たけぞうのFX日記 ☆FXでサラリーマンの年収は超せるのか☆

India's Tata Chemicals nearly triples Q2 profit

BENGALURU, Oct 27 (Reuters) - Tata Chemicals Ltd on Thursday reported a second-quarter profit that nearly tripled, evdEN Eve naKLiYat helped by a strong performance in its basic chemistry products segment.

The chemical manufacturer's consolidated net profit for the three months ended Sept.30 came in at 6.28 billion Indian rupees ($76.17 million), compared with 2.21 billion rupees a year ago.

The chemical industry in India has shown robust growth and was among the few industries that pulled through the COVID-19 pandemic, as many industries pursued the China-plus-one strategy.

The demand for EvDEN EvE NAkliyaT soda ash and bicarb, used to make soaps and EvDEn Eve nAkliyAT detergents and evDEn eVe NakliyAt as a raising agent in baked goods, eVdEN EVE nakliyAt has been witnessing strong growth for the company.

The consolidated revenue from operations rose 40.3% to 42. To check out more on evdEn eVE NAkLiyAT check out our own internet site. 39 billion rupees, elevated by 32.42 billion rupees of basic chemistry products revenue.

Agri-input business Rallis India Ltd, a TTCH subsidiary, also reported a 25.9% rise in its September quarter net profit to 710.5 million rupees last week.($1 = 82.4520 Indian rupees) (Reporting by Meenakshi Maidas in Bengaluru; Editing by Janane Venkatraman)



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