Thirty prisoners, evdEN evE nAKLiyaT including the leader of a feared cartel's assassin squad serving a 224-year sentence, are still on the run after a deadly New Year's Day prison break near the US border.
Security forces continue to search the region surrounding Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, for those who escaped in an attack that left 19 people dead.
Los Mexicles leader Ernesto ‘El Neto' Piñón escaped the Cereso No.3 state prison on Sunday after members of the notorious street gang stormed into the penitentiary located just 16 miles from El Paso, , and helped him escape.
Authorities initially reported that César Vega, EvDEn evE naKliYAt the criminal group's second-in-command, had also escaped before later announcing he is among the seven inmates who were killed.
At least 200 members of the gang have since been moved from the prison. The brazen assault left ten prison guards and two attackers dead. If you adored this article and you would like to collect more info with regards to EvdEn Eve nAkliyaT i implore you to visit the page.
Security forces stand guard at the Cereso No.3 state prison in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, on Sunday. An attack launched by the Los Mexicles street gang freed jailed leader Ernesto 'El Neto' Piñón and 29 other inmates. Authorities said 19 people were killed
Los Mexicles leader Ernesto 'El Neto Piñón is missing after he escaped from a prison in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, on Sunday morning during an armed attack that left 19 people dead.Piñón was sentenced to 224 years in 2010 after he was found guilty of kidnapping and murder charges
Authorities arrested five members of Los Mexicles following a high-speed chase and seized a cache of rifles and ammunition.
The United States Consulate in Ciudad Juárez advised US citizens in the border town to shelter in place after reports of gunfire Monday night.
A Monday afternoon gun battle at a housing complex left seven people dead, including two cops, while security forces hunted down the fleeing inmates.No arrests were reported.
The Cereso No. 3 prison director, Alejandro Téllez, was fired and placed under investigation Tuesday, the Chihuahua State Attorney General's Office said in a statement.
At least 200 Los Mexicles jailed members were loaded onto buses in the early hours Tuesday and transported to Abraham González International Airport, where they boarded two National Guard flights to other federal jails.
Mexico's Secretary for Security and Citizen Protection, Rosa Rodríguez, had announced Monday that plans were underway to transfer high-risk inmates from the Cereso No.3 state prison to other penitentiaries in the country to prevent further attacks.
César Vega (pictured in September 2015), the Los Mexicles second-in-command, was killed at the Cereso No.3 state prison after gang members launched an attack
Ciudad Juárez authorities arrested five members of the Los Mexicles gang following a high-speed pursuit. All five suspects were arrested on attempted murder, illegal firearm possession and criminal organization association charges
Inmates are rounded up outside the Cereso No.3 state prison in Ciudad Juárez following the New Year's Day deadly attack that left 19 people dead
The Cereso No. 3 state prison was overpopulated by 123% at the time of the attack, eVDEN eVe NakliyAt National Commission of Human Rights director, Nestor Armendáriz, told Radio Formula.
The agency's 2021 National Diagnosis of Penitentiary Supervision found that the prison was severely affected by overcrowding, lack of personnel and that not enough programs were being offered to prevent addiction and voluntary detoxification.
Saskia Niño del Rivera, cofounder of Reinserta, a non-profit that works with reintegrating and readapting convicts into society, called on the Mexican government to shut down the detention facility.
'That prison has to be closed, it does not have the infrastructure to function, it does not have the elements, enough trained guards,' Niño de Rivera told El Universal newspaper.
The activist pinned the prison's unsavory conditions on the reality of the high presence of convicts who are members of the Los Jaliscos, Los Artistas Asesinos, Los Golfos and Los Mexicles street gangs.
'It is a very complicated prison because of the way in which it has been divided by dormitories, and the complexity of closing them so that the same gangs do not clash internally is extremely complex,' she said.
Ciudad Juárez police confiscated gear, Evden evE NAkLiyAT ammunition and rifles from five Los Mexicles gang members arrested during a high-speed chase
Inmates are rounded up and sat together outside the Cereso No.3 state prison in the northern Mexico border town of Ciudad Juárez moments after security forces regained control of the penitentiary Sunday
Niño del Rivera added that Cereso No. 3 state prison officials were simply overwhelmed because they were dealing 'with inmates who have levels of crime and crime leadership capacity much higher than what a state has to control.'
The prisoners' free reign allowed them to set up 10 jail cells that were equipped with electronic goods, such as televisions, and one of them had its own jacuzzi, according to Defense Minister Luis Cresencio.
Investigators searching Piñón's cell found 10 firearms, 20 kilos of drugs, liquor and a safe deposit box with $87,000.
Chihuahua State Attorney General Roberto Fierro vowed to restore the prison's security system within three months while adding that they would seek to prosecute any official or guard involved in the attack that allowed Piñón and the other 29 inmates to escape.
'Who did see it and who was allowing these actions, those are the ones who are going to bear the punishment because this should not have happened,' Fierro said.'A series of corruption was discovered inside the prison; it must be said as it is.'
Piñón took the Los Mexicles top leadership spot after Jesús 'El Lalo' Soto was transferred out of the Cereso No. 3 state prison in February 2020.
He joined the gang as an 18-year-old in 2007 and was involved in numerous criminal incidents, including kidnappings, in Ciudad Juárez, where the faction acted as the main enforcer for Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán's old Sinaloa Cartel.
Los Mexicles leader Ernesto Piñón is among 30 prisoners who escaped from a jail in Mexico
Guns and bullets are seen in front of the Cereso No.3 state prison that were recovered by the security forces Sunday after the Los Mexicles street gang launched an attack and freed their leader, Ernesto 'El Neto' Piñón
Piñón was found guilty of kidnapping and murder in 2010 and sentenced to 224 years in prison.
Authorities say he was also involved in ordering a wave of assaults throughout Ciudad Juárez on August 11 that left 11 people dead, 20 injured and multiple vehicles and business torched.
At the same time, he organized a riot at the prison in an attempt to flee, but security forces were able to regain control.
The citywide assaults were part of a rift reportedly sparked by Los Mexicles' fallout with the Sinaloa Cartel faction that is overseen by Los Chapitos - El Chapo's children - as the gang formed new alliance with Los Aztecas, the armed wing of the Juárez Cartel.
Los Mexicles had also joined forces with the Caborca Cartel, the criminal organization founded by infamous jailed drug lord, Rafael Caro Quintero, who is awaiting extradition to the United States, where he is accused of the 1986 kidnapping and murder of Drug Enforcement Administration agent Kiki Camarena.
The Caborca Cartel is also at odds with Los Chapitos.
Vega served as Piñón's main confidant at the prison, where they both shared a cell.
He was deported to Mexico in September 2015, almost four years after he was arrested at an El Paso, Texas, fried chicken restaurant.
Vega was detained December 27, 2011 at Church's Chicken where he was employed as a cook a year after he fled from Mexican authorities after the ambush of the prison van he was being transported in, according to U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
He and seven other Los Mexicles gang members abducted Natividad Torres at his Ciudad Juárez home on September 15, 2009.
The kidnappers sought a return of $47,000 in exchange for Torres' release but ended up settling for just $700, a television and a 2008 Toyota.Torres was shot four times on September 15 and released the following day.
He died October 21 as a result of the gunshot wound and Vega and four other kidnappers were arrested the next month.
Vega was sentenced to 42 years for kidnapping and murder.
By Liz Hampton
Feb 9 (Reuters) - The U.S.In case you adored this short article and you would like to be given more info with regards to EVdEn Eve nAKLiYaT i implore you to visit our own web site. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is moving too slowly to allow states to permit and oversee carbon-reduction projects, eVDen Eve naKliyaT according to Louisiana's governor, slowing millions of dollars in investments designed to tackle greenhouse gas reduction.
Louisiana and other top oil-producing states say they can speed up permitting of carbon sequestration projects if allowed to handle decisions that currently fall under the EPA.There are dozens of these projects with multi-million dollar price tags proposed by energy firms around the United States.
Developers would benefit from broadening permitting of so-called Class VI carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) wells to states, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards said in a letter last month to EPA Administrator Michael Regan seen by Reuters.The process has lacked clarity and a clear timeline, eVdEn eVE NAkliYAt Edwards wrote.
"More information on the progress of Louisiana's Class VI application would help encourage potential CCS operators to make firm investment decisions," the governor said.
Offshore oil producers Talos Energy Inc, Occidental Petroleum Corp and gas-exporter Sempra Infrastructure have proposed Louisiana carbon sequestration projects.The state's energy regulator has received little information from the EPA on the transfer timeline or process, a spokesperson said on Thursday.
"We are now seeing concepts begin to turn into investment decisions - but a recurring question is if and when Louisiana will receive primacy," or taking over permits and regulation from the EPA, eVDen eve nAKLiYat Edwards wrote in a letter dated Jan. 18.
The governor requested the EPA's Regan provide an update for preliminary decisions, the path for EVDeN EvE nAkliyaT its review and when a public comment period might begin. Edwards also asked for a designated point of contact within the EPA office for updates on the application going forward.
The EPA said on Thursday it was working on reviewing Louisiana's Class VI primacy application, but did not have a specific timeline for when the review would be complete.
Edwards' office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The uncertainty over primacy comes as the Biden administration is pushing for investments in clean energy and lower-carbon fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 from 2005 levels.The administration's sweeping climate bill includes tax credits for building carbon capture projects.
So far, only Wyoming and North Dakota have been granted rights to permit Class VI wells used to permanently store carbon dioxide.Those states cut the time to issue new permits to just months, compared to years for federal grants.
Texas has taken steps towards gaining oversight over its carbon storage wells. A spokesperson for the state's oil and gas regulator did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Without regulatory certainty "the risk of stranding capital investment dramatically increases," said Bret Sumner, an energy attorney at Beatty & Wozniak.
"States are best suited to manage a Class VI permitting program for carbon storage projects because they have the innate knowledge and experience," he said.(Reporting by Liz Hampton in Denver Editing by Marguerita Choy)
has reportedly been offered exciting new on-screen opportunities by amid claims she was left 'furious over a string of embarrassing errors' on Good Morning Britain.
An insider told that bosses are hoping to secure her long-term future on the show after they feared she would quit.
The source said: ' has some phenomenal programming ideas built around Susanna for later this year, all ones to which she has typically very proactively contributed to and helped build and inspire, so why would she walk away from them?'
Details surrounding the filming are not yet known but a number of programme ideas are said to be in the works.
MailOnline has reached out to Good Morning Britain for comment.
Career: Susanna Reid has reportedly been offered exciting new on-screen opportunities by ITV amid claims she was left 'furious over a string of embarrassing errors' on Good Morning Britain
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Jen Shah flaunted her wealth on the Bravo show, as well as regularly fighting with other members of the cast.She brazenly accused Meredith Marks of being 'fraudulent' during a relationship healing dinner gone awry
Shah shamelessly flaunted her wealth on the Bravo show, gifting her costars diamond necklaces and hosting lavish parties in their honor.
She was never without a designer outfit or handbag, and boasted about the size of her walk-in closets.Shah has been on the Salt Lake City franchise of the show since its premiere.
Her storyline originally centered around her converting to Islam for her football-coach husband, and facing racism in the largely white, Mormon community in Utah.
Her extreme spending and extreme fighting with castmates quickly became focal points of the popular reality show, but they were quickly overshadowed by her legal woes.
Shah was dramatically arrested during filming in March 2021 along with assistant Stuart Smith on suspicion of the federal offenses.
Her arrest was caught on camera by Bravo, with the star begging them to 'turn off' the cameras after she suddenly abandoned filming - claiming there was an emergency with her husband Sharrieff Shah.
Sharrieff, a special teams coordinator for the University of Utah's football team, received a call from Homeland Security informing him that they were looking for his wife.
Dramatic footage shows Shah leaving filming as the cast were about to leave on a trip to Colorado, with officers caught on camera asking for her whereabouts before she was arrested.
Her storyline originally centered around her converting to Islam for her football-coach husband, who admitted his 'heart stopped' when he realized that his wife had been arrested
Smith pleaded guilty in November last year and had agreed to cooperate with federal prosecutors in their case against his old boss - a factor which likely contributed to her switching her plea.
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