たけぞうのFX日記 ☆FXでサラリーマンの年収は超せるのか☆

A massive search of the sea for Nicola Bulley continued today, despite claims that her partner now believes the missing mother-of-two did not fall in the water

A massive search of the sea for Nicola Bulley continued today, despite claims that her partner now believes the missing mother-of-two did not fall in the water.

Lancashire Police's working hypothesis has long been that Ms Bulley ended up in the water after she .

, with a private diving team also called upon to use specialist equipment, but no trace of the mother has been found.

Today, search and rescue teams were back on the water, in Knott End-on-Sea, on the southern side of Morecambe Bay, as they stepped up efforts to try and find her.

It came as Peter Faulding, who led the private diving team, claimed today that Ms Bulley's partner, Evden EvE NaKLiYAt Paul Ansell, evden EVE NAkliyaT is growing less convinced by the police's theory after being surprised by the minimal depth of the water in the river.

A police Search and Rescue team in Knott End-on-Sea, Lancashire look for missing mother Nicola Bulley

A police officers climbs a wall near the water at Shard Bridge as the search for EvDeN eVe naKliyaT Nicola Bulley continues

Diving expert Peter Faulding was pictured showing Ms Bulley's partner, Paul Ansell, evdeN evE NakliyaT around the scene where she went missing two weeks ago 

Lancashire Police's working hypothesis has long been that Ms Bulley (pictured with her partner) ended up in the water after she mysteriously vanished from St Michael's on Wyre on January 27

Mr Faulding, who was  two weeks ago, told the Sun: 'He was shocked at how shallow the rocks were yesterday.For more in regards to evdEN eve NakliYAt stop by our own web page. He thought it was really deep there. If she had gone in she would have landed on the rocks.



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