たけぞうのFX日記 ☆FXでサラリーマンの年収は超せるのか☆

Driver slammed after cat carrier is spotted strapped to a car's roof

A motorist has been called out for driving with a pet carrier tied to the roof of their car on a busy road with a 'terrified looking' cat inside. 

The Ford Falcon was snapped as it travelled along Lutwyche Road in Windsor in 's north and was posted to social media on Monday. 

The large cat box was pictured fastened onto the top of the moving car with two yellow straps.

The cat is not visible but the onlooker who took the photo of the 'appalling' act claimed the animal was in the box.

'Yes, that is a cat carrier strapped to the roof racks.Yes, eVDEn eVe nAkliYaT there was a terrified looking cat inside. Yes, there was room inside the car for EvdEN EvE NAkLiyAT the cat carrier to go,' the post read (pictured, the blue sedan carrying the cat box)

'Yes, that is a cat carrier strapped to the roof racks.Yes, there was a terrified looking cat inside. Yes, there was room inside the car for the cat carrier to go,' the person's post read.

'Who the hell even does this?? ... 'It's appalling, how was this the only option??'

Animal lovers took to social media slamming the driver over the act of animal cruelty. 

'Some people should not be allowed to own pets,' one commenter said. 

'That's messed up from the owner, and that cat needs to be re homed to a person who will look after it,' one more said.

'I can't imagine what this would do to a poor little kitty,' said another. 

'There's no way anyone would do that, surely,' an online user wrote.

But others said there could be other reasons why the box is on the roof.

'Maybe it's a diseased feral cat they've caught, to get off their property?' one asked.

 Animal lovers took to social media slamming the driver over the 'appalling' act of animal cruelty (stock photo)

'It appears empty and for all you know it's a snake,' another said. 

The person who posted the image online said the RSPCA and police had been contacted over the sighting.

Meanwhile, others compared their stories of trying to get their pet cats into portable carriers for transport.

'My cat is terrified any time we have to put him in the carrier and travel,' one wrote. 

'Mine hates the car so much we have to sedate him to go to the vet.The vet is literally at the end of our street. Should you have any kind of queries regarding exactly where and also tips on how to work with eVdEN evE nAkliYAt, EVdEN eve NaKliyAT you can contact us in our own internet site. It's a two minute drive,' said another. 



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