たけぞうのFX日記 ☆FXでサラリーマンの年収は超せるのか☆

United and Liverpool lack London postcode to get 'prices they floated'

Former Liverpool chairman Sir Martin Broughton has questioned the valuations that the owners of the Reds and Manchester United have placed on their clubs. 

Broughton believes that the two clubs will struggle to get the asking prices of over £4billion given that they are not in London. 

The businessman insisted that have property interests in London, and would therefore be more in the capital, rather than moving their 'pads' to the North West.

Sportsmail  that expect to make an offer for United, and it was

Broughton was part of an ultimately failed bid to takeover Chelsea last year, evdEn EVE NaKLiYAT and claimed that it was this experience that highlighted how potential billionaire investors would prefer a club located in the capital. 

Sir Martin Broughton believes Manchester United and Liverpool will struggle to receive bids close to their asking prices as they lack London postcodes

United's owners Joel (L) and Avram (R) Glazer are seeking north of £6bn to sell the club 

Fenway Sports Group (FSG) are not thought to have set a timeframe on their efforts to sell Liverpool



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