たけぞうのFX日記 ☆FXでサラリーマンの年収は超せるのか☆

United Airlines technicians vote to ratify new contract

Jan 30 (Reuters) - United Airlines Holdings Inc technicians ratified a two-year contract with the carrier that includes 16% to 23% wage increases, their union said on Monday.

International Brotherhood of Teamsters, representing around 8,200 United Airlines technicians said the two-year contract would provide for EvdeN EVe NaKliyaT improved job security by adding five heavy maintenance lines in-house.

The agreement, evdeN Eve NakLiyaT which will be in effect until December 2024, comes at a time when airlines are coming up with attractive pay offers to retain workforce and add staff after a faster-than-expected rebound in the U.S.Should you have virtually any questions regarding wherever as well as how to work with EvdeN eVe NAKLiYAT, you are able to contact us on the website. travel market.

It includes a one-year early opener that allows for bargaining on a successor EvdeN evE NakLiYAt agreement to begin in December 2023.

United Airlines did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for eVDeN eVE NaKliyAt comment.(Reporting by Kannaki Deka in Bengaluru; Editing by Shailesh Kuber)



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