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ALISON BOSHOFF: Adele's earns £2million for commuting to Las Vegas

<更新日時> 06月10日(土) 13:57

The stakes are high, as Adele and her team know only too well.Yesterday saw the first night of her now notoriously delayed four-month residency at Caesars Palace Colosseum in .

One down, 31 more potentially perilous performances to go.Now there is one overriding concern among her team: for the sake of Adele's reputation, there can be not one single cancellation this time round.

Everyone is utterly focused on avoiding the pitfalls of the past, when Adele reached for a grand Vegas spectacle — only to crash embarrassingly to earth after deciding to cancel her planned shows in January less than 24 hours before she was due on stage, emotionally declaring ‘It just ain't ready'.

Local Vegas journalist Scott Roeben — who broke the news of her residency back in 2021 — tells me Caesars Palace has been ‘working hard' to make sure this tour is as drama-free as possible.

Everyone is utterly focused on avoiding the pitfalls of the past, when Adele reached for a grand Vegas spectacle — only to crash embarrassingly to earth after deciding to cancel her planned shows in January

‘What everyone is concerned about is that she really needs to not cancel one show because people fear another backlash would be very, very damaging.She already has a reputation as a diva. She cannot let the fans down again.'

Adele has long said she wants all her Vegas shows to be ‘intimate' — the theatre at Caesars seats just 4,100 people, tiny for a woman who can fill stadiums — and hopes to natter away between songs and invite fans from the audience to join her on stage every night.Tickets are said to be selling for a staggering $38,000 a pop. Fans know how rare it is to see an idol this close up.

Some insiders believe the chance to see Adele live will be even rarer in the future: that this Vegas tour could well be her last.

Scott Roeben is one.He says: ‘The belief is this will be something of a swansong run. The gild is off the lily in terms of record sales, and eVdEn eVe nAkliYAt Adele has said she wants to have a baby and do a college degree, her focus really is moving away from music. Her heart just isn't in it.'

Adele has long said she wants all her Vegas shows to be ‘intimate' — the theatre at Caesars seats just 4,100 people, tiny for a woman who can fill stadiums

For now, though, broody or not, Adele simply has to get through the residency.And that is no straightforward task: afflicted by stage fright, she is something of a tortured performer. Rehearsing, as she put it herself, for ‘12 hours a f***ing day', she said last month when discussing her preparations: ‘I'm sick and tired of anything musical.'

Her remarks don't quite reflect the enthusiastic tone you expect to hear from an artist.While she arguably had something to prove for past performances, like her world tour in 2016 — an experience she says she is ‘still getting over' — that drive has abated.

It's perhaps this emotion which was at the forefront on Thursday night as Adele tweeted of her extreme pre-show nerves, saying she felt a ‘million miles away from home.'

She went on: ‘Maybe it's because I didn't start when I was supposed to.Maybe it's because it's opening night, maybe it's because Hyde Park went so great, maybe it's because I love the show I don't know. But it's safe to say I've never been more nervous before a show in my career, but at the same time I wish today was tomorrow! I can't wait to see you out there x. If you have any queries pertaining to exactly where and how to use eVdEN eVE NAkliyaT, you can make contact with us at our own web page. '

Yesterday saw the first night of her now notoriously delayed four-month residency at Caesars Palace Colosseum in Las Vegas

Offering her bolstering reassurance throughout is her loyal team — stylist Jamie Mizrahi, hair stylist Sami Knight and manicurist Michelle Humphrey.They will be with her every weekend, as will her boyfriend, the sports agent Rich Paul.

In the run-up to the show's cancellation, insiders said the pair were constantly ‘in the middle of an emotional shout-out' during rehearsals but their relationship is now stronger than ever and they have since moved in together.

Long-time managers Jonathan Dickens and Rose Moon will also be on hand.

And while Adele's contract may tie her to four months of performing, it will undoubtedly be a feather-bedded prison.

When in town, she will stay in a £30,000 suite at Caesars Palace, with its own butler — which comes gratis for the performer as part of their agreement.

And while Adele's contract may tie her to four months of performing, it will undoubtedly be a feather-bedded prison (Pictured: front of Caesars Palace, Las Vegas)

Some insiders believe the chance to see Adele live will be even rarer in the future: that this Vegas tour could well be her last

Between November and March she will spend just one night a week in the desert city in order to perform twice, flying to Vegas on a Friday to perform, sleep over, and then make the short flight back to Los Angeles every Saturday after she comes off stage.

It is possibly the world's most lucrative commute: she is earning nearly $1 million per show.

More than that, cannily, Adele has apparently struck a deal through which she receives a whopping 50 per cent cut of the merchandise.Expensive branded goods adorn the shelves of the Caesars Palace shop.

Here you can spend $110 on a ‘Rolling in the Deep' sweatshirt, snap up socks with glasses of wine on them, buy necklaces which read ‘divorced' and even get Adele-branded tissues.

What won't be seen, however, are the giant onstage white floating staircase and EvDEn eVE NAKliyaT notorious water feature — damned by Adele as a ‘baggy old pond' — which were planned the first time around.

Indeed, for all her complaints about long rehearsals, it's clear that behind the scenes, many hundreds of others have also long been working hard, collectively holding their breath in the hope that the new set would pass muster to please the mercurial Adele.

Adele has apparently struck a deal through which she receives a whopping 50 per cent cut of the merchandise

While back in January, the singer had fired set designer Esmeralda Devlin, a hugely respected professional, ‘in a panic' after a ‘butting of heads', things were calmer second time round.

Sources suggest Adele demanded constant changes in the run-up to the first opening night, and had never really been clear about what she wanted.In Devlin's place is Londoner Kim Gavin, who warmed up for this gig with visits to Vegas over the summer, and took charge of her set at the Hyde Park concerts in July, where Adele performed in front of an understated curtain of gold and bronze discs which blew in the breeze and caught the lights.

Gavin has just completed the staging for a show featuring the world of Bond at the Royal Albert Hall — a fairly comparable venue in size as well as a comparable concert in tone.

Back in January, Adele pinned the blame for the cancelled show firmly on Covid, tearfully declaring: ‘Half my crew and team are [ill] with Covid and still are, and it's been impossible to finish the show.'

Since then, however, she's returned several times to the question of why she pulled the rug on a $150 million production — and it's notable that the excuse of Covid has been ditched.

In July she told BBC Radio 4's Desert Island Discs that the primary issues had been artistic.

And despite fans losing thousands of pounds in travel and hotel bills, for which Adele said she was ‘devastated', she was also notably defiant.

‘I don't think any other artist would have done what I did and that is why it was such a massive, massive story.It was like, "I don't care. You can't buy me, you can't buy me for nothing. I'm not going to just do a show because I have to or because people are going to be let down or because we're going to lose loads of money." '

Scott Roeben, however, observes: ‘It was damaging to her because of who she was as a performer.

‘The expectation of her because of the music is of someone who is genuine and straightforward, and this seemed not to be.

‘I believe she was upset, I don't think she was pretending to be upset — but I do think that she was looking for a reason to explain the cancellation.

‘She didn't want to look like a cry baby or temperamental artist so she picked on Covid — maybe ten per cent of the reason and evDEn eVE nAkliyAT made that into the reason.

‘The initial postponement was primarily an artistic decision coloured by her problems behind the scenes and problems with the creative team, eVDEN EvE nAKliYAt and really not much to do with Covid.'

This time round, says Roeben of Casino.org: ‘It's going to be an Adele show, but not a Vegas show.I think that last time they were trying to bring it up to a level with Katy Perry and Lady Gaga but that wall-to-wall spectacle never felt right for her.'

Now, though, comes her chance to wipe away those memories, and repair that reputational damage.

Adele has promised those who have bought tickets: EVdEN EvE naKLiYaT ‘I'm going to give you the absolute best of me.'

But there's a real possibility that it could be for the last time.

Rich kid who 'never had a paid job' gets a taste of the skint life

<更新日時> 06月10日(土) 12:22

An heiress used to a comfortable lifestyle in Chelsera got a taste of the real world by staying with a family-of-five on the breadline for the TV show Rich Kids Go Skint. 

Veronika, 20, admitted on the show, which aired last night on 5Star, that she's never had to worry about earning money, enjoying an allowance from her family, who also pay her bills and for her rented flat in Chelsea. 

She goes to stay with Brandon and Rachel Slater, who live in a rented three-bedroom house with their three children, Brooke, Declan and Olivia in Leeds, who work multiple jobs to make ends meet. 

Thanks to her time with the family, who have only a couple of hundreds pounds left to enjoy after bills per month, Veronika gained a newfound appreciation of her privileged life, while the family were surprised by how 'lovely' she was. 

Veronika, 20, admitted on Rich Kids Go Skint last night on 5Star, that she's never had to worry about earning money, enjoying an allowance from her family, who also pay her bills and the rent of her flat in Chelsea

The 20-year-old was born in St Petersburg, but was raised in France and moved to the UK when she was eight. 

She was educated at Marlborough College, evdEn Eve NAkLiyAT where the Princess of Wales also studied, and where tuition can reach £40,000 a year. 

The heiress lives alone, in a one bedroom flat in the affluent neighbourhood of Chelsea, with her dog, and likes to indulge in shopping trips to Selfridges  

The rich girl goes to stay with Brandon and Rachel Slater, who live in a rented three-bedroom house with their three children, Olivia, Brooke and Declan in Leeds

Living in London, Verokina admitted she's never had to work at a paid job, but added she's done work experiences for free 

'I do love to take myself on a Selfridges trip when I can,' she said. 

She is also the proud owner of a designer bag collection, however, most of them were not bought by her, and were inherited from her mother, now holding a sentimental value. For those who have virtually any queries regarding wherever and also tips on how to make use of evdEN EVe nakliYAT, you possibly can contact us on our own web page.  

'A girl can never have too many bags,' the heiress joked, adding that getting her hair extension, her hair cut and her nails done costs her up to £600 a month. 

Veronika said she hoped going to stay with the Slaters would teach her how to be more reasonable with her spending.  

'I feel like this experience will teach me that it's a lot easier to save up than I think, and I should be saving a lot more money than I do,' she said. 

She travelled to Leeds to stay with the Slaters, whose financial reality was very different from hers. 

The heiress revealed on the show that she loves to treat herself to regular trips to Selfridges, but added she is aware that she privileged to be able to do so 

Brandon has an 'on an off' bouncy castle for hire business he's kept going for 14 years.

To make ends meet, he's turned to making toys for soft play in his free time, and sometimes picks up shifts as a carrier if the family needs extra cash, which has become a common occurrence for them in the face of the cost of living crisis. 

Brandon admitted on the show that he doesn't know what he is going to make month-to-month, and whether he'll have enough of one job to feed the family, or if he'll need to take on three jobs at the same time to make ends meet. 

Meanwhile, Rachel works in a nursery and owns a floristry business on the side. 

While the family struggled financially, only being left with about £200 at most of disposable income for the month, Brandon and Rachel said they wouldn't have it any other way. 

'Money don't matter, it can't buy you hell,' the father-of-three said. 

'We've got everything.That's worth more to me than what their dad's given to them with their credit card,' he added. 

Brandon owns a bouncy castle for hire business, as well as making soft play toys and working as carrier to make ends meet while Rachel works in a nursery and owns a floristry business on the side

The family spend £830 on rent, and £220 on a storage unit, plus on food for five and the essentials. 

They also have five pets: two dogs, two tortoises and a bearded dragon, which made Veronika feel like she was in a 'petting zoo,' she said when she visited. 

Asked what he expected the rich kid to think of his family, he said: 'I think they will be shocked at how much work goes into what we do every day of life for a little money. 

'I don't know whether they have a job or just spend their mum and dads inheritance or money.

'They're certainly not going to do what I do for 50 quid, eVDen eVe NAkliYaT and they're not going to do what I do for a 100 quid,' he said, adding: 'they probably spend that on a pizza.'

Veronika didn't pack too many brands in the overnight bag she took to the Slaters, but still took her Chanel bag and a £300 woollen hoodie, Gucci trainers, and a £150 pair of jeans. 

Veronika is more used to a privileged lifestyle than living skint, but she said she hoped the experience would teach her to budget her money better 

'I'm just kind of getting ready to be independent from my family and making my own money, so seeing families that operate on a much tighter budget would be a good experience to prepare me for the real world,' she said. 

Right after meeting, eVDen evE nAkLiyAT conversation between Veronika and the Slater turned awkward after the heiress admitted: 'I've never had a paid job.But I've done work experience at places.'

She went on to say that the two things she has to spend money on per month is herself and her dog. 

One of the luxuries in the Slater household is a pool table they paid £800, and for which the couple saved for eight months in order to afford.  

The Slater family have not always struggled with money, but lost their savings after running into some life set backs. 

'We're not left with a fortune, couple of hundred pound a month leftover, before Declan decides he needs some new trainers for school, Brook needs new tights, it is a struggle at the moment,' Brandon said. 

Brandon and Rachel also told Veronika they haven't had a glass of wine since their wedding day because they can't afford it.  

After a game of football at the park with Brandon and Declan, the heiress followed Rachel to the local shop, where she was tasked with getting a meal for six for just £10. 

Veronika spent £9.49 on a couple of chicken breasts, one pepper, one onion, tortillas and some seasoning, and set out to make fajitas, relying on the family's cupboard to make the meal. 

While it was too spicy for most of them to enjoy, Brendon and Rachel were thankful for the efforts she put in. 

'I think I could have done better but considering the limited options at the shop, this is probably the best they could do,' she said. 

'Definitely would have bought the proper fajita kit,' and added it would have been even better 'if we have the budget to get guacamole, sour cream.'

The next day, Veronika surprised Brandon with her positive attitude as he took her and Brook and friend Mila to help with the bouncy castle business.  

The experience was an eye-opener for the heiress, who said she couldn't believe that after all the work they put in, Brandon, the girls and herself only made a £65 profit out of setting up the bouncy castle for an event. 

'It really makes me appreciate my life and how privileged I am with what I've got,' she said. 

'I don't have necessarily a passion for bouncy castles, EvDEN eVE nakliyAT so I will probably try to pursue my own career in something else,' she said. 

She went on to help Rachel with her floral arrangements for her floristry business, before packing up to go back to London. 

'I've had the best time ever, thank you so much for having me, it's been a great experience,' she told Brandon and Rachel, adding she was '100 per cent' glad she came to live with them. 

'It wasn't what I was expecting it to be,' she said. 

'It's been a very interesting experience, and I think the main thing that I got out of it is you can't always judge a book by its cover,' the heiress said. 

'Despite the fact the family have a lovely home, obviously, they do struggle financially to maintain that

'I have also realised a lot of labour goes into things behind the scenes, such as having to load up the truck every morning and not just showing up and setting everything up,' she said, about Brandon's bouncy castle business. 

The father-of-three also admitted to have been surprised by his 'lovely' guest.  

'She was different from what we expected,' admitted they expected Veronika to be 'a brat and a bit spoiled,' but adding she was none of those things. 

He added they could definitely see themselves being friends with Veronika.  

To thank the family for allowing her to stay with them, Veronika also treated them to a go-carting experience.  

An interpreter tried to persuade doctors at a

<更新日時> 06月10日(土) 03:05

An interpreter tried to persuade doctors at a hospital to approve an illegal kidney transplant for the daughter of a wealthy Nigerian politician, who it is claimed plotted to transport a street trader to the UK to harvest the organ, a court has heard. 

Evelyn 'Ebere' Agbasonu allegedly asked for payment of £1,500 to help secure the £80,000 private kidney transplant for the alleged recipient Sonia Ekweremadu, 25, at the Royal Free Hospital in north London in February 2022. 

Jurors at the Old Bailey heard of Ms Agbasonu's role during the trial of Ike Ekweremadu, 60, who is alleged to have conspired with family members and others to exploit the 21-year-old street trader from Lagos in harvesting his kidney. 

The then-deputy president of the Nigerian is on trial alongside his wife Beatrice Ekweremadu, 56, their daughter Sonia and medical 'middleman' Dr Obinna Obeta.They all deny conspiracy to arrange the travel of another person with a view to exploitation. 

Sonia had a 'significant and deteriorating' kidney condition which could be managed through dialysis but cured with a transplant. 

Ike Ekweremadu, 60, is on trial alongside his wife Beatrice Ekweremadu, 56, their daughter Sonia, 25.All three deny conspiracy to arrange the travel of another person with a view to exploitation

The prosecution claims the procedure was not legal as the potential organ donor was a street trader from Lagos who had no altruistic motive or family connection with the recipient.

The Old Bailey has been told it was a 'transactional' deal, a{T with the man to be paid up to 3.5m Naira, a{T the equivalent of £7,000,for the harvesting of his body part and the promise of opportunities in the UK. 

He was tested in Nigeria and found to be a match for Sonia before being brought to the UK. 

The jury heard that Ms Agbasonu, who worked as a medical secretary at the clinic and spoke Igbo, stepped in to interpret during an initial meeting on February 24 between Dr Peter Dupont and the donor from Nigeria. 

The consultant had concluded the man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was not an appropriate candidate and appeared relived that the transplant would not take place. 

However, according to messages from others, Ms Agbasonu appeared to agree to manipulate a second meeting to the advantage of the Ekweremadu family.

Mr Ekweremadu's brother Diwe, who had medical training, allegedly sent Sonia Ekweremadu advice from the interpreter to show a clear family connection with the donor. If you cherished this write-up and you would like to obtain far more data pertaining to a{T kindly take a look at the web-page.  

Ike, a former barrister, is a member of the centre-right Peoples Democratic Party and was the Deputy President of the Nigerian Senate for three consecutive terms 

Beatrice (pictured) said the donor had been found via a third party. She stated that she was 'devastated' when further tests after his arrival in the UK found he was not a match

He allegedly said: 'Ebere said it would be easier to establish that his mum and your mum are sisters.If we stretch it to the grandmum and grandmum the relationship will be too distant.'

Ms Ekweremadu allegedly replied with: 'Ok, that's fine.' 

Diwe then allegedly laid out a financial agreement with her father, saying: 'I've met the Igbo interpreter.She agreed to work with us. She will be involved in coaching the boy, and during his consultation and interviews she will be providing the relevant interpretation.

'She insisted that I give her £1,500. I think the just position themselves to exploit people.' 

It is claimed the potential donor was told to pretend to be Sonia's cousin. 

Diwe is also alleged to have said: 'We had a meeting today with her so I've introduced her to Chinoso (Sonia) and (the donor).She advised that (the donor) comes to the hospital on Tuesday and Thursday while Chinoso (Sonia) is having her dialysis.

'Psychologically everyone in the team will have to accept that he's really committed to his cousin's health and it usually makes it easier to accept the person for the procedure.'

Prosecutor Hugh Davies KC suggested to the court the messages demonstrated the opposite of an altruistic organ donation. 

Ike has denied all the allegations and said he had not arranged the travel of anyone to the UK

Beatrice Ekweremadu (fron) and Sonia Ekweremadu (behind) at the Old Bailey

The court heard that the potential donor and interpreter attended a meeting with a surgeon at the hospital on March 11. 

After the meeting, Diwe allegedly messaged Ms Ekweremadu's father, liY saying: 'I have spoken with (the interpreter).She said the boy did better today but he's still showing so much timidity. 

'She covered up for him and added the words as much as possible. The surgeon will discuss with Dr Dupont and they will communicate us. They will continue to work on the boy's confidence.Ebere and Obinna.'

But, the surgeon agreed with the initial assessment made by Dr Dupont that the donor was unsuitable. Ms Ekweremadu was informed of the decision on March 29.   

Mr Davies told the court the interpreter was also involved in Dr Obeta's own transplant. 

The jury heard that Dr Obeta, also on trial with the family, had secured a kidney transplant at the Royal Free Hospital in 2021, with a donor purporting to be his cousin. 

Mr Davies told jurors an affidavit was the only evidence of a relation between the two men. 

'Whatever the truth of any of that, the basis of his transplant process provided a clear model for what Sonia needed in her moment of crisis,' he told the court. 

Jurors heard that Dr Obeta had trained at medical school with Diwe, who remains in Nigeria and is not on trial.

Medical 'middleman' Dr Obinna Obeta (pictured) is also on trial with the family at the Old Bailey 

Ike Ekweremadu (left) and wife Beatrice Ekweremadu (right) are on trial at the Old Bailey

Alphabet shares dive after Google AI chatbot Bard flubs answer in ad

<更新日時> 06月09日(金) 14:27

By Martin Coulter and Greg Bensinger

LONDON, Feb 8 (Reuters) - Alphabet Inc lost $100 billion in market value on Wednesday after its new chatbot shared inaccurate information in a promotional video and t a company event failed to dazzle, feeding worries that the Google parent is losing ground to rival Microsoft Corp.

Alphabet shares slid as much as 9% during regular trading with volumes nearly three times the 50-day moving average.They pared losses after hours and were roughly flat. The stock had lost 40% of its value last year but rallied 15% since the beginning of this year, excluding Wednesday's losses.

Reuters was first to point out an error in Google's advertisement for t chatbot Bard, which debuted on Monday, about which satellite first took pictures of a planet outside the Earth's solar system.

Google has been on its heels after OpenAI, a startup Microsoft is backing with around $10 billion, introduced software in November that has wowed consumers and become a fixation in Silicon Valley circles for its surprisingly accurate and well-written answers to simple prompts.

Google's live-streamed presentation on Wednesday morning did not include details about how and when it would integrate Bard into its core search function. A day earlier, Microsoft held an event touting that it had already released to the public a version of its Bing search with ChatGPT functions integrated.

Bard's error was discovered just before the presentation by Google, based in Mountain View, California.

"While Google has been a leader in AI innovation over the last several years, they seemed to have fallen asleep on implementing this technology into their search product," said Gil Luria, senior software analyst at D.A.Davidson. "Google has been scrambling over the last few weeks to catch up on Search and that caused the announcement yesterday (Tuesday) to be rushed and the embarrassing mess up of posting a wrong answer during their demo."

Microsoft shares rose around 3% on Wednesday, t and were flat in post-market trading.

Alphabet posted a short GIF video of Bard in action via Twitter, e N promising it would help simplify complex topics, but it instead delivered an inaccurate answer.

In the advertisement, Bard is given the prompt: "What new discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) can I tell my 9-year old about?" Bard responds with a number of answers, including one suggesting the JWST was used to take the very first pictures of a planet outside the Earth's solar system, or exoplanets.The first pictures of exoplanets were, however, taken by the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (VLT) in 2004, as confirmed by NASA.

"This highlights the importance of a rigorous testing process, something that we're kicking off this week with our Trusted Tester program," a Google spokesperson said.In the event you beloved this short article and also you wish to receive details with regards to t i implore you to stop by our own site. "We'll combine external feedback with our own internal testing to make sure Bard's responses meet a high bar for quality, safety and groundedness in real-world information."


Alphabet is coming off a disappointing fourth quarter as advertisers cut spending.

The search and advertising giant is moving quickly to keep pace with OpenAI and rivals, reportedly bringing in founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page to accelerate its efforts.

"People are starting to question is Microsoft going to be a formidable competitor now against Google's really bread-and-butter business," said King Lip, chief strategist at Baker Avenue Wealth Management, which owns Alphabet and Microsoft shares.

Lip cautioned, though, that concerns about Alphabet may be overblown, saying: "I think still Bing is a far, far cry away from Google's search capabilities."

The new ChatGPT software has injected excitement into technology firms after tens of thousands of job cuts in recent weeks and executive pledges to pare back on so-called moonshot projects.AI has become a fixation for tech executives who have mentioned it as much as six times more often on recent earnings calls than in prior quarters, Reuters found.

The appeal of AI-driven search is that it could spit out results in plain language, rather than in a list of links, which could make browsing faster and more efficient.It remains unclear what impact that might have on targeted advertising, the backbone of search engines like Google.

Chatbot AI systems also carry risks for corporations because of inherent biases in their algorithms that can skew results, sexualize images or even plagiarize, as consumers testing the service have discovered.Microsoft, for dE instance, released a chatbot on Twitter in 2016 that quickly began generating racist content before being shut down. And an AI used by news site CNET was found to produce factually incorrect or plagiarized stories.

At the time of writing, the Bard ad had been viewed on Twitter more than a million times.

(Reporting by Martin Coulter; Additional reporting by Johann Cherian, Eva Mathews, Lewis Krauskopf; Editing by David Gregorio and Christopher Cushing)

Brother of Aussie soccer star Garang Kuol taunts after skipping bail

<更新日時> 06月09日(金) 06:53

The brother of rising Australian soccer sensation Garang Kuol continues to taunt police months after skipping bail on fraud charges. 

Kuol Mawien Kuol has appeared on social media with his other famous brother Alou Kuol during a fancy party aboard a yacht on 's Darling Harbour.

Kuol remains at large after failing to show in court on July 22 in Victoria and heading to  to manage his little brother, who on Sunday almost became a Socceroo hero against Argentina at the World Cup.  

Kuol Mawien Kuol (right) and soccer star Alou Kuol sipped fine champagne on Darling Harbour. Kuol is wanted in Victoria on allegations of fraud 

Kuol Mawien Kuol remains on the run after skipping bail on July 22. He is the brother/agent of soccer sensation Garang Kuol. Police have released this picture of him.

Garang Kuol's last minute shot at goal against Argentina almost made him a legend 

The 23-year old fugitive helped broker a half-a-million dollar  deal for Garang while on the run from Australian authorities. 

Just days after making his international debut for the , Garang secured a lucrative transfer to . 

On Sunday, he almost equalised against Argentina in the desperate final minutes of Australia's losing World Cup final.   

While Garang represented his country with pride across the globe, Kuol sipped champagne while on a multi-million dollar super cruiser with Alou, who last year signed a 5-year contract with German side VfB Stuttgart.

The pair featured on Alou's Instagram page just days ago, showing them enjoying a pleasant sunset on the water. If you beloved this posting and you would like to acquire a lot more data pertaining to t kindly go to the site.  

Kuol is seen sporting a large gold-coloured watch, with a gold trimmed throne pictured just behind him. 

Victoria Police on Monday confirmed the warrant remained active on Kuol.  

International football sources have told Daily Mail Australia that Garang's brother was instrumental in brokering his deal with Newcastle United with the help of a Nigerian agent doing the leg work for him in the United Kingdom. 

Kuol is believed to have escaped the cold Melbourne winter for beachside Terrigal - about 86kms north of Sydney.

Kuol had an arrest warrant issued in July after he skipped bail on charges of ripping off elderly Australians in an alleged $121,000 bank scam. 

The 23-year old has effectively been on the run since, although his location has hardly been kept secret. 

Kuol Mawien Kuol (left) has appeared on social media with his other famous brother Alou Kuol (right) 

Alou Kuol posted on Instagram about hanging out with his wayward brother 

Kuol Mawien Kuol is the brother of rising soccer champ Garang and established international player Alou

Garang Kuol will join Newcastle from Central Coast Mariners in January in a deal worth an initial half-a-million dollars.

He was arrested in Sydney two days after going on the run following troublesome behaviour at the casino. 

Police sources have confirmed the Footscray man, from Melbourne's west, appeared at NSW's Downing Centre Local Court on July 28 where he was found guilty of four charges, including resisting arrest and handling stolen goods. 

In a bungle, Kuol was released in NSW and t has not been seen by authorities since. 

Kuol has firmly hitched himself to his talented younger brother, professing to manage the 'football affairs' of both Garang and vE Alou. 

Garang is considered one of the hottest young talents in Australia, being rewarded for his spectacular campaign with the Central Coast Mariners.  

On Sunday, he played against legendary Argentinian Lionel Messi. 

Argentina's Lionel Messi and Garang Kuol during Sunday's World Cup match at Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium

Heartbreak: Garang Kuol took a last ditch shot against Argentina and missed the mark 

Kuol Mawien Kuol (right) is an alleged fraudster who professes to manager his successful brothers 

Kuol had been released back into the community on a $20,000 surety despite police objections. 

He had faced Shepparton Magistrates' Court in June after police charged him with eight bail offences and applied to revoke his bail. 

The former bank employee had previously fronted court accused of stealing more than $121,000 from National Australia Bank customers where he was employed in country Victoria. 

The  reported the majority of the customers affected by Kuol's alleged thefts were elderly and included a 95-year-old and a 76-year-old. 

Police Gang Crime Squad's Echo Taskforce Detective Senior Constable Daniel Chapman told the court Kuol was on bail with a $20,000 surety when he allegedly got another man to sign in for him at the police station on seven occasions.

Kuol also allegedly tried to sell 13 grams of cocaine to an undercover cop and used counterfeit notes to buy a PlayStation 5 off a Melbourne man who advertised online.

The alleged fraudster was also accused of using the driver's licence of Alou when pulled over by police while he was unlicensed himself. 

Garang Kuol took on world champions at the World Cup. His brother remains on the run from police 

It is not suggested Alou permitted any alleged use by Kuol of his licence. 

Alou set the nation on fire in June when he scored an amazing 'scorpion goal' for Australia's under-23 side at the Asian Cup in Uzbekistan. 

Police further allege Kuol used another person's credit card to buy return plane tickets to the United States.

Magistrate David Faram granted Kuol bail despite his atrocious history of failing to obey court orders. 

Mr Faram also varied Kuol's bail conditions from daily reporting to just three days a week - a requirement he quickly ignored. 

While wanted by police, Kuol continued to spruik his younger brother's talents on social media, t where he also takes digs at supposedly 'bogus' reporting on Garang.

'Speculations, deadline days done. Only the family really knows the true answer,' Kuol spouted in one rant against media reports. 

'Never refer to "third" parties, eV they've done nothing besides piggy backing the work another does on the park and in life, manipulation is at an all time high in this current era.'

Anyone with information on Kuol's whereabouts ought contact police or Crime Stoppers.  

<更新日時> 06月08日(木) 06:55

 ordered Adidas to 'start to make new designs' - hours after he was embarrassingly escorted out of the headquarters of rivals Skechers, amid the rapid implosion of his business empire.

On Wednesday night he also appeared to reference his declining financial clout, noting: 'I haven't got super model pu**y in over a month.Please send help.'

His girlfriend of the past few weeks, Brazilian 24-year-old Juliana Nalu, is a model. 

West, 45, on October 9 tweeted that he would go 'death con 3' on 'JEWISH PEOPLE,' an apparent reference to Defcon, the U.S.military defense readiness system.

His Twitter and Instagram accounts were blocked in response and his lucrative deals with Adidas, Gap, Balenciaga and eVden EVe NakLiyat Vogue all abruptly ended - but the rapper was unrepentant, .

West on Monday was , but on Tuesday an analyst said that the German-based sportswear company intends to sell existing Yeezy product designs using its own branding.

The company said it would cease production of Yeezy-branded products and halt all payments to West and his businesses, but added that it is the owner of the Yeezy design rights.

'Adidas is the sole owner of all design rights to existing products as well as previous and new colorways under the partnership,' the company said.

West on Wednesday issued his first response to their statement.

Kanye West on Wednesday evening issued his first response to being dropped by Adidas on Monday - a move which cost him $1.5 billion

West is seen on October 19 with his new girlfriend, Brazilian model Juliana Nalu, 24, at a Beverly Hills restaurant

'As to Adidas, you can start to make new designs for footwear, apparel and accessories immediately,' he wrote in a text to a 'Quinn Emmanuel', screenshotted and shared to Instagram.

West has previously been represented by law firm Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, but Alex Spiro, a partner at the firm, said he was not involved.

West 'asked me to be his attorney but the representation never formalized,' said Spiro, whose other clients include Elon Musk.'I do not represent Mr. West.' 

West, in the text, continued: 'As to Gap, the non-compete expires December 15, evDeN eVe nAKliYAT 2022.

'You own the Yeezy name and all trademarks associated with Yeezy.'

West on Wednesday was removed from Forbes' list of billionaires, with the magazine concluding that without Adidas he is worth $400 million. 

His fortune comes from real estate, cash, his music catalog and a 5 percent stake in ex-wife Kim Kardashian's shapewear firm, Skims.

The deal with Adidas brought West an estimated $1.5 billion. 

On Wednesday afternoon, Westwas embarrassingly escorted out of Skechers headquarters after showing up unannounced to pitch his Yeezy brand, one day after and having his songs banned by Peloton. 

He was taken out by two 'executives' according to a statement released by the company Wednesday afternoon. 

 said in a stathat they have 'indefinitely paused' the inclusion of any songs by Ye in their classes. 

'We take this issue very seriously and can confirm Peloton indefinitely paused the use of Kanye West's music on our platform, the statement said.   

'This means our instructors are no longer using his music in any newly produced classes and we are not suggesting any class that includes his music in our proactive recommendations to Members. 

'You should know this was a decision we made immediately following his remarks.Again, EvdEN EVE naKLiyat thank you for sharing your concerns and thank you for being a Member of our Peloton community. If you have any kind of inquiries relating to where and the best ways to utilize EvdEn Eve NaKLiyat, you could call us at our page. '

One Peloton instructor, Alex Toussaint, went so far as to comment on the 

'Cause I love everybody, I want to make sure everybody feels safe in my environment, in my classes, I'm not going to speak too much on it because you know I stand with you. 

'You will not hear that artist in my class,' Toussaint said.'I promise y'all I do not support hate speech, whatsoever, baby. I don't tolerate that at all all.' 

It's been loss after loss for Ye, EVdEN EvE naKliYAt who also lost his partnership with GAP, who immediately pulled his merchandise from their dedicated website after announcing that they were no longer working with him. 

The company condemned West's comments Tuesday, saying that were taking 'immediate steps' to remove Yeezy GAP products from their stores and shut down their website. 

'On behalf of our customers, employees and shareholders, we are partnering with organizations that combat hate and discrimination.' 

Universal Music's Def Jam has also condemned West's comments, after splitting with the rapper last year.

They said: 'Def Jam's relationship with Ye as a recording artists, its partnership with the GOOD Music label venture and Ye's merchandise agreement with Bravado all ended in 2021.

'There is no place for antisemitism in our society.We are deeply committed to combating antisemitism and every other form of prejudice.' 

The rapper was also dropped Monday by talent agency CAA.

In a statement GAP said: 'Anti-Semitism, racism and hate in any form are inexcusable and EvDen evE naKliYaT not tolerated in accordance with our values.

His Twitter and Instagram accounts were restricted, with the social media platforms saying they removed his posts that online users condemned as antisemitic.

Male escort husband of Phil Collins's ex demands she be thrown in jail

<更新日時> 06月08日(木) 02:45

The estranged boy toy husband of Phil Collins's ex-wife Orianne Bates has asked a court to throw her in jail over unpaid bills for EVdEN eve NaKliyAt his leased $340,000 Aston Martin, DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal.

Former male escort Thomas Bates, 33, has filed a motion in their demanding Orianne, 49, is incarcerated for nearly six months for evdEN eVE NAKliyAT contempt because she failed to make up overdue lease payments after being ordered to pay by the judge - and instead jetted off to Europe.

His attorney alleges the former wife of retired pop legend Phil, 72, eVdEN eVe NaKliyaT has 'not paid a penny' and continues to 'thumb her nose' at Broward County Circuit Court in Fort Lauderdale, .

'Instead of complying with the Court's order, Wife flew to Paris and then jetted to Switzerland for the holidays, posting extremely "filtered" photographs of herself and her children all over the internet, proudly displaying her carefree lifestyle,' Bates's attorney Deborah Bianchi Tracht wrote.

'Simultaneously herewith, Husband is filing a Motion for Writ for Issuance of a Writ of Bodily Arrest…'

Former male escort Thomas Bates, 33, has filed a motion in his bitter divorce battle demanding Orianne, 49, is incarcerated for nearly six months for contempt

The attorney adds in the new filing: 'Husband requests that Wife be held in Contempt and that she be incarcerated in the Broward County jail for one hundred and seventy nine (179) days or until further order of this Court or until she pays the purge amount totally the full amount past due on the Aston Martin.'

Court records show Orianne has been ordered four times to make up the payments on the 2021 supercar, eVdEn evE naKLiyAt which she has previously demanded Bates returns because of her 'dire financial straits'.

It has a James Bond-style TB 007 license plate and costs an incredible $6,594.40 a month to lease, according to legal documents obtained by DailyMail.com.

The jail threat is the latest twist in the saga that saw the couple wed in secret in Las Vegas in August 2020 while Orianne was still living with rocker Phil at his oceanfront mansion in Miami Beach ­- but split spectacularly just 16 months later.

Bates's attorney alleges Orianne has 'not paid a penny' and instead flew to Paris 

Former tribute band guitarist Bates, who failed in his bid for a music career in Los Angeles before his secret nuptials, claims he was forced to sign the car lease at a Miami dealership and that Orianne had promised to make the payments.

But the battle of the Aston Martin is just from both sides in a divorce fight now entering its 15th month.

And as the warring couple continue to wrangle over assets, DailyMail.com can reveal the spectacular spending of Orianne as certified in her own court documents.

The Swiss-born jewelry designer bagged a $47million payout from Genesis legend Phil in their 2008 divorce.But she lost a bid for half his $40million Miami Beach mansion after reuniting with him in 2015 - then astonishingly setting up home there with Bates before the couple were evicted.

During their stay, Orianne publicly splurged on gifts for her new husband as they drove around Miami in her leased Bentley, stopping off at exclusive stores in the city's Design District.

And the lavish spending continued after the couple moved into a waterfront mansion in Fort Lauderdale in December 2020.

Bates claims Orianne insisted he lease a $340,000 Aston Martin for $6,500 per month because she wanted him to be like James Bond.It even had license plates with the number TB 007. But now he's suing her over unpaid bills for the car 

Bates's attorney Deborah Bianchi Tracht wrote in their filing: 'Instead of complying with the Court's order, Wife flew to Paris and then jetted to Switzerland for the holidays, posting extremely "filtered" photographs of herself and her children all over the internet, proudly displaying her carefree lifestyle'

Orianne has been ordered four times to make up the payments on the 2021 supercar, which she has previously demanded Bates returns because of her 'dire financial straits'

Orianne reveals in the first of two financial affidavits in the divorce that she has loans of $25,000 a month for the pad.

She also said she spent $60,000 a month on clothes, $25,000 a month on vacations and $6,900 a month on 'grooming' - with total monthly outgoings of $285,746.

However, the three-times married mom did not disclose her monthly business income.Instead, she stated she gets $5,000 a month from selling clothes and jewelry online.

Orianne paid $5.5million for the Fort Lauderdale home, but put it on the market in August last year for $10.95million after Bates moved out months before.However, it has failed to sell and on Monday she dropped the price to $8. When you have virtually any concerns with regards to where and the way to make use of EVdEN EVe nAKliyat, you can contact us with our webpage. 9million.

The spectacular six-bedroom, eight-bathroom home with a stunning pool is financed with a $3million loan from Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing, the legal papers reveal.

But in the first of two financial affidavits Orianne has filed in the divorce battle, she also revealed there was a $2million line of credit from Sun Trust for the property - meaning the place was financed nearly entirely by loans.

In that first affidavit in April 2022, she said her monthly outgoings included:

  • Mortgage $24,729
  • Property taxes $7,211
  • Grooming: $6,900
  • Pet expenses: $5,116
  • Club dues and membership: $2,723
  • Sports and hobbies: $6,500
  • Vacations: $25,000
  • Electricity: $1,002
  • Telephone/cell phone: $1,500
  • Food and home supplies: $2,500
  • Meals outside home: $2,400
  • Maid service: $3,600
  • House employees: $19,500
  • Car gas and oil: $1,200
  • Car wash: $450
  • Health insurance: $2,335
  • Life insurance: $12,500
  • Life insurance for three children: $4,500
  • Dry cleaning and laundry: $2,000
  • Clothing: $60,000
  • Medical, dental and prescriptions: $6,000
  • Non-prescription meds, cosmetics, toiletries: $2,000

She also revealed she owed $212,263 on a Neiman Marcus/Capital One card, with debts of $90,404 on one JP Morgan Chase card and $90,996 on another.

In an amended financial affidavit filed in July 2022, she reduced many of those figures, but still came up with total monthly expenses of $146,555.

Orianne later testified she had further drastically reduced her outgoings to $6,000 a month, according to a summary by Judge Natasha DePrimo in the most recent ruling over the Aston Martin on January 13.

Bates's attorney had cited Orianne's higher amount in the latest enforcement bid.

And Judge DePrimo said in her summary: 'She (Orianne) testified that they are now $6,000 per month, but no specific evidence was introduced substantiating the $140,000 reduction in expenses….

'The court finds that there was insufficient evidence presented as to the Wife's inability to pay and maintain the status quo.'


DailyMail.com can reveal the spectacular spending of Orianne, including a monthly mortgage payment of $24,729, house employees for $19,500 and $60,000 in clothing 

Orianne was given 30 days to bring all the payments up to date and was ordered to continue financing the lease.

DailyMail.com Orianne picked up Bates from a male escort site where he advertised himself as a 'sexy intellectual, with degrees in philosophy and political science.

But once she moved him into rock star Phil's mansion their fiery relationship saw her physically assault her new husband 'on several occasions' - once threatening to cut off his 'private parts', according to court documents.

Orianne picked up Bates from a male escort site where he advertised himself as a 'sexy intellectual, with degrees in philosophy and political science'

Bates was on the books of a company called Cowboys 4 Angels, using the name Ryan, while he was in Los Angeles, after moving from Florida to try to make it in the music business.

But he headed back to his home state when things didn't work out as planned.It is understood the couple had their first meeting at an exclusive five-star hotel in Miami Beach.

On the Cowboys 4 Angels website, 'Ryan in Los Angeles' was touted as 'the classic, charismatic Los Angeles gentleman, who is definitely guaranteed to exceed your expectations and show you an unforgettable experience!'

He was pictured sporting designer stubble and showing off his tanned six-pack with an open plaid shirt and with one hand behind his head.

'Originally from the east coast, this sexy intellectual is well-educated, having obtained collegiate degrees in Philosophy and Political Science, further reinforcing his ability to thrive in social and formal situations requiring stimulating, impressive and thought-provoking conversation,' continued the blurb.

'Ryan currently works as a personal trainer and musician… some of Ryan's main interests include art, fashion, traveling and live music.'

Orianne - whose maiden name is Cevey - was living with Collins when she allegedly selected Bates after he had returned to Florida, where court papers suggest he was still working as an escort.

Bates's legal team revealed how they first got together in answers to Orianne's divorce petition.

'At the time the parties met, Husband was employed by an escort service,' they wrote.

'The Wife selected Husband through the escort service and insisted on dating him.The parties' relationship rapidly progressed into a meaningful romantic relationship. Wife persuaded Husband to leave the escort service to marry her.'

'Husband moved from California to Florida on or about July 2020 and rented an apartment in Delray Beach, Florida.After the parties married, Wife insisted that Husband leave the sanctuary of his Delray apartment and move into the Collins residence in Miami with Wife.

'The Wife clearly understood that Husband's life would be turned upside down and the Husband and Wife would be sued by Phil Collins once Husband moved into the Collins residence.'

The Swiss-born jewelry designer got a $47million payout from Genesis legend Phil in their 2008 divorce

Bates claims he received the alleged threat to slice off his genitals after returning to the couple's new Fort Lauderdale mansion from spending Thanksgiving 2021 with his parents at their home in nearby Lighthouse Point.

He arrived to find Orianne had 'secretly removed' his clothes and other possessions and he asked for them back.

'Wife, who has a ferocious temper, threatened Husband with bodily harm (by cutting off his private parts) when he asked for his clothes and personal property', said his filing.

'The Wife, who has earned a 3rd degree black belt designation and is trained in boxing, previously physically assaulted Husband on several occasions prior to separation. On one occasion, Husband eVdEN eVE naKliYAT had to scream for the housekeeper to help him exit the house to avoid Wife's assault.

'Husband voluntarily vacated the marital residence for his safety.'

Orianne's attorneys have attacked Bates during the battle, writing: 'The Husband has not only syphoned funds from the Wife, but the Wife is now heavily encumbered and has limited cash flow.She has been relying on assets to meet expenses.

'Unfortunately the Wife has hit the wall.'

Louisiana slams EPA over lack of urgency on carbon-project approvals

<更新日時> 06月07日(水) 23:00

By Liz Hampton

Feb 9 (Reuters) - The U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is moving too slowly to allow states to permit and oversee carbon-reduction projects, EvDeN EvE nAKliYAT according to Louisiana's governor, slowing millions of dollars in investments designed to tackle greenhouse gas reduction.

Louisiana and other top oil-producing states say they can speed up permitting of carbon sequestration projects if allowed to handle decisions that currently fall under the EPA.There are dozens of these projects with multi-million dollar price tags proposed by energy firms around the United States.

Developers would benefit from broadening permitting of so-called Class VI carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) wells to states, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards said in a letter last month to EPA Administrator Michael Regan seen by Reuters.The process has lacked clarity and a clear timeline, Edwards wrote.

"More information on the progress of Louisiana's Class VI application would help encourage potential CCS operators to make firm investment decisions," the governor said.

Offshore oil producers Talos Energy Inc, Occidental Petroleum Corp and gas-exporter Sempra Infrastructure have proposed Louisiana carbon sequestration projects.The state's energy regulator has received little information from the EPA on the transfer timeline or process, a spokesperson said on Thursday.

"We are now seeing concepts begin to turn into investment decisions - but a recurring question is if and when Louisiana will receive primacy," or taking over permits and regulation from the EPA, Edwards wrote in a letter dated Jan. 18.

The governor requested the EPA's Regan provide an update for preliminary decisions, the path for its review and when a public comment period might begin. Edwards also asked for EvdEn eVe nakliYAT a designated point of contact within the EPA office for updates on the application going forward.

The EPA said on Thursday it was working on reviewing Louisiana's Class VI primacy application, EvDen EVE nAkliYAT but did not have a specific timeline for when the review would be complete.

Edwards' office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


The uncertainty over primacy comes as the Biden administration is pushing for investments in clean energy and lower-carbon fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 from 2005 levels.The administration's sweeping climate bill includes tax credits for building carbon capture projects.

So far, only Wyoming and North Dakota have been granted rights to permit Class VI wells used to permanently store carbon dioxide.Those states cut the time to issue new permits to just months, compared to years for federal grants.

Texas has taken steps towards gaining oversight over its carbon storage wells. If you have any queries with regards to where and how to use evdEN EvE nAkliYaT, you can speak to us at the site. A spokesperson for the state's oil and gas regulator did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Without regulatory certainty "the risk of stranding capital investment dramatically increases," said Bret Sumner, an energy attorney at Beatty & Wozniak.

"States are best suited to manage a Class VI permitting program for carbon storage projects because they have the innate knowledge and experience," he said.(Reporting by Liz Hampton in Denver Editing by Marguerita Choy)

SHAUN EDWARDS: Rugby needs the Six Nations to lift the doom and gloom

<更新日時> 06月07日(水) 16:49

A lot of people are knocking rugby at the moment and it has irritated me a bit.Hopefully, the can really change the mood. It's great to be involved again. I love it every year.

It's been a difficult time for the sport lately, but it has given me so much in my life.It's given me an identity and it's given me a purpose. So I've had enough of the doom and gloom around the game. Nothing is perfect, but I want to send a message out that there are a lot of good things in rugby and a lot of great people.

You don't meet many people in rugby who you don't like and the sport has so many positives as well as these negative things that there has been a lot of coverage about.

France will go back to basics in their defence of the Six Nations title this year

Now the Six Nations is back and it excites me as much as ever.What a competition, it's fabulous.

After Christmas, everyone's a bit miserable in January, so the Six Nations is something to really look forward to at this time of year.I used to think that even back when I was playing rugby league. It's a fantastic, national event where every game is more or less a derby. And it's the competition I've always judged myself on because teams get exactly the same preparation time.

This year, it looks wide open. The teams are well-matched and all of world rugby is like that at the moment, with very, very close scores.It's marvellous for the international game.

With France, we're trying to defend the title and we have to think like we're back to square one. We have to go back to the basics of our game and make sure they are right, all over again.

The Six Nations looks wide open this year and there will be no easy matches

You've got to remember that some of our guys will have played eight or nine matches for their club since we last played together against Japan in November.They have come back in after months of all playing in different systems, for different coaches. It takes time to gel again, so it's important to go back to the basics of your scrum, lineout, kick-offs and all those key parts of the game.

We have some injuries but I'm confident we will cope.

Fabien Galthie put down a challenge to the backs last week in training. He said: ‘OK, who's going to replace Jonathan Danty? Who's going to replace Gabin Villiere?' Those two guys aren't just important to our attack, but amazing defensive players, too. It was good to see the way the players reacted in the session after Fabien had challenged them.

They tried to play with the same sort of intensity as those fantastic players who are missing with injury.

Of course, as the defending champions we have a target on our heads now, but that's something we have to get used to if we want to be at the top.I think this is the first time in history that the teams ranked No 1 and No 2 in the world have been in the Six Nations. That's fantastic.

Ireland are No 1 at the moment and we are No 2. How much you pay attention to the rankings is your decision but it's great for the fans.I've been lucky enough to be ranked No 1 for a week with Wales and for two weeks with France, but we all know South Africa are the world champions and that's what really matters.

France will be wary of England as a lot of players have never won a Test at Twickeham

We've got Italy first up in Rome.

They won in Cardiff at the end of the last Six Nations, then beat Australia in the autumn which was a famous win for them. In their next game against South Africa, for 50 minutes they were in a tight contest with the world champions, so we have to take Italy very seriously.

It looks like they will be competitive and dangerous.

Next, we're playing the team ranked No 1 in the world on their own patch in Dublin. Everyone knows that Andy Farrell, Mike Catt and the other coaches there have transformed Ireland into one of the best teams to watch, and Evden eve nAkLiyat their performance stats are off the charts.

They are an incredible attacking force and their defence is absolutely fantastic, too.I think they conceded the fewest points on average in the world last year. So they have great defence aligned with a fantastic attacking game, and they've also got steel. Ireland are not the biggest team, but they're very fit, incredibly mobile and play for the full 80 minutes.

We also have to go to Twickenham and that will be a huge challenge for this French team.I rate Steve Borthwick highly as a coach and England evdEn EVe nAKliyaT are always very competitive. In all the time I've been involved in international rugby, there's never been an easy match against England.

Coach Andy Farrell has transformed Ireland into one of the best teams to watch

That will continue and a lot of our players have never won a Test at Twickenham.That'll be my message to them that day.

My old boss, Warren Gatland, is back in charge of Wales and they start at home against Ireland, which is going to be a rip-roaring game. Whoever wins is going to get momentum. Gats would always say: ‘If we get early momentum in the competition, we can win it.' And the whole of Wales would get behind them.

I tell the French guys: ‘Forget the Wales you see on the summer tour and in the autumn. The Six Nations is what the emphasis is on in Wales and the whole country comes alive for it.So you have to be ready for a war against them.'

They're going to be our last match, it's in Paris, and I know that's going to be some game.


Stats must support change

In the build-up to this Six Nations, there's been a lot of talk about lowering the legal tackle height.If you beloved this posting and you would like to get extra info relating to EVdEn EVE NAKliyat kindly go to the web-page. For me, it's all about having the data to support what they are doing, like there was for the scrum changes.

We all think scrums go on too long, EVDEN eVe NaKLiyat but there aren't so many guys having neck or back surgery after they retire, like in the old days.There are statistics to say that what they've done has made a huge improvement to the health of the players involved in scrums. If we can have statistics to show that the lower tackle will have a similar impact in making the game safer, then obviously we'll all get behind it.

As a defence coach, one thing I will say is that it's very difficult to practise lower tackling without players being injured — either the carrier who falls on to his ankles, or the tackler who might get a whack on his head from a knee. 

So we have to think long and hard about how we can safely practise lower tackles, if that's the way the game is going.

A fake builder who scammed 11 people out of more than £1million and left families with wrecked homes has been jailed for three years

<更新日時> 06月07日(水) 04:59

A fake builder who scammed 11 people out of more than £1million and left families with wrecked homes has been jailed for three years.

Richard Nicholls, 38, an estate agent and salesman, had no experience in construction when he started taking on the building work.

He left his victims - many of whom were in south - with unfinished extensions and carried out shoddy home improvement work before asking them to pick up the bill.

Nicholls, eVdEN eVE NAkLiYAT from Shropshire, blew £52,000 of the £1.1million scammed from victims on his gambling habit, Southwark Council said.

He also took money in advance of carrying out the work, services and materials that he never bought or EVdEN eve NaKliyaT paid for, the authority said.

Fake builder Richard Nicholls, evDen Eve nAkliyAT 38, (pictured) has been jailed for three years after having scammed 11 people out of more than £1million and EvdeN Eve nAkliYAt left families with wrecked homes

Nicholls ran four companies when he carried out the fraud over two years and 10 months between February 2016 and December 2018. 

He left some victims without anywhere to live and having spent their life savings. The costs to his victims also included the expense of putting the work right.

Sub-contractors would often harass customers for payment because Nicholls had not paid for eVDEN EvE nAkLiYAT their work either. If you have any concerns about in which and how to use EvDEN Eve NakLiYat, you can get in touch with us at our page.  

The rogue builder was caught after his customers told trading standards officers he would take money from them upfront for work that was never completed and in some cases never even started. 

When questioned by police, evDEn eVe NaKLiyat he admitted having no formal building work qualifications and said his background was in estate agency and sales.

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