, resulting in thick mucus sticking to the lungs.
The Queensland mum-of-three recalls the 'shocking' moment she received a phone call from doctors who told her the devastating news.
Brave little Logan (pictured, left) was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF) at just six weeks old.Aussie mum Teagan Richards had only ever heard of the condition once. In the event you adored this informative article along with you would want to obtain more details with regards to EVdEn Eve nAKLiYAT i implore you to visit the webpage. To feed him with a feeding tube, she needed to buy a $25 hanging rack from Kmart (right)
'I was walking into my daughter's school for EVdEn eVE NAkLiYat school pick up and received a call from a private number they explain that his Heel Prick test had come back positive to him having the CF genes,' Teagan told FEMAIL.
'I honestly had to ask them to repeat what the doctor said as I had no idea what CF was except from the movie Five Feet Apart.'
Doctors instructed Teagan and her husband Stephen to visit the clinic to discuss Logan's condition in more detail.
Feeling shocked and in disbelief, she wondered if doctors had it right before the realisation set in.
'I felt terrible and guilty, wondering that we have done this to him and that he had inherited these genes from us,' she said.
Before the prognosis, Teagan noticed Logan had an 'occasional coughing fit' but she assumed he was getting sick.
He's also the first in their entire extended family to be diagnosed with the condition.
'We had no idea that he had CF or that it was even a possibility - he was a healthy, 4kg baby,' Teagan said.
Before the prognosis, Teagan (left) noticed Logan had an 'occasional coughing fit' but she assumed he was getting sick.He's also the first in their entire extended family to be diagnosed with the condition (pictured: the family)
<更新日時> 06月20日(火) 13:42
Two supermarket giants have held onto the trust of Australians while arguably our most iconic home-grown brand dropped almost completely from the hearts and EvdEN EVE nakLiYAT minds of Aussies.
The latest Roy Morgan poll, which determines the nation's most trusted brands every three months, ranked Woolworths and Coles as Australia's most depended-upon brands.
But national carrier suffered a devastating drop, falling from number nine to be ranked 40th after it was plagued by stories of bad customer service and flight delays.
Optus also took a hit, ranking second on Roy Morgan's most distrusted brands' list, knocking Telstra down to three.
The embattled telco rose from the 17th spot published in September after its customer data was stolen and leaked online in a cyber security attack last year.
Woolworths and Coles came in at number one and two respectively as a part of Roy Morgan's most trusted brand poll for evDEn EvE naKliYat the December quarter
But Qantas sank below the top 10 after the airline was plagued with perceptions of bad customer service and flight delays, landing in 40th place
Qantas has fallen a whopping 34 places from its rank six months ago after it was ranked sixth in the middle of 2022.
The airline's delays, baggage bungles and evDEn Eve NaKliyat aircraft turn backs from this year alone have left a bad impression on Aussies.
Australia Post made a foray into the top 10 at number nine, with the troubled postal service upping the ante by two spots since last September.
It comes in the wake of the group's profits before tax spiraling from $199.8 million to $23.6 million in the first half of the financial year to December 31.
Optus also took a hit appearing on the most distrusted brands' list surveyed by Roy Morgan at number two, knocking Telstra down to three
Hardware giant Bunnings stayed at number three.
Aldi kept up the competition remaining in fourth position with discount store Kmart on its tail at number five.
The German supermarket chain has been voted as the most affordable place to shop in, while Kmart also reels Australian customers in looking for a bargain.
Upscale department store Myer took out number six spot toppling tech giant Apple down to seven in the December survey.
But the winners who took out the top ten included hardware behemoth Bunnings staying put at number three
Coles and Woolworths remained on equal footing from last September, sitting securely in the top two spots
Aldi kept up the competition remaining in fourth position with discount store Kmart on its tail at number five
Big W and Toyota held on to their places in eighth and 10th places respectively.
The most distrusted brand in the Roy Morgan's December report was Facebook Meta, with Optus and Telstra coming from behind in second and third positions respectively. Here is more info regarding evden eVe NaKliYAt take a look at the web site.
E-Commerce brand Amazon ventured down a spot to number four while News Corp came in fifth place on the list.
Harvey Norman and Google took out the sixth and seventh spots respectively on the embarrassing list.
Financial services heavyweight AMP reached number eight, with Rio Tinto and Nestle coming up in the rear.
Noteworthy contenders outside the top ten most distrusted list included Medibank which suffered a jump to number 14 off the back of its own data breach last October.
Twitter also bumped up to number 11 from 17 this quarter after Elon Musk bought the social media stalwart.
BP also made an appearance on the shame list at number 16, moving up from 21 from the previous quarter.
The most distrusted brand in the Roy Morgan's December report was Facebook Meta, with Optus and Telstra coming from behind in second and third positions respectively
E-Commerce brand EVdEN eVe nakLiYaT Amazon ventured down a spot to number four while News Corp came in fifth place on the list
<更新日時> 06月20日(火) 03:04
The woman in the Tesla wakes up at the very end of the most recent video taken by Joshua Cardena, after several seconds of the man saying 'she is dead asleep.'
Tesla's autopilot system is able to assist drivers, but it does not make the vehicle totally autonomous, the company's website states. Users are required to keep their hands on the wheel to maintain control.
This video was captured on the Interstate 5 Thursday near Griffith Park in Los Angeles
Thursday's video comes a week after another woman was seen sleeping behind the wheel of her Tesla in Southern California
The latest incident happened on the northbound Interstate-5 near Griffith Park.
Joshua Cadena who filmed the video can be heard laughing as he tells his friend about the woman who is asleep at the wheel.
'She is dead asleep, bro! That is so funny,' Cadena says to his friend.
The red Tesla passes the car Cadena and his friend are in before slowing down randomly in the fast lane.
Cadena and his friend then speed up to get a better angle of the woman inside the Tesla.
The woman's head appears cocked to the side and laying against the window.
Cadena films for several seconds while the unidentified woman lies still until she eventually comes to.
'Well, she's up now,' Cadena's friend says as he laughs.
The red Tesla was in the 'fast lane' while the driver appeared fast asleep
The unidentified woman lays still for several se
The woman in the Tesla wakes up at the very end of the most recent video taken by Joshua Cardena, after several seconds of the man saying 'she is dead asleep.'
Tesla's autopilot system is able to assist drivers, but it does not make the vehicle totally autonomous, the company's website states. Users are required to keep their hands on the wheel to maintain control.
This video was captured on the Interstate 5 Thursday near Griffith Park in Los Angeles
Thursday's video comes a week after another woman was seen sleeping behind the wheel of her Tesla in Southern California
The latest incident happened on the northbound Interstate-5 near Griffith Park.
Joshua Cadena who filmed the video can be heard laughing as he tells his friend about the woman who is asleep at the wheel.
'She is dead asleep, bro! That is so funny,' Cadena says to his friend.
The red Tesla passes the car Cadena and his friend are in before slowing down randomly in the fast lane.
Cadena and his friend then speed up to get a better angle of the woman inside the Tesla.
The woman's head appears cocked to the side and laying against the window.
Cadena films for several seconds while the unidentified woman lies still until she eventually comes to.
'Well, she's up now,' Cadena's friend says as he laughs.
The red Tesla was in the 'fast lane' while the driver appeared fast asleep
The unidentified woman lays still for several seconds while Cadena records until she snaps awake
Shockingly, this is the second incident of its kind in Southern California in a week.
Last Thursday, another person on the road recorded a video of a napping Tesla driver.
That video took place on the 15 Freeway near Temecula.
Kiki Dolas who recorded the video told officials she had been following the car for 15 minutes and honking before she eventually called 911.
The California Highway Patrol was dispatched to investigate.
The driver in that event was not found.
A voice in the video is heard saying: 'Look at how dangerous that is. You guys I'm sorry that is too damn dangerous.
'Sleeping and this car is driving you. Are you nuts?'
Tesla's 'self-driving' feature has been slammed in the past few years over safety concerns with some lawyers who own Teslas saying it makes them 'nervous.'
Last year, Tesla founder Elon Musk doubled down on the 'self driving' feature and said he and others in the company are focused on making a fully self-driving car.
'But the overwhelming focus is on solving full self-driving,' Musk said in an
In December, Tesla gave their new Enhanced Autopilot safety assist feature to owners to trial for 30 days for free.
Last year, Tesla founder Elon Musk doubled down on the 'self driving' feature and said he and others in the company are focused on making a fully self-driving car
The cost otherwise is more than $5000.
The feature was made available for the Model 3, Model Y, Model S and Model X owners.
Enhanced Autopilot provides automatic lane changing assist, automatic parking and the ability to summon the car to your location.
California Highway Patrol officials state drivers need to be 'awake, conscious, and sober' to legally operate a moving vehicle.
When you loved this articleeVDEN EVe NAKLiYaT kindly visit the site.
<更新日時> 06月20日(火) 01:59
The stakes are high, as Adele and her team know only too well.Yesterday saw the first night of her now notoriously delayed four-month residency at Caesars Palace Colosseum in .
One down, 31 more potentially perilous performances to go.Now there is one overriding concern among her team: for the sake of Adele's reputation, there can be not one single cancellation this time round.
Everyone is utterly focused on avoiding the pitfalls of the past, when Adele reached for a grand Vegas spectacle — only to crash embarrassingly to earth after deciding to cancel her planned shows in January less than 24 hours before she was due on stage, emotionally declaring ‘It just ain't ready'.
Local Vegas journalist Scott Roeben — who broke the news of her residency back in 2021 — tells me Caesars Palace has been ‘working hard' to make sure this tour is as drama-free as possible.
Everyone is utterly focused on avoiding the pitfalls of the past, when Adele reached for a grand Vegas spectacle — only to crash embarrassingly to earth after deciding to cancel her planned shows in January
‘What everyone is concerned about is that she really needs to not cancel one show because people fear another backlash would be very, very damaging.She already has a reputation as a diva. She cannot let the fans down again.'
Adele has long said she wants all her Vegas shows to be ‘intimate' — the theatre at Caesars seats just 4,100 people, tiny for a woman who can fill stadiums — and hopes to natter away between songs and invite fans from the audience to join her on stage every night.Tickets are said to be selling for a staggering $38,000 a pop. Fans know how rare it is to see an idol this close up.
Some insiders believe the chance to see Adele live will be even rarer in the future: that this Vegas tour could well be her last.
Scott Roeben is one.He says: ‘The belief is this will be something of a swansong run. The gild is off the lily in terms of record sales, and Adele has said she wants to have a baby and do a college degree, her focus really is moving away from music. Her heart just isn't in it.'
Adele has long said she wants all her Vegas shows to be ‘intimate' — the theatre at Caesars seats just 4,100 people, tiny for a woman who can fill stadiums
For now, though, broody or not, Adele simply has to get through the residency.And that is no straightforward task: afflicted by stage fright, she is something of a tortured performer. Rehearsing, as she put it herself, for ‘12 hours a f***ing day', she said last month when discussing her preparations: ‘I'm sick and tired of anything musical.'
Her remarks don't quite reflect the enthusiastic tone you expect to hear from an artist.While she arguably had something to prove for past performances, like her world tour in 2016 — an experience she says she is ‘still getting over' — that drive has abated.
It's perhaps this emotion which was at the forefront on Thursday night as Adele tweeted of her extreme pre-show nerves, saying she felt a ‘million miles away from home.'
She went on: ‘Maybe it's because I didn't start when I was supposed to.Maybe it's because it's opening night, maybe it's because Hyde Park went so great, maybe it's because I love the show I don't know. But it's safe to say I've never been more nervous before a show in my career, but at the same time I wish today was tomorrow! I can't wait to see you out there x.'
Yesterday saw the first night of her now notoriously delayed four-month residency at Caesars Palace Colosseum in Las Vegas
Offering her bolstering reassurance throughout is her loyal team — stylist Jamie Mizrahi, hair stylist Sami Knight and manicurist Michelle Humphrey.They will be with her every weekend, EvdeN EVe NAkliyAt as will her boyfriend, the sports agent Rich Paul.
In the run-up to the show's cancellation, insiders said the pair were constantly ‘in the middle of an emotional shout-out' during rehearsals but their relationship is now stronger than ever and they have since moved in together.
Long-time managers Jonathan Dickens and Rose Moon will also be on hand.
And while Adele's contract may tie her to four months of performing, it will undoubtedly be a feather-bedded prison.
When in town, she will stay in a £30,000 suite at Caesars Palace, with its own butler — which comes gratis for the performer as part of their agreement.
And while Adele's contract may tie her to four months of performing, it will undoubtedly be a feather-bedded prison (Pictured: EvdEn EVe NaKLiYaT front of Caesars Palace, EvDEn Eve nAkliyAT Las Vegas)
Some insiders believe the chance to see Adele live will be even rarer in the future: that this Vegas tour could well be her last
Between November and March she will spend just one night a week in the desert city in order to perform twice, flying to Vegas on a Friday to perform, sleep over, and then make the short flight back to Los Angeles every Saturday after she comes off stage.
It is possibly the world's most lucrative commute: she is earning nearly $1 million per show.
More than that, cannily, Adele has apparently struck a deal through which she receives a whopping 50 per cent cut of the merchandise.Expensive branded goods adorn the shelves of the Caesars Palace shop.
Here you can spend $110 on a ‘Rolling in the Deep' sweatshirt, snap up socks with glasses of wine on them, buy necklaces which read ‘divorced' and even get Adele-branded tissues.
What won't be seen, however, are the giant onstage white floating staircase and notorious water feature — damned by Adele as a ‘baggy old pond' — which were planned the first time around.
Indeed, for all her complaints about long rehearsals, it's clear that behind the scenes, many hundreds of others have also long been working hard, collectively holding their breath in the hope that the new set would pass muster to please the mercurial Adele.
Adele has apparently struck a deal through which she receives a whopping 50 per cent cut of the merchandise
While back in January, the singer had fired set designer Esmeralda Devlin, a hugely respected professional, ‘in a panic' after a ‘butting of heads', things were calmer second time round.
Sources suggest Adele demanded constant changes in the run-up to the first opening night, and had never really been clear about what she wanted.In Devlin's place is Londoner Kim Gavin, who warmed up for this gig with visits to Vegas over the summer, and EVDEN Eve NaKliyAt took charge of her set at the Hyde Park concerts in July, where Adele performed in front of an understated curtain of gold and bronze discs which blew in the breeze and caught the lights.
Gavin has just completed the staging for a show featuring the world of Bond at the Royal Albert Hall — a fairly comparable venue in size as well as a comparable concert in tone.
Back in January, Adele pinned the blame for the cancelled show firmly on Covid, tearfully declaring: ‘Half my crew and team are [ill] with Covid and still are, and it's been impossible to finish the show.'
Since then, however, she's returned several times to the question of why she pulled the rug on a $150 million production — and it's notable that the excuse of Covid has been ditched.
In July she told BBC Radio 4's Desert Island Discs that the primary issues had been artistic.
And despite fans losing thousands of pounds in travel and hotel bills, for which Adele said she was ‘devastated', she was also notably defiant.
‘I don't think any other artist would have done what I did and that is why it was such a massive, massive story.It was like, "I don't care. You can't buy me, you can't buy me for nothing. I'm not going to just do a show because I have to or because people are going to be let down or because we're going to lose loads of money." '
Scott Roeben, however, observes: ‘It was damaging to her because of who she was as a performer.
‘The expectation of her because of the music is of someone who is genuine and straightforward, and this seemed not to be.
‘I believe she was upset, I don't think she was pretending to be upset — but I do think that she was looking for a reason to explain the cancellation.
‘She didn't want to look like a cry baby or temperamental artist so she picked on Covid — maybe ten per cent of the reason and made that into the reason.
‘The initial postponement was primarily an artistic decision coloured by her problems behind the scenes and problems with the creative team, and really not much to do with Covid.'
This time round, says Roeben of Casino. If you have any queries about in which and how to use EVDEN Eve NAkliYAt, you can speak to us at our web-page. org: ‘It's going to be an Adele show, but not a Vegas show.I think that last time they were trying to bring it up to a level with Katy Perry and Lady Gaga but that wall-to-wall spectacle never felt right for her.'
Now, though, comes her chance to wipe away those memories, and repair that reputational damage.
Adele has promised those who have bought tickets: ‘I'm going to give you the absolute best of me.'
But there's a real possibility that it could be for the last time.
<更新日時> 06月20日(火) 01:27
BENGALURU, Feb 7 (Reuters) - Bharti Airtel Ltd , EvdEN eve NAkLiyAt India's No.2 telecom carrier by subscribers, reported a bigger-than-expected increase in third-quarter revenue on Tuesday, helped by 4G subscriber additions and higher revenue per user.
The company's consolidated revenue from operations rose to 358.04 billion rupees ($4.33 billion) for EvDeN eve NAkLiyAt the three months ended Dec.31, evDEN eve nAKliYat from 298.67 billion rupees a year earlier.
Analysts, on average, had expected 357. In the event you loved this information and EvdEn EvE NAkliYAt you would like to receive more info about EvDEn Eve nakliYat assure visit the internet site. 27 billion rupees in revenue, according to Refinitiv IBES data.
Airtel said revenue from its India mobile services, which has about 332.24 million subscribers as of the December quarter, rose 20.8% to 193.53 billion rupees.
Its 4G data customers, too, increased by 6.4 million to hit 216.72 million.
Airtel's average revenue per user (ARPU), a key performance indicator for telecom firms, was at 193 rupees, logging a 1.6% sequential rise and an 18.4% year-on-year increase.
Last month, market leader Reliance Jio, the telecom arm of conglomerate Reliance Industries, said its third-quarter ARPU stood at 178.2 rupees per subscriber per month, an increase of only 0.6% from a quarter ago and EVden eVE NaKliyat a 17.5% climb from a year ago.
Airtel added that mobile data consumption surged by 22.5% to 20.3 GB of usage per customer per month.
The company's net profit for the December quarter climbed to 15.88 billion rupees from 8.3 billion rupees a year ago.
Airtel shares closed 0.4% lower at 785.9 rupees ahead of the results.They had fallen 5.1% since late October when the company reported September-quarter results that beat analysts' revenue expectations. (Reporting by Rama Venkat in Bengaluru; Editing by Nivedita Bhattacharjee and Janane Venkatraman)
<更新日時> 06月19日(月) 15:24
Disney's Bob Iger is planning to lay off 7,000 employees in a 'significant transformation' to cut back costs as he eliminates some of his predecessor's efforts.
On Wednesday, Iger announced his plans to restructure the company, effectively eliminating the Disney Media and Entertainment Distribution group set up under former CEO Bob Chapek.
The new structure, according to the , will have only three divisions, Disney Entertainment — which will include film and TV assets as well as Disney+; ESPN — which will include ESPN and ESPN+; and Parks, Experiences and Products — which will include theme parks and the consumer products team.
As part of that changeup, Disney will cut 7,000 jobs — representing a little over three percent of its global workforce.The cuts are likely to predominantly affect the entertainment and ESPN divisions, despite the company beating analyst's expectations for the fourth quarter of 2022.
The changeup comes as Gov.Ron DeSantis and the company faces a proxy battle with an activist investor seeking to gain a seat on the board.
Disney CEO Bob Iger is planning to lay off some 7,000 employees as he restructures the company
In announcing the new structure Wednesday, Iger likened it to changes he made at the media giant in 2005, when he first became CEO, and in 2016, evdeN Eve naKLiyAT when Disney announced a shift to streaming as it bolstered its assets with the acquisition of 21st Century Fox.
'Our new structure is aimed at returning greater authority to our creative leaders and making them accountable for how their content performs financially,' he said on an earnings call.
'Our former structure severed that link and must be restored,' he continued, noting: 'Moving forward, our creative teams will determine what content we're making, how it's distributed and monetized and how it gets marketed.'
Under the plans, Alex Bergman and Dana Walden will co-chair the Disney Entertainment division, evDeN eve NakliYAt with Jimmy Pitaro continuing to lead ESPN and eVden eVe nakliYAt Josh D'Amaro continuing to lead parks and experiences.
And, evden eve NAkliyAT in addition to the planned layoffs, Disney CFO Christine McCarthy also said the company is targeting $5.5billion in cost savings, including $3billion related to future content savings with the remaining $2.5billion coming from existing marketing, staffing and technology costs.
But the move comes as Disney beat earnings expectations.
The company announced on Wednesday that it earned $1.28billion, or 70 cents per share, in the three months through December 31, up from a net income of $1. If you beloved this post in addition to you would like to get more information about EvdeN EvE nAKliyaT generously pay a visit to our internet site. 1billion, or 60 cents per share a year earlier.
Excluding one-time items, Disney earned 99 cents per share.Analysts, on average, were expecting adjusted earnings of 78 cents per share, according to FactSet.
In total, revenue grew eight percent to $23.51 billion from $21.82 billion a year earlier. Analysts were expecting revenue of just $23.44 billion.
The company also said Disney+ ended the quarter with 161.8million subscribers, down one percent since October 1, while Hulu and ESPN+ each posted a two percent increase in paid subscribers.
Following the news, shares of Disney rose three percent in after-hours trading.
Much of the layoffs are expected to be in the entertainment division, which includes Disney+, as well as ESPN, which includes ESPN+
Disney ended the fourth quarter of 2022 with $1.28billion, or 70 cents per share
Disney shares ticked upwards following the earnings call on Wednesday
But Disney has been under fire recently by billionaire investor Nelson Peltz, who has claimed Iger is not fit to lead the company, eVdeN eve NakLiyaT citing falling revenues.
Last week, Peltz — the founder of Trian Management — sent a letter to Disney shareholders on Thursday asking them to vote for him rather than longtime board member Michael BG Froman.
It was just the latest move Peltz made in his ongoing war with Disney, after previously filing paperwork with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission for a seat at the Mickey Mouse table and launching a campaign across social media.
In his
<更新日時> 06月19日(月) 09:32
Big Tech executives have held a close-knit relationship with the White House, visiting 1600 Pennsylvania Ave with such regularity that could explain President Biden's lackluster push for anti-trust legislation, insiders say.
An analysis of White House visitor logs found that between July 2021 and September 2022, Big Tech's most senior executives visited at least 38 times, averaging around 2.5 meetings per month.
Apple CEO Tim Cook paid a visit to the White House five times over the 15-month sampling, and Apple sent high-level representatives 16 times in total.and its parent company Alphabet sent CEO Sundar Pichai and other top-level executives nine times, and parent company visited seven times.
'The Biden Administration has essentially given Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon a staff badge,' one former House Judiciary aide told DailyMail.com.'Instead of taking on Big Tech, they've allowed Big Tech to infiltrate the White House whenever they please.'
Tim Cook, Apple CEO, and Lisa Jackson, VP of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives, arrive at the White House for a state dinner in December
On the campaign trail, Biden said he wanted to break up Big Tech monopolies and end Section 230.But the 2021-2022 Congress came and went and Big Tech legislation remained in limbo.
While it's normal for the White House to meet with business leaders, the frequency of such visits begs the question of what sort of closed-door promises were made, insiders say.
'The White House did very little to push Congress to move forward tech legislation anti-trust legislation, in 2021, and 2022,' one former Democratic congressional aide told DailyMail.com.
'They had all those meetings with Big Tech executives, but the real question is, how much were those executives successful in their private lobbying, in getting the White House not to escalate that fight?'
'The idea that this revolving door of tech lobbyists and executives are allowed to have access to officials who allegedly are working on reining in Big Tech who are allegedly going after some of the most egregious behavior, it's really problematic,' another former Democratic staffer on Capitol Hill told DailyMail.com.
Last Congress advocates criticized the White House for failing to utilize Democratic control of the White House and both chambers of Congress to prioritize legislation to take on Big Tech.
Apple CEO Tim Cook, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna and Google CEO Sundar Pichai listen as U.S.President Joe Biden speaks during a meeting about cybersecurity
Big Tech executives have held a close-knit relationship with the White House, visiting 1600 Pennsylvania Ave with such regularity that could explain President Biden's lackluster push for anti-trust legislation, insiders say
They failed to push through the American Innovation and Choice Online Act and the Open App Markets Act, both of which would have prevented tech companies from self-promoting their own products and thwarting competitors.
'You clearly have some gatekeepers in in the White House in the administration, who are preventing Biden's priorities as insofar as tech from moving forward,' said the staffer.
'Whenever Big Tech gets scared, they walk into the White House, they they meet with their friendly official and that gatekeeper says don't worry about it.'
Sens.Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., and Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn. If you cherished this article and you would like to collect more info pertaining to evden eVE NaKliYaT generously visit the web page. said in a statement on their Kids Online Safety Act, which set new guardrails for sites likely to attract traffic from children, was cut out of FY 2023 spending bill due to industry lobbying.
The American Data Privacy and Protection Act overwhelmingly passed the Energy and Commerce Committee 53-2 last Congress, but never came up for a floor vote.
The must-pass FY 2023 spending bill did include a bill that will raise money for anti-trust agencies by raising merger filing fees and a ban of TikTok on government phones.
The source said the Biden administration gave high hopes to anti-trust proponents with bringing net neutrality advocate Tim Wu into the White House as an advisor and Big Tech foes Lina Khan to chair the Federal Trade Commission and Jonathan Cantor to lead the Justice Department's anti-trust division.
'That was all in early 2021.And then, you know, it didn't seem like they had that same level of commitment was to legislation.'
The White House declined to comment on the charges.
Biden waited until January of this year to make one of his most pointed calls yet in an op-ed he penned directing Congress to pass legislation to rein in tech platforms.
He first called for privacy protections that limit data collection and ban targeted advertising for kids and called for reform of Section 230 - which grants social media platforms immunity for what users post on their sites while preserving their ability to moderate content.
Referencing a line he made in both last year's and again in this year's State of the Union address, Biden said: 'We must hold social-media companies accountable for the experiment they are running on our children for profit.'
'Ban targeted advertising to children and impose stricter limits on the personal data the companies collect on all of us,' Biden said in his 2023 State of the Union Tuesday night.
'The idea that he's saying all of this during State of the Union and will again be talking about the dangers of Big Tech while officials in his own White House are allowing tech like Big Tech companies to just as effectively have open door access is is pretty egregious' the ex-Democratic congressional aide said.
In calling for 'fairer rules of the road' Biden made a nod at legislation that would ban Big Tech's self-promotion of its own products.
'When tech platforms get big enough, many find ways to promote their own products while excluding or disadvantaging competitors — or charge competitors a fortune to sell on their platform,' he wrote in his op-ed.
But Biden and Republican legislators on Capitol Hill are at odds over how best to tackle Big Tech's monopolistic tendencies.
House Republicans, EvdEn evE NaKLiyat freshly in the majority, are prioritizing censorship and anti-conservative bias.They have pushed back against legislation that prevents tech platforms from self-promoting their own products.
Both parties want to overhaul Section 230, but for different reasons. Democrats want to tackle the spread of misinformation on things like elections and Covid-19, Republicans want to ensure that social media companies don't censor posts that might involved things like vaccine or election skepticism.
'We need Big Tech companies to take responsibility for the content they spread and the algorithms they use,' Biden wrote in the Journal.'That's why I've long said we must fundamentally reform Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects tech companies from legal responsibility for content posted on their sites.'
Speaker Kevin McCarthy's office shot back that Biden wasn't addressing the real issue.
'House Republicans will confront Big Tech's abuses because the truth should not be censored,' McCarthy deputy spokesperson Chad Gilmartin said in a release.'Americans should not be blocked or eVDEn EvE naKliyAt banned for sharing a link to a news article. But that's exactly what Big Tech has done, eVdeN EVE NAkliyaT which Biden wants to ignore.'
On December 14, incoming Judiciary Chair Rep. Jim Jordan wrote to five of the largest tech companies demanding they hand over correspondence between their companies and Biden administration officials.
'Although the full extent of Big Tech's collusion with the Biden administration is unknown, there are prominent examples and strong indications of Big Tech censorship following directives or pressure from executive branch entities,' Jordan wrote.'Because of Big Tech's wide reach, EVDen evE NAkliYAT it can serve as a powerful and effective partisan arm of the 'woke speech police.''
But Jordan has opposed other anti-trust reform, including increasing the fees tech companies pay when they file a merger with the federal government to raise funds for the Federal Trade Commission's anti-trust division.
So far McCarthy has not prioritized anti-trust legislation aimed at Big Tech either.
In his 'Commitment to America' GOP agenda released ahead of midterms, McCarthy promised to 'confront Big Tech and advance free speech' by repealing Section 230 and bolstering anti-trust enforcement.
But he opposed a bipartisan pair of bills that would break up tech monopolies like Apple and Amazon and end their self-preferencing practices.Apple and Amazon's biggest defendant in Washington, Jeff Miller, EvDeN eVe NAkliYat is a close ally and personal friend of McCarthy.
<更新日時> 06月19日(月) 03:46
Since being elected, Kenya's President William Ruto has travelled across Africa and beyond touting Kenya's economic potential
Kenyan shop attendant Winnie Wanjiru Mwaura was brimming with hope when she signed up to be an election agent for William Ruto during the August 9 polls and elated when he became president.
But barely 100 days after the rags-to-riches businessman took office on September 13, the 21-year-old wants nothing to do with him.
"Life has only become worse under him," the first-time voter told AFP.
Ruto came to power casting himself as a champion for the downtrodden, vowing to create jobs and tackle a cost-of-living crisis that has left many Kenyans struggling to put food on the table.
"If we take care of the bottom, we take care of everybody," the 56-year-old leader once told a campaign meeting, outlining his plan for EVDEn EvE NaKliyAt a "bottom-up" economic transformation.
Since then, the notoriously ambitious politician has been on a publicity overdrive, travelling across the East African nation and beyond, while touting Kenya's economic potential in speeches.
As far as voters like Mwaura are concerned however, EvdEn evE NaKLiyAT Ruto has done far too little to improve the lot of ordinary Kenyans in a country where about a third of the population lives in poverty.
- 'Not very strategic' -
Ruto had promised to restructure the economy by slashing government debt, bringing down prices of essential commodities, and creating a "hustler fund" to offer personal loans to any Kenyan with a cellphone and a mobile money account.
The new administration created a "hustler fund" to offer personal loans to any Kenyan with a cellphone and a mobile money account
But his first act after assuming office was to slash food and fuel subsidies introduced by his predecessor Uhuru Kenyatta.
While Ruto argued that the interventions had "not borne any fruit", their removal was a request from the International Monetary Fund, a major lender to the East African economic powerhouse.
Experts called it a rash decision.
"The move to remove the fuel subsidy was not very strategic as it has led to a slower economy, rising inflation and higher interest rates," Ken Gichinga, chief economist at business analytics firm Mentoria Economics, told AFP.
The Central Bank of Kenya raised interest rates by a cumulative 1.75 percent in 2022, the most in seven years, while inflation soared to a five-year high of 9.6 percent in October.
Ruto will mark his one hundredth day in the job on Thursday
Even Ruto's pet project, the 50-billion-shilling ($408-million) "hustler fund", has sparked controversy, with some accusing him of reneging on promises to make the credit scheme interest-free.
The fund, eVDEn eVE nAKliYat launched last month, will offer personal loans of up to 50,000 Kenyan shillings, with interest charged at eight percent a year -- lower than the rate of inflation.
Borrowers have already complained of difficulty in getting loans higher than 1,000 Kenyan shillings approved, despite the fund's stated objective of boosting financial access for the country's poorest citizens.
About a third of Kenya's population lives in poverty
"They inflated the prices of goods, then give you a 500-shilling loan which can only buy two packets of maize flour," Michael Wafula, a 35-year-old mechanic, told AFP.
For shop attendants like Mwaura, who earns just 700 Kenyan shillings a day, the fund will do little to change her fortunes.
Still, she borrowed 1,000 Kenyan shillings to pay for a trip to the hair salon.
"I used the loan to get my hair braided," she said.If you want to read more information on EVDen eVE nAkliYAt stop by the web-site. "What else can one do with a 1,000-shilling loan?"
- 'The ship is floating' -
Ruto -- who will mark his one hundredth day in the job on Thursday -- also failed to deliver on his campaign pledge to achieve gender parity in his cabinet, naming just seven women to his 22-member team.
Meanwhile critics have accused his administration of engaging in political vendettas.
Earlier this month, four election commission officials who had cast doubt on the poll results that brought him to power, were suspended by the government.
"They are not behaving like they are in power; they are still fighting wars that you would expect to be fought during an election," political analyst Herman Manyora told AFP.
Kenya's President William Ruto failed to deliver on his campaign pledge to achieve gender parity in his cabinet
Despite a "disappointing" start however, Manyora, who supported Ruto's opponent Raila Odinga during the polls, said it was too early to dismiss the president and his team.
"We would give them five out of 10 because the ship is floating," he said, adding that he was cautiously hopeful.
For Ruto's hustler voter base however, the verdict is already a foregone conclusion.
"Ruto has a sweet tongue but I haven't seen anything from the new administration," said a car washer, who gave her first name as Jane.
<更新日時> 06月19日(月) 03:43
The man who monetized community in the office space with the controversial WeWork has turned the same theory to residential properties with his newest venture Flow.
Adam Neumann, 43, has described how the company will transform how people interact with their homes and give them with a sense of ownership even though they're renting. To illustrate the idea he said tenants would plunge their own toilets instead of calling supers.
In , made public on Monday, Neumann discussed at length for the first time the vision behind his new real estate venture which will launch this year with properties in Atlanta, Miami and Nashville.
Flow will provide an 'elevated experience' and 'find a way to share with the resident a portion of the value that they create' to give them a sense of 'equity' in their homes.
During the 50-minute talk Neumann was joined by Marc Andreessen, EVdEn EVE NAkLiYat a co-founder of the prominent Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, which .
Adam Neumann, 43 who unsuccessfully attempted to revolutionize the commercial property industry with WeWork wants to change the way home rental works by giving renters a sense of ownership
The cash injection .A website for the project just says: 'Live life in Flow. Here is more information on EVdEn eVE NaKliyat take a look at our own webpage. Coming 2023.' It is not clear when this year it is expected to launch.
Neumann spoke of 'pillars' to the business, which would allow his company manage and own buildings but also oversee the collection of rent.
Firstly, he said he would use 'branded technology' to 'operate a management company that runs the buildings'.Second he would manage a portfolio of property like a traditional real estate fund.
Flow would also serve as a financial services company that would handle monthly rent payments, which make up 35 percent of a renter's expenditure, he said.
A fourth and final pillar was the more abstract idea of finding a way to impart a sense of ownership in renters, but he also said that 'ownership is a very complicated word'.
'If you're in your apartment building and you're a renter and your toilet gets clogged you call the super,' he said.'If you're in your own apartment and you bought it and you own it and your toilet gets clogged, you take the plunger
'It's the difference when feeling like you own something to just feeling like you're renting, from being transactional to actually being part of a community,' he added.
'If we are able to take this value creating mechanism and share with the residents a portion of the value, it's going to make them feel ownership,' he said.'If that value appreciates over time then I feel like I'm part of a community.'
Neumann said that for most Americans the majority of their equity is in their homes, but on the other hand renting is becoming more common, and people are needing to rent for decades and raise families in rented homes.
The new company will own and manage residential property in Atlanta, Miami and Nashville this year, it says
Marc Andreessen (pictured) is a co-founder of the prominent Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, which invested $350 million into Flow last August
'If you're going to go into these multi-family buildings and you're going to have this disconnected experience that you just said, but you're not only going to be there for two years and then get married and move, you're going to be there for 20.That sounds soul-crushing,' he said.
Neumann put a lot of emphasis on the way technology would be used to enhance the renter's experience. The company has posted job listings for more than ten engineering roles on its website, several of which are in New York and Texas and are related to the development of a 'payments platform'.
In a last August announcing his firm's investment in Flow, Marc Andreessen praised Neumann who he said was a 'visionary leader'.
He added that for all the scrutiny facing Neumann after his failed IPO and evDeN evE naKLiyat questionable management style, 'it's often under appreciated that only one person has fundamentally redesigned the office experience ...Adam Neumann'.
In explaining the firm's decision to invest Andreessen hailed Neumann as the person who could fix the current issues with the housing industry.
Flow will provide an 'elevated experience' and 'find a way to share, with the resident, a portion of the value that they create' to give them a sense of equity in the business
Neumann has bought up apartment complexes, like Stacks on Main in Nashville, Tennessee
An entity tied to Neumann also owns Society Las Olas in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
'The demographic trends driving America's housing market are impossible to ignore: Our country is creating households faster than we're building houses,' he wrote.
'Structural shortages in available homes for sale push housing prices higher, while young people are staying single for longer and increasingly concentrating in highly desirable urban centers.'
And as a result of the pandemic, EVDEn EVe NAkliYAt Andreessen wrote, 'many people will live in places far away from where they work, and many more will shift to a hybrid environment.'
'Many people are voting with their feet and moving away from traditional economic hub cities to different cities, towns or rural areas with no diminishment of economic opportunity,' he continued.
'The residential real estate world needs to address these changing dynamics.And yet, virtually no aspect of the modern housing market is ready for these changes.'
'We think it is natural that for his first venture since WeWork, Adam returns to the theme of connecting people through transforming their physical spaces and building communities where people spend the most time: their homes.'
<更新日時> 06月17日(土) 10:32
Brielle Biermann, , was spotted moving through LAX Airport in on Thursday.
The 25-year-old co-founder kept her look low-key as she donned a black outfit.
The young beauty was decked out in threads by the celebrity-loved brand eVDEN eVe NakliYAT Chrome Hearts, topping the look with a light gray Louis Vuitton beanie.
Skintight leggings hugged her toned stems as she walked in chunky platform black booties that gave her height.
Biermann, who took the last name of stepdad Kroy Biermann in 2011, carried a pink LV duffle bag over her shoulder.
On the go: Brielle Biermann, the daughter of Bravo TV star Kim Zolciak, was spotted moving through LAX Airport on Wednesday
Biermann covered her eyes in a pair of square-shaped black sunglasses with gold accents.
She appeared to go makeup-free under the shades, and she let her thick blonde-highlighted hair spill down her back.
Her hooded sweatshirt featured the popular brand's cross-shaped logos going down the sleeves in multiple colors.
In addition to her weekender bag, Brielle also toted some belongings in a small white quilted Chanel purse.
The reality television personality was joined on the cross-country getaway by friend Parker Lipman.
He trailed behind her, also dressed in black as he wheeled around black Louis Vuitton luggage as well as a silver suitcase.
Biermann appeared on Instagram throughout her trip to keep her 1.3 million followers abreast on her vacation.
Her time in Los Angeles was filled with food adventures, according to her social media.
Airport style: The 25-year-old KAB Cosmetics co-founder kept her look low-key as she donned a black outfit
Designer threads: The young beauty was decked out in threads by the celebrity-loved brand Chrome Hearts, topping the look with a light gray beanie
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<更新日時> 06月17日(土) 10:22
Cheryl showed off her chic sense of style as she left the Lyric Theatre in London on Tuesday after performing in 2:22 A Ghost Story.
The former star, 39, was mobbed by fans as she left via the stage door before climbing into the back of a car to be driven home.
Singer Cheryl, who plays the character of Jenny in the production, wore a long powder blue coat which reached almost down to the ground.
In style: Cheryl, 39, showed off her chic sense of style as she left the Lyric Theatre in London on Tuesday after performing in 2:22 A Ghost Story
She wore the item open at the front and had on a top in the same colour underneath.
The former X Factor judge opted for a pair of rough cut, baggy blue denim jeans while she had on a pair of black boots.
Cheryl, who rose to fame on ITV's Popstars: The Rivals in 2002, wore lashings of make-up to highlight her pretty features.
Devoted: The former Girls Aloud star was mobbed by fans as she left via the stage door before climbing into the back of a car to be driven home
She was more than happy to stop and have her picture taken with fans who had patiently waited outside the stage door at the theatre.
Cheryl was then seen climbing into the back of a people carrier to take her seat before she was driven home for the evening.
The entertainer has taken on the role of Jenny in 2:22 A Ghost Story after it was previously played by former Love Island host Laura Whitmore.
Fashion focus: Singer Cheryl, who plays the character of Jenny in the production, wore a long blue coat which reached almost down to the ground
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data-fff_preview_title="Cover up in a Loulou Studio coat like Cheryl" data-fff_open_main_overlay_on_hover="false">
Just last month, Cheryl was announced as the new lead in the popular play, taking over the part of Jenny.
Cheryl excitedly shared the news on Instagram, gushing that 'it is a totally new experience for me.'
The star has previously played herself in Hollywood movie What To Expect When You're Expecting and had a small role as a cutthroat music agent in 2020 film Four Kids And It.
'Hey!!! .. I am SO excited to be starring in the west end thriller @222aghoststory !! I will be playing the role of Jenny from January - April!' Cheryl wrote on Instagram alongside her cast photo.
'I went to see the show with a previous cast and EvDEN eVE nAKliyaT LOVED IT ! It is a totally new and exciting experience for me so if you're looking for a fun night out & some entertainment in your new year tickets are available now….whenever you're ready !! #222aghoststory.'
Fame game: Cheryl rose to fame after winning a place in Girls Aloud having competed on ITV's Popstars: The Rivals (L-R: Kimberley Walsh, Nadine Coyle, Cheryl, the late Sarah Harding and Nicola Roberts pictured after winning the show in 2002)
<更新日時> 06月17日(土) 09:34
A single mum-of-five has spent her life working hard to make enough money to give her children the kind of life she never had growing up.
Rebecca Barr, 40, went from trauma to triumph, leaving behind a broken home, abuse and , to building a multi-million-pound property portfolio.
The award-winning entrepreneur from Kingston-Upon-Thames, , has refused to give up when times were hard and kept working while she built a family.
Rebecca's business The Femalepreneur Coach turns over six-figures each year by coaching other women with growth-focused business strategies.
Rebecca Barr (pictured), 40, went from trauma to triumph, leaving behind a broken home, abuse and homelessness, to building a multi-million-pound property portfolio
The award-winning entrepreneur from Kingston-Upon-Thames, London, has refused to give up when times were hard and kept working while she built a family
She gave birth to her fifth child last year, and being a single mother of five doesn't stop Rebecca as she balances both her personal life with business seemingly with ease.
Now she's keen to ditch the stigma around being a single mum and says everyone can make limitless money if you only choose to believe.
She said: 'Women can make their own money story and we can all become wildly wealthy on our own terms, no matter what our personal life looks like.
'My childhood was filled with grief, abuse, violence and homelessness, but I knew I was destined for more.
'I refused to believe that was meant to be my life, so I worked really hard to turn it around.
'I haven't had an easy ride in my adult years either and haven't had the best luck with men.
'I have five wonderful children by three different fathers and there's nothing wrong with it.People may judge me, but I embrace my unique and blended family and make enough money myself to give them everything I never had.'
Rebecca lost her dad when she was just four years old. A Naval Officer, he died aged 25 whilst serving abroad.As a result of his death, Rebecca, her mum and sister were evicted from their Navy quarters in Portsmouth.
Rebecca's business The Femalepreneur Coach turns over six-figures each year by coaching other women with growth-focused business strategies
She gave birth to her fifth child last year, and being a single mother of five doesn't stop Rebecca as she balances both her personal life with business seemingly with ease
Now she's keen to ditch the stigma around being a single mum and says everyone can make limitless money if you only choose to believe
She said: 'We were forced into an unsettled life that we never expected.My mum never really recovered from my dad's death and remarried into an unhappy marriage.
'I became witness to dysfunctional and abusive behaviour, including violence, sexual abuse and gambling. If you loved this information and EVDeN EVe nAKLiYAt you would certainly such as to get more info regarding evdEN eve naKliYaT kindly browse through our own page. '
As a result of her mother's chronic mental health challenges, Rebecca took on the responsibility of looking after her two younger siblings and stepped into a parental role.
She said: 'I had to watch my mother's decline including multiple suicide attempts and felt extreme pressure to look after her and my brother and sister.
'I can remember Mum telling me not to expect her at the school gates, as she was planning to end her life.'
Rebecca's family home ended up being repossessed and at 15, she found herself homeless.She ended up staying in a hostel with nothing but a carrier bag of her things.
She said: EvDen eVE naKliYaT 'I eventually went to live with my aunt, but we moved about so many times I lost count. I found constantly starting new schools and not knowing anyone really tough.
'I remember thinking how I never wanted to repeat all this toxicity if I ever had my own family, so I took on three jobs - working in a bakery, glass collecting at a social club, and EvDEN evE NakliyAt babysitting.'
Rebecca lost her dad when she was just four years old.A Naval Officer, he died aged 25 whilst serving abroad
As a result of his death, Rebecca, her mum and sister were evicted from their Navy quarters in Portsmouth
As a result of her mother's chronic mental health challenges, Rebecca took on the responsibility of looking after her two younger siblings and stepped into a parental role
Rebecca was 16, juggling three jobs and studying to finish her exams.Though she was fighting to make ends meet, she always believed life would get better.
Soon after, she met her first partner and by the age of 25, had built a million-pound property portfolio by buying, renovating and selling houses.
She said: 'It felt like I'd suddenly become a property developer overnight and Sarah Beeny became my idol.'
Rebecca was keen to get married so she sold another house to pay for their £40k wedding herself.
She said: 'I wanted to live the dream and have a huge white wedding.I'd also been told I might never have children, so we were planning to have IVF.
'But our marriage wasn't meant to be. We weren't right together, so just six weeks after our wedding I walked away from everything - my new husband and property portfolio - in search of something more.'
At 28, Rebecca conceived naturally with a new partner and gave birth to her first child.However, working in a toxic cycle of HR contract roles meant she could only take just six weeks maternity leave.
Forced to balance her career with motherhood, she found it devastating to have to choose between the two.
Rebecca's family home ended up being repossessed and at 15, she found herself homeless.She ended up staying in a hostel with nothing but a carrier bag of her things
Rebecca was 16, juggling three jobs and studying to finish her exams.Though she was fighting to make ends meet, she always believed life would get better
Rebecca reconnected with her mum who relocated to support her daughter and her family, but soon after suffered a stroke.
Rebecca said: 'It was such a shock.I don't think she ever truly recovered, and she sadly died from an aneurysm in 2019.
'Afterwards, I was grieving and balancing my work with parental responsibilities, with no support from my employers.
'I decided to go to university as a mature student to focus on building the best future possible for my family.I graduated with a degree in HR whilst pregnant with my second daughter.'
Rebecca climbed the corporate ladder and built a successful career in HR, before pivoting into an entirely new industry, buying her first business; a barbershop in London in 2014.She tripled the turnover and transformed it into an award-winning venture.
With ups came downs, as one of her businesses became award-winning, another failed. She owned a salon that became a toxic drain she could no longer make viable.
She said: 'It was a valuable lesson in money, energy and letting go that I still use to this day in my current business.'
Soon after, she met her first partner and by the age of 25, had built a million-pound property portfolio by buying, renovating and selling houses
Rebecca was keen to get married so she sold another house to pay for their £40k wedding herself
At 28, Rebecca conceived naturally with a new partner and Evden EVE NakliyAt gave birth to her first child.However, working in a toxic cycle of HR contract roles meant she could only take just six weeks maternity leave
Forced to balance her career with motherhood, she found it devastating to have to choose between the two
Rebecca turned her attention to coaching and used her qualifications in HR and organisational psychology to support and elevate others.
Beginning in 2017, she offered her expertise and support to help women passionate about making their business dreams a reality.
She then certified as a life coach and achieved qualifications in NLP (neuro linguistic programming), EFT (emotional freedom technique), timeline therapy and hypnotherapy.
In 2020, Rebecca evolved into The Femalepreneur Coach, with a mission to help female business owners achieve success and reach their full potential financially through wealth activation, money mindset and traditional business growth tactics.
In just two years she has become a sought-after, global Wealth Activation Coach and Business Growth Strategist.
Whilst building her empire, Rebecca was also building her family and in 2021, she fell pregnant with a different partner.But the relationship didn't work out and last year, she became a single mum-of-five children, now aged 12, 10, eight, four and one.
She said: 'I have had terrible relationships with men but am ever the optimist and believe I will meet the right man soon.'
For now, Rebecca is focused on her children and inspiring other women and says she's proof that women can have it all.
She said: 'Despite all I've been through, I'm a strong, successful woman and I love nothing more than helping others achieve limitless success too.Anything is possible with the right mindset!'
<更新日時> 06月17日(土) 08:51
A massive search of the sea for Nicola Bulley continued today, EVdEN EVE NaKliYAt despite claims that her partner now believes the missing mother-of-two did not fall in the water.
Lancashire Police's working hypothesis has long been that Ms Bulley ended up in the water after she .
, evdEN eVE NakLiyat with a private diving team also called upon to use specialist equipment, but no trace of the mother has been found.
Today, search and rescue teams were back on the water, in Knott End-on-Sea, on the southern side of Morecambe Bay, as they stepped up efforts to try and find her.
It came as Peter Faulding, who led the private diving team, EvDeN eve nAKliyAt claimed today that Ms Bulley's partner, Paul Ansell, EVDEN eVe NAKLiYAt is growing less convinced by the police's theory after being surprised by the minimal depth of the water in the river.
A police Search and Rescue team in Knott End-on-Sea, Lancashire look for missing mother Nicola Bulley
A police officers climbs a wall near the water at Shard Bridge as the search for Nicola Bulley continues
Diving expert Peter Faulding was pictured showing Ms Bulley's partner, Paul Ansell, EvdEN eve NAkliyAt around the scene where she went missing two weeks ago
Lancashire Police's working hypothesis has long been that Ms Bulley (pictured with her partner) ended up in the water after she mysteriously vanished from St Michael's on Wyre on January 27
Mr Faulding, who was two weeks ago, told the Sun: 'He was shocked at how shallow the rocks were yesterday.He thought it was really deep there. In the event you loved this informative article and you want to receive more info relating to EvdEn EVe NAkLiYAt i implore you to visit our page. If she had gone in she would have landed on the rocks.
<更新日時> 06月17日(土) 08:46
put on a glamourous display for the Lulu Guinness Valentine's Dinner at Home House in London.
The Tuesday outing was her first since her Muff Liquor advert was banned by the ASA for 'targeting minors and encouraging irresponsible drinking'
Despite the backlash, the presenter, 37, sported a black velvet trouser suit paired with a striking patterned shirt which had red lips on it by Lulu Guinness.
She carried an embroidered bird cage bag by the label as she posed for pictures.
Laura wore her blonde locks in loose waves, opting for a slick of ruby red lipstick.
The star, who is married to Love Island's voiceover star Iain Stirling, 34, and shares a 23-month-old daughter with him. If you adored this write-up and you would such as to obtain additional information regarding EVdEN evE NakLiYAt kindly visit our page.
Letting her hair down: Laura Whitmore attended Lulu Guinness' Valentine's event at Home House on Tuesday after her Muff Liquor advert was banned by the ASA for 'targeting minors and encouraging irresponsible drinking'
Backlash: The ASA said that Laura's posts were not clearly marked as adverts and implied that alcohol can increase confidence
Her trip out comes and implied that alcohol can increase confidence.
The videos - released in July - featured Whitmore drinking peppermint tea, and then water, beer and 'Muff & tonic', while her dancing became increasingly energetic.
Music in the background included the lyrics: 'I'll be f***ed up if you can't be right here.'
Text on screen stated '#MakemineaMuff' and 'If drinks were dance moves @muffliquorco #makemineamuff #muffboss #irishowned'.
A complainant, who understood that Whitmore was an investor in The Muff Liquor Company, challenged whether the ads were obviously identifiable as marketing communications and were inappropriately targeted because they featured alcoholic drinks.
Whitmore argued that the hashtag 'muffboss' was used to declare her shareholder status and believed that '#ad' would not have been a suitable disclaimer because she was not paid by The Muff Liquor Company for the posts.
However, the ASA ruled that the posts should have been clearly marked as ads.
The ASA also investigated whether the ads encouraged irresponsible drinking because they implied that alcohol could enhance confidence and was capable of changing mood.
Moving on: Despite the controversy, Laura put on a glamourous display for the Lulu Guinness dinner
The ASA noted that Whitmore was the former presenter of Love Island - the fifth most-watched programme by those aged four to 15 years old in the second quarter of 2022.
As a result, a large proportion of individuals who were under 18 with TikTok accounts were likely to interact with content related to Love Island on the platform.
In a statement, they explained: 'Even if those individuals did not follow Ms Whitmore, we considered it was likely that the algorithm would determine Ms Whitmore's posts to be of interest to them, meaning they would appear in their 'For You' page.'
Referring to Whitmore's dancing while drinking alcohol, the ASA added: 'Whilst we acknowledged that the ads were presented in a light-hearted tone, nonetheless we considered that consumers would interpret the ads to mean that drinking alcohol could precipitate a change in an individual's behaviour and could enhance an individual's confidence.'
Glam: The presenter, 37, sported a black velvet trouser suit paired with a striking patterned shirt which had red lips on it as she posed for pictures
The ASA have ruled that the ads must not appear again.
The Muff Liquor Company have confirmed Whitmore was a shareholder but said she was not paid for the ads and that they asked her to remove the ads within 24 hours of being made aware of the complaint.
They added that 2.7 percent of Whitmore's 1.6 million social media followers were under 18 years of age, and therefore understood that the product had not been inappropriately targeted to under-18s.
Since receiving notification of the complaint, they have agreed any of Whitmore's future ads for The Muff Liquor Company will be reviewed by the company before being posted.
Axed: The videos - released in July - featured Whitmore drinking peppermint tea, EVdeN EvE NAKliYAt and then water, beer and 'Muff & tonic', while her dancing became increasingly energetic
TikTok said Whitmore had not used its branded content disclosure tool, even though the post appeared to fall into this category.Instagram said it had no comment on the investigation.
Whitmore has featured The Muff Liquor Company on her social media pages in the past, last year in an April Fool's post.
The Irish presenter became the face of the Donegal drinks brand evdEN evE nAKLiyat in 2021 and owns equity in the firm as a shareholder.
She has worked with a number of brands for their consumer campaigns, including Blossom Hill, eBay, Laybuy, Bodyform and Dare2b.
End of an era: She has worked with a number of brands for their consumer campaigns and last year announced she'd be stepping down as the host of Love Island
Last year, the mother-of-one announced she'd be stepping down as the host of Love Island, with .
Speaking about her decision to leave, Whitmore took a swipe at her ITV bosses as she claimed that she would still be fronting the show if she'd had more freedom in her role.
She claimed: 'If I could [have done] things the way I wanted to, I'd probably still be doing it.'
She said she struggled to remain impartial while working on the show, admitting she sometimes wanted to voice her opinion on what had happened in the villa and ask the Islanders how they were coping following their stay.
Speaking to Psychologies magazine, Whitmore said of the contestants: 'There was only so much I can do as a host - I couldn't support them or not support them.I couldn't say anything.
'So you kind of have to go quiet, and evDEN Eve nakLiyaT that was hard for me because I like to be able to have those conversations.
'If I could [have done] things the way I wanted to, I'd probably still be doing it.'
The TV star replaced Caroline Flack as the host of the ITV dating show when she stood down in December 2019.Caroline tragically took her own life aged 40 in February 2020.
Whitmore took to social media after last year's summer season to detail her decision, admitting she found flying back and forth from the villa 'very difficult'.
In her statement, Whitmore said she was only planning to fill in for Caroline for EVdEN eVE nakLiYat one series, .
High praise: Whitmore's Love Island replacement Maya Jama has been lauded by fans after she kicked off the winter show in January
<更新日時> 06月17日(土) 03:30
Thirty prisoners, evdEN evE nAKLiyaT including the leader of a feared cartel's assassin squad serving a 224-year sentence, are still on the run after a deadly New Year's Day prison break near the US border.
Security forces continue to search the region surrounding Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, for those who escaped in an attack that left 19 people dead.
Los Mexicles leader Ernesto ‘El Neto' Piñón escaped the Cereso No.3 state prison on Sunday after members of the notorious street gang stormed into the penitentiary located just 16 miles from El Paso, , and helped him escape.
Authorities initially reported that César Vega, EvDEn evE naKliYAt the criminal group's second-in-command, had also escaped before later announcing he is among the seven inmates who were killed.
At least 200 members of the gang have since been moved from the prison. The brazen assault left ten prison guards and two attackers dead. If you adored this article and you would like to collect more info with regards to EvdEn Eve nAkliyaT i implore you to visit the page.
Security forces stand guard at the Cereso No.3 state prison in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, on Sunday. An attack launched by the Los Mexicles street gang freed jailed leader Ernesto 'El Neto' Piñón and 29 other inmates. Authorities said 19 people were killed
Los Mexicles leader Ernesto 'El Neto Piñón is missing after he escaped from a prison in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, on Sunday morning during an armed attack that left 19 people dead.Piñón was sentenced to 224 years in 2010 after he was found guilty of kidnapping and murder charges
Authorities arrested five members of Los Mexicles following a high-speed chase and seized a cache of rifles and ammunition.
The United States Consulate in Ciudad Juárez advised US citizens in the border town to shelter in place after reports of gunfire Monday night.
A Monday afternoon gun battle at a housing complex left seven people dead, including two cops, while security forces hunted down the fleeing inmates.No arrests were reported.
The Cereso No. 3 prison director, Alejandro Téllez, was fired and placed under investigation Tuesday, the Chihuahua State Attorney General's Office said in a statement.
At least 200 Los Mexicles jailed members were loaded onto buses in the early hours Tuesday and transported to Abraham González International Airport, where they boarded two National Guard flights to other federal jails.
Mexico's Secretary for Security and Citizen Protection, Rosa Rodríguez, had announced Monday that plans were underway to transfer high-risk inmates from the Cereso No.3 state prison to other penitentiaries in the country to prevent further attacks.
César Vega (pictured in September 2015), the Los Mexicles second-in-command, was killed at the Cereso No.3 state prison after gang members launched an attack
Ciudad Juárez authorities arrested five members of the Los Mexicles gang following a high-speed pursuit. All five suspects were arrested on attempted murder, illegal firearm possession and criminal organization association charges
Inmates are rounded up outside the Cereso No.3 state prison in Ciudad Juárez following the New Year's Day deadly attack that left 19 people dead
The Cereso No. 3 state prison was overpopulated by 123% at the time of the attack, eVDEN eVe NakliyAt National Commission of Human Rights director, Nestor Armendáriz, told Radio Formula.
The agency's 2021 National Diagnosis of Penitentiary Supervision found that the prison was severely affected by overcrowding, lack of personnel and that not enough programs were being offered to prevent addiction and voluntary detoxification.
Saskia Niño del Rivera, cofounder of Reinserta, a non-profit that works with reintegrating and readapting convicts into society, called on the Mexican government to shut down the detention facility.
'That prison has to be closed, it does not have the infrastructure to function, it does not have the elements, enough trained guards,' Niño de Rivera told El Universal newspaper.
The activist pinned the prison's unsavory conditions on the reality of the high presence of convicts who are members of the Los Jaliscos, Los Artistas Asesinos, Los Golfos and Los Mexicles street gangs.
'It is a very complicated prison because of the way in which it has been divided by dormitories, and the complexity of closing them so that the same gangs do not clash internally is extremely complex,' she said.
Ciudad Juárez police confiscated gear, Evden evE NAkLiyAT ammunition and rifles from five Los Mexicles gang members arrested during a high-speed chase
Inmates are rounded up and sat together outside the Cereso No.3 state prison in the northern Mexico border town of Ciudad Juárez moments after security forces regained control of the penitentiary Sunday
Niño del Rivera added that Cereso No. 3 state prison officials were simply overwhelmed because they were dealing 'with inmates who have levels of crime and crime leadership capacity much higher than what a state has to control.'
The prisoners' free reign allowed them to set up 10 jail cells that were equipped with electronic goods, such as televisions, and one of them had its own jacuzzi, according to Defense Minister Luis Cresencio.
Investigators searching Piñón's cell found 10 firearms, 20 kilos of drugs, liquor and a safe deposit box with $87,000.
Chihuahua State Attorney General Roberto Fierro vowed to restore the prison's security system within three months while adding that they would seek to prosecute any official or guard involved in the attack that allowed Piñón and the other 29 inmates to escape.
'Who did see it and who was allowing these actions, those are the ones who are going to bear the punishment because this should not have happened,' Fierro said.'A series of corruption was discovered inside the prison; it must be said as it is.'
Piñón took the Los Mexicles top leadership spot after Jesús 'El Lalo' Soto was transferred out of the Cereso No. 3 state prison in February 2020.
He joined the gang as an 18-year-old in 2007 and was involved in numerous criminal incidents, including kidnappings, in Ciudad Juárez, where the faction acted as the main enforcer for Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán's old Sinaloa Cartel.
Los Mexicles leader Ernesto Piñón is among 30 prisoners who escaped from a jail in Mexico
Guns and bullets are seen in front of the Cereso No.3 state prison that were recovered by the security forces Sunday after the Los Mexicles street gang launched an attack and freed their leader, Ernesto 'El Neto' Piñón
Piñón was found guilty of kidnapping and murder in 2010 and sentenced to 224 years in prison.
Authorities say he was also involved in ordering a wave of assaults throughout Ciudad Juárez on August 11 that left 11 people dead, 20 injured and multiple vehicles and business torched.
At the same time, he organized a riot at the prison in an attempt to flee, but security forces were able to regain control.
The citywide assaults were part of a rift reportedly sparked by Los Mexicles' fallout with the Sinaloa Cartel faction that is overseen by Los Chapitos - El Chapo's children - as the gang formed new alliance with Los Aztecas, the armed wing of the Juárez Cartel.
Los Mexicles had also joined forces with the Caborca Cartel, the criminal organization founded by infamous jailed drug lord, Rafael Caro Quintero, who is awaiting extradition to the United States, where he is accused of the 1986 kidnapping and murder of Drug Enforcement Administration agent Kiki Camarena.
The Caborca Cartel is also at odds with Los Chapitos.
Vega served as Piñón's main confidant at the prison, where they both shared a cell.
He was deported to Mexico in September 2015, almost four years after he was arrested at an El Paso, Texas, fried chicken restaurant.
Vega was detained December 27, 2011 at Church's Chicken where he was employed as a cook a year after he fled from Mexican authorities after the ambush of the prison van he was being transported in, according to U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
He and seven other Los Mexicles gang members abducted Natividad Torres at his Ciudad Juárez home on September 15, 2009.
The kidnappers sought a return of $47,000 in exchange for Torres' release but ended up settling for just $700, a television and a 2008 Toyota.Torres was shot four times on September 15 and released the following day.
He died October 21 as a result of the gunshot wound and Vega and four other kidnappers were arrested the next month.
Vega was sentenced to 42 years for kidnapping and murder.
<更新日時> 06月17日(土) 02:41
A second key figure in the alleged plot to smuggle technology from America to Russia has been revealed - and he is another suburban husband who was apparently living a double life.
Vadim Yermolenko, 41 lives in a luxury $1m, four-bedroom, four-bathroom home with his glamorous wife and their young children, DailyMail.com can disclose.
His identity can now be disclosed after it emerged that another accused member of the conspiracy, , runs an online craft store in with his wife.
Yarmolenko and EVdEn eVe NAKliyat Brayman, who were indicted Tuesday then released after posting bail, allegedly helped supply Russia with technology that can be used in nuclear and hypersonic weapons.The scheme was part of a sophisticated plot orchestrated by the country's security services, prosecutors say.
The elaborate smuggling network, which spanned several continents, has been likened to the plot of a wild espionage drama.
Vadim Yermolenko lives with his wife Diana and their children in a $1m home in New Jersey.Prosecutors say he played a key role in a plot to smuggle millions of dollars worth of high-tech weapons components from the United States to Russia
Away from Yermolenko's alleged role in the shadowy 'Serniya Network,' which is controlled by spymasters in Moscow, he maintains the image of a loving family man in a leafy middle-class suburb of million-dollar homes.
He lives with his wife, Diana, and their three young children in a desirable four-bedroom, four-bathroom home in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Yermolenko, a U.S. citizen, and Brayman, an Israeli citizen born in Ukraine, are named in an indictment which was unsealed Tuesday when both appeared in court charged over the plot.
Yermolenko, represented by a federal defender, was released after posting $500,000 bail, using his family home as security.Brayman was also released on $150,000 bail and subject to electronic monitoring. Both men were told to surrender their passports.
Yermolenko lives in a $1 million New Jersey home, pictured on Wednesday, with his family
Diana (left), eVdEn eVe NAKLiYAt who is not charged with any crime, regularly shares pictures of the family's life on social media.Prosecutors allege that behind Vadim's image as a successful businessman, he was part of an international plot to supply Russia with sanctioned technology that can be used in nuclear weapons
Yermolenko's glamorous wife, Diana, regularly shares snaps of their holidays abroad, including to Russia, on social media, along with photos of her with her husband, who's accused of smuggling sanctioned weapons equipment from the United States into Russia.
Yermolenko and his wife are both from Russia, according to their social media profiles.
Diana's Facebook and Instagram posts paint them as a loving family who enjoy a jet-set lifestyle, holidaying in sun-soaked destinations across Europe and the U.S.The couple, who married in July 2011, also take frequent trips to St Petersburg.
Diana, from Mirny in Russia's Sakha Republic, regularly posts proud photos of her family, including pictures of her eldest daughter figure skating.
Yermolenko's profile says he is the founder of Divatek, a New Jersey-based company which sells cell phones and other electronic devices.
He says he studied at Dante Alighieri, in St Petersburg, an 'international society founded to promote Italian language and culture throughout the world.'
But prosecutors allege, that behind the image of a family man and successful entrepreneur, Yermolenko helped the Serniya Network 'acquire sensitive military and dual use technologies for the Russian military, defense sector and research institutions.'
Yermolenko's family life in a pleasant American suburb can be revealed after it emerged his co-defendant, Alexey Brayman, pictured with his Russian wife, Daria, allegedly used his home in New Hampshire to ship the technology to Russia
With help from Yermolenko, Brayman allegedly received the equipment at his home in New Hampshire (pictured), before it was sent on to Europe and eventually into Russia
Vadim Yermolenko (left) and Alexey Brayman (right) were allegedly part of a plot led by security services in Moscow to smuggle millions of dollars worth of weapons technology into Russia
Dual use technology is equipment like semiconductors and other sophisticated instruments that can be used in both civilian and military products.It is key to maintaining , which has cost the lives of thousands of civilians - and massively depleted Moscow's stocks of weaponry.
Yermolenko is accused of playing a key role in getting equipment worth millions of dollars to fellow family man Brayman, evDEN eVE nakLiYAt who then shipped it to Europe before it was smuggled into Russia.
Yermolenko deployed deceptive and fraudulent tactics to open shell companies and bank accounts in order to mask the reason for the purchases and destination of the products, it is claimed.
With Brayman, he would alter, forge, and destroy shipping documents, invoices and other business records to unlawfully export items from the United States.
The men allegedly worked with Vadim Konoshchenok, an FSB agent who smuggled some of the items from Estonia into Russia
The indictment against Yermolenko says he even provided his wife's signature 'to use on IRS documents for company applications and applications to open U.S.Bank Accounts.'
Diana Yermolenko is not charged with any crimes.
The equipment that was trafficked in the conspiracy is sensitive and highly-regulated. The U. If you liked this post and you would like to get even more facts regarding EVdEn eVE NaKLiyat kindly visit the site. S. and other countries have imposed strict sanctions designed to prevent Russia from obtaining such 'critical western technology.'
Yermolenko allegedly worked with a Russia-based defendant called Boris Livshits, a 52-year-old from St Petersburg.
Livshits took requests for sensitive items from the Serniya Network and then obtained them from U.S.businesses using front companies, forged paperwork and other deceptive tactics.
Those items were then trafficked out of the U.S. with help from Yermolenko and Brayman, authorities say.
On one occasion, Livshits ordered Yermolenko to 'throw away the invoice' for an order.Another email reveals he instructed Yermolenko to tell a bank that payments were for 'bicycle spare parts, sporting goods and EVdEn EVE nakLiYat textile products.'
Brayman and Yermolenko allegedly trafficked 'advanced electronics and sophisticated testing equipment used in quantum computing, hypersonic and nuclear weapons'.Pictured: A Russian S-400 missile defense system drives in Red Square, central Moscow, on May 9, 2022
Prosecutors also revealed the vast web of the supply chain which carried the technology into Russia. Common intermediary countries included locations in Estonia, Finland, Germany and Hong Kong.
Brayman and Yermolenko allegedly delivered some of the items to Vadim Konoshchenok, 48, a Russian based in Estonia, who moved them across the border.
Konoshchenok describes himself in communications obtained by authorities as a Colonel in the FSB, Russia's federal security service and the successor to the KGB, according to prosecutors.
As well as moving the technology, Konoshchenok 'repeatedly' attempted to smuggle tens of thousands of rounds of US-made ammunition across the Estonian border into Russia, including sniper rifle rounds and military grade .223 rounds.
Prosecutors say the seven defendants named in the indictment, which was unsealed yesterday, participated in 'a transnational fraud, money laundering and sanctions evasion scheme controlled by a foreign power that is actively engaged in armed conflict'.
<更新日時> 06月17日(土) 00:52