たけぞうのFX日記 ☆FXでサラリーマンの年収は超せるのか☆

Buyers are rushing to resale websites to snatch up

Buyers are rushing to resale websites to snatch up 's coveted Yeezy sneakers, hours after Adidas announced they would be dropping the rapper's clothing line.

According to WANTD, an aggregator of data from secondary market sites, evDEn eVe NAKliYAT nine out of the top 25 best-selling sneakers on resale sites were Yeezys as of Tuesday morning, a spike from the previous six weeks.

Sneakerheads are scooping up the shoes following the news that their production will halt following  over controversy surrounding the 45-year-old rapper's recent anti-sematic remarks.

Hours after the announcement, the Yeezy Boost 700 model sneaker held the number two spot on eBay's current list of best-selling sneakers.

Jon Schaefer, a reseller who uses eBay to flip shoes told he predicted the price of Yeezys could jump nearly 50 percent.

By Schaefer's prediction, the brand could soon cost an average of about $400 per pair. When you loved this post and you would love to receive much more information relating to eVDeN Eve NAKLiyAt kindly visit our own web page.  

Sneakerheads are scooping up the shoes following the news that their production will halt following Adidas' dropping of Kanye's brand over controversy surrounding the 45-year-old rapper's recent anti-sematic remarks

Buyers are rushing to resale websites to snatch up Kanye West's coveted Yeezy sneakers, hours after Adidas announced they would be dropping the rapper's clothing line

Hours after the announcement, evdEN eVe NakliYaT the Yeezy Boost 700 model sneaker held the number two spot on Ebay's current list of best-selling sneakers

Though the value of Yeezys has dropped in recent years after Adidas ramped up production,

'The novelty of owning a pair of Yeezys has worn off, thus lowering the resale v

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    'Even if Ye gets completely canceled, the comfort and uniqueness of Yeezy sneakers will never leave,' said sneaker reseller Stephen Yuhas. 

    Schaefer said the speed at which Yeezys wear out - and people's desire to replace them - will further fuel demand now that stock is foreseeably limited.

    'Generally they wear out fast, and when people want a second pair,' he told Forbes.'They just pay the money to get them.' 

    Ye has courted controversy in recent months by publicly ending major corporate tie-ups, as well as for a series of outbursts on social media against other celebrities (Kanye West pictured October 21, 2022)

    German sporting goods behemoth Adidas has terminated its partnership with Kanye West amid controversial behavior from the American rapper and designer.A statement posted in the media section of its website called his comments 'unacceptable, hateful and dangerous'

    German sporting goods behemoth Adidas has ended its partnership with Kanye West amid controversial behavior from the American rapper and designer



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    プロフィール はじめまして管理人のたけぞうです。2013年本厄が終わるおっさんが、ブログなるものを初めてみる事にしました。四十の手習いと言う感じでしょうか!四十を過ぎても、二十代の頃と未だ何ら変わらず、人生をゆるゆるに生きてます。とは言うものの、二十歳の方と比べれば、無駄に二十数年生きているわけで、若干いろいろな、知識や経験を積んでいたりする訳で・・・そんな自分のゆるゆる人生で培った?知識や経験をほんの少しでも、ご紹介出来たらと考えています。また当ブログでは「FXでサラリーマンの年収は超せるのか」をメインテーマに日々の資産推移等を紹介していきます。