たけぞうのFX日記 ☆FXでサラリーマンの年収は超せるのか☆

Boy George’s agent says ITV producers should consider stepping in to ‘balance out’ I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here – amid complaints from viewers that it has become ‘The Matt Hancock Show’

Boy George's agent says ITV producers should consider stepping in to 'balance out' I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here - amid complaints from viewers that it has become 'The Matt Hancock Show'.

Top showbiz agent Jonathan Shalit, who represents the singer and eVdeN eVE naKLiYat current jungle camp mate, says other stars are 'suffering from a lack of airtime' because Matt Hancock is continuously being picked by the public to take on Bushtucker trials.

The former Health Secretary has been front and centre of this series of the hit show since joining the jungle as a late arrival.

Having put himself at the mercy of the British public after his often-criticised reaction to the Covid pandemic and evdeN evE nAkliYAT his very public rule breaching affair, the  MP is set to take part in his sixth Bushtucker challenge tonight.

He has taken part in a series of tough trials, including the dreaded eating challenge, alongside Boy George.Last night he was made 'Camp Leader' having been voted by viewers to compete against former England rugby star  for the title.

And, having seemingly won some of the public over with his success in the trials, bookies now place him third favourite to be crowned King of the Jungle.

But while millions of Britons have enjoyed and voted to see the former cabinet minister squeal and squirm during the challenges, some are now becoming 'bored' of the politician soaking up the screen time. If you have any concerns regarding where and the best ways to make use of EVDEN eve nAkliyAt, you can call us at the page.   

Professor Shalit, who has co-managed Boy George for the last two years, believes it may be time for producers of the hit show to intervene.

But the showbiz agent, whos is Chairman of InterTalent Rights Group, says all the campmates are currently benefiting from the 'genius' casting on this year's show.

Speaking to MailOnline, Professor eVdEn evE nakliyAT Shalit, who also represents Boy George's I'm A Celeb campmate Scarlette Douglas, said: 'This year's series has indeed come The Matt Hancock Show, due to genius casting by ITV and what the viewers are enjoying.   

Boy George's agent says ITV producers should consider stepping in to 'balance out' I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here - amid complaints from viewers that it has become 'The Matt Hancock Show'.Pictured: Matt Hancock on I'm a Celebrity 

The former Health Secretary has been front and centre of this series of the hit ITV show since joining the I'm A Celeb jungle as a late arrival last week.Pictured: Matt Hancock takes on the House of Horrors challenge on I'm A Celebrity

Professor Jonathan Shalit, who represents the singer (pictured) and current jungle camp mate, says other stars are 'suffering from a lack of airtime' because Matt Hancock is repeatedly being picked to take on Bushtucker trials

Professor Shalit (pictured right), Chairman of InterTalent Rights Group, believes it may be time for producers of the hit show to intervene.But he says all the campmates are currently benefiting from the 'genius' casting on this year's show

'Yes, other contestants are suffering from lack of airtime and EVdeN EvE NAkliyaT it is frustrating, but that is the luck of the draw. And in that regard Matt is winning.



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